Ancient Knowledge of Healing “It is time to discard old formulae and turn to the path of universal law.” People are accustomed to cruder manifestations. They expect defining thunder and... read more →
The origin of the 7 hermetic principles Their traces are lost in the mist of the past centuries. There are no clear roots about their origin, as the complete creation... read more →
The Hearty Way to Heal "Sickness rises from sin", says the scripture. By sin, one must understand the imperfections of the past and the present. Therefore, sickness is the result... read more →
Commandment 8: Worship The Lord With Joy Worshiping is an act of relating oneself with God. All worships in so far as they are ardent, reach the God centre in... read more →
Ancient Knowledge of Healing “It is time to discard old formulae and turn to the path of universal law”. People are accustomed to cruder manifestations. They expect defining thunder and... read more →
Commandment 7: Love of God Love for God is the true impetus. The intense craving to know God and to love God is the best means to realise the self... read more →
Helping Hints for Healers A diver must not dive if fatigued. He dooms if he does so. A healer should not jump into a human refuse – ‘the field of... read more →
Commandment 6: Serve the Yogis Yogi means ‘the one in whom is at-one-ment’. It means the individual soul that is in eternal union with the Universal Soul. A yogi lives... read more →
Occult healing has a wider scope than what is generally understood. It is not limited to a healer and his patient. Healing can be brought about indirectly in a larger... read more →
Commandment 5: Function as a Soul, not as a Personality This indeed is the best of the practices in daily life. This is a challenging instruction. It is the best... read more →