The holistic aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong which were taught to him by his grandparents... read more →
The herniated disc (2) Exercise: Recognize and reprogram unhealthy actions! You know the saying: Danger recognized, danger averted! When you realize you're doing something you don't want to do or... read more →
The Causes of Sickness in the View of TCM Still Qi Gong as a Way to Health The fact that sickness is part of human existence cannot be denied. Nevertheless... read more →
The 5 Elements and the Path of Accomplishment According to Zhi Chang Li Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong, which was already... read more →
An overview, based upon the teachings of Zhi Chang Li Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong which were taught to him by... read more →
The goji berry (Lycium barbarum) is also called buckthorn fruit, wolfberry or happy berry. The home of the goji berry is in China and Mongolia. It has been an integral... read more →
Infertility, abnormal oestrous cycle, severe pain before and during menstruation. More and more women are affected. Some women spend their entire menstruation in the bathtub, others try to reduce the... read more →
Menopausal symptoms In ancient times, Chinese medicine described the symptoms that women often have during the hormonal change in the menopausal phase. Even if there was no knowledge of the... read more →
Introduction (G. A. Ulmer) Tibetan monks, who lived as hermits in the mountains of Tibet and were cut off from any medical supplies, developed based on their ancient medical knowledge... read more →