The process of daily sleep and the process of dying are identical with one difference. In sleep the magnetic thread or the current of life force is preserved intact and... read more →
Commandment 12: Learn to Be Alone! Eleventh instruction is: Learn to be alone as far as possible. To be alone is different from being lonely. To be alone is to... read more →
Association with the form (body) is through the respiratory and pulsating activity. This activity conducts life into us with the support of our awareness. One can notice that in any... read more →
Commandment 11: Atman Be The Presiding Angel Atman means the soul, the self. If Atman presides, the life activity is at its optimum. Atman is the king. Each one of... read more →
Death is one of our most practiced activities though not well recognized. “We have died many times and shall die again and again” – says the Tibetan Master. Death is... read more →
Healing For psychical imbalances, sound and colour therapies are emerging in the new age. But these therapies are age-old. The colours influence the mood, restore calmness and tranquilize the nervous... read more →
The Principle of Vibration and the Principle of the Planes of Correspondence The Third Hermetic Principle of Vibration Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates – Kybalion What has been evident... read more →
Introduction Death is the subject of current times. The mystery of death is ever engaging the mystics, the occultists and the scientists alike. That there is no death is what... read more →
Commandment 10: The Fire of Knowledge Purifies The tenth teaching is working with knowledge. Knowledge is of two kinds: speculative knowledge and operative knowledge. The two constitute the two wings... read more →
Commandment 9: The Will to be with the Lord Will is the best of the tools to Be, to be with the Lord. Where there is will, there is a... read more →