Mistletoe is a miraculous plant which only becomes really visible in the months of winter when the trees have lost their leaves. Mistletoe grows in a spherical form in the... read more →
Nowadays, due to the agricultural practices and many other relevant factors, we have a deficit of some essential nutrients required to enjoy a good health. These nutrients are principally, Magnesium,... read more →
The herniated disc (2) Exercise: Recognize and reprogram unhealthy actions! You know the saying: Danger recognized, danger averted! When you realize you're doing something you don't want to do or... read more →
The slipped disc and spinal gymnastics Exercise: Linking movements with good energies Choose an activity that you do often. This can be your work or "sweeping the famous street" for... read more →
The German names for the tropical tree Moringa oleifera are horseradish tree or miracle tree. In India it is known as the tree of life and was already used in... read more →
Salvestrols (from Latin "salvere" = "to save") are substances that are found in fruits, vegetables and herbs. After analysing various foods, a team of researchers found an enzyme that is... read more →
The herniated disc Herniated discs are incidents in the mind! According to classical medicine, herniated discs are usually the result of incorrect strain on the spine due to curvature and... read more →
Introduction The chakra flowers make themselves known At a certain point in time, every human being comes to a crossroads where he/she is allowed to embark on the path he/she... read more →
A new and holistic spinal gymnastics! Exercise: Releasing negative basic programmes Check your current life situation and difficulties for such negative basic programmes and decide that you don't need them... read more →
New and holistic spinal exercises The human being consists of both the visible and invisible. The human body consists not only of bones, joints, muscles and organs, the human being... read more →