Fever Cramps The following are most important remedies for fever cramps except Belladonna, as it was already described under flu remedies. The therapy of fever cramps should not tempt the... read more →
Influenza or Real Flu View on different forms of influenza In homeopathy it does not matter whether it is a real influenza or a mild cold. It is not the... read more →
Sore Throat Aconitum Symptoms Severe sore throat within a short time caused through a cold Children are more prone to it Mostly with fever, thirst and dry heat Deep red,... read more →
Coughing Remedies regardless of weather conditions Drosera (Dros.) - Sundew, Lachesis (Lach.) – Bushmaster viper, Lycopodium (Lyc.) – club moss, Phosphorus (Phos.), Pulsatilla (Puls.) – pasque flower, Sepia (Sep.) -... read more →
Coughing Remedies for dry, cold weather conditions Aconitum (Acon.), Belladonna (Bell.), Bryonia (Bry.), Causticum (Caust.), Hepar sulfuris (Hep-s.), Nux vomica (Nux-v.), Rumex (Rumx.), Spongia (Spong.) Aconitum napellus Triggering factors Severe... read more →
Rhinitis Tuberculinum Triggering factors Change of weather or climate from warm to cold-humid or cold to warm Long wet weather phases Symptoms Very changeable Runny nose with a lot... read more →
Rhinitis Remedies in cold and humid weather: Dulcamara (Dulc.), bittersweet nightshade plant Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.), Poison oak Dulcamara Triggering factors Cold humid weather, such as snow, sea air, rain... read more →
Rhinitis After the cold has started, the symptoms must be clear before we can determine with certainty the appropriate remedy. This process can go over a period from a few... read more →
Nutrition A targeted diet can protect you from colds and flu. But in practice, it usually looks quite different. The personality structure of the person predisposed to colds and flu... read more →
Prophylaxis Influenza vaccine increases the risk of infection The fear of serious diseases is human and understandable. Many professionals believe that they cannot afford to get the real flu, also... read more →