In remembrance of Paracelsus, the great healer, alchemist and initiate and his work, an international group of doctors, non-medical practitioners, therapists and interested parties has come together.
Volunteering, this working group uses their skills and personal commitment to promote the new and old knowledge of medicine and healing from all over the world in the Paracelsus magazine “Health & Healing”.
Sabine Anliker, Switzerland
Executive Coordinator
Doris Tuminski, Germany
Sabine Anliker, Switzerland
Doris Tuminski, Germany
Dr. med. Josep Parés, Spain
Dr. med. Martin Picha, Austria
Interested in Contributing Towards the Magazine?
The Paracelsus Magazine – Health & Healing wants to offer physicians and alternative practitioners to publish their approaches to health and healing. We invite you to send us articles by e-mail. The editors will decide about a publication. Please, support the production. If you have pleasure in the making, in translating, in marketing or financing of the magazine, then please contact us. We are looking forward to your cooperation and to your ideas!