Homoeopathic remedies for school problems 6. Homoeopathic remedies for overworked parents Some children with learning difficulties are a real challenge for their parents; for example, a Barium carbonicum child... read more →
Homoeopathic remedies for school problems Lachesis (Bushmaster) Depressive through conventions and patronization For both sexes this is one of the most important causes for depressions during puberty. The Lachesis... read more →
Homoeopathic remedies for school problems 3. Homework When doing homework you often hear: It is not good to do it right after strenuous school hours. One should eat first,... read more →
Homeopathic aids for school problems 2. Concentration Difficulties Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron Phosphate) To learn by heart is not his forte Latin and other subjects are not exactly what the... read more →
Homoeopathic remedies for school problems 2. Concentration Difficulties Aethusa cynapium (fool’s parsley) Lives in his fantasy world The Aethusa-child sits in the class deeply immersed in his fantasy world.... read more →
Homeopathic Aid for School Problems 1. School Phobia Tuberculinum bovinum (bovine TB nosode) The individual fears for his power The Tuberculinum child is frightened of school. Most of the... read more →