Paracelsus Quotes
We are to become angels and not devils, this is why we were created and born into the world. Therefore be and stay what God has intended you to be.
What sustains marriage and what is marriage? It is alone the knowledge of the heart: this is its beginning and its end.
He who wants to reign must have insight into the hearts of men and must act accordingly.
If a gift has been given to you, act freely with it and gladly, like the sun: share your radiance with everybody!
We carry divine wisdom in a mortal body. What harms the body destroys the house of the Eternal One.
Consider that we must not call our brother a fool as we do not know what we ourselves are.
Glory will be to him who conquers his enemy with gentleness.
The way you speak is how your heart is.
God has let all things take their course and determines how high and how far they may go, not more, not less.
Nothing is so deeply hidden that it would not manifest itself by its fruit.
Who else is the enemy of nature than he who deems himself wiser than nature although it is the highest of all our schools?
In us is the light of nature, and the light is God.
God, our father, has given us our life and the art of healing to protect it and to preserve it.
What is the help of medicine other than love?
The medical art is rooted in the heart. If your heart is false, then the physician inside you is also false. If it is righteous, then the physician is also righteous.
First practice humbleness with man, and only then before god. He who despises man has no regard for God.
What we are to be after death is what we have to obtain in our lifetime, that is holiness and blessedness. Here on earth is where the kingdom of God begins.
Faith and acting, knowledge and doing are one and the same.
Thus, everything is connected with each other. Heaven and earth, air and water. Everything is just one thing; not four, not two and not three, but one. And where they are not all together, there is only an incomplete thing.
The quotes are from the selection of works of Robert Blaser from the book “Paracelsus – Arzt unserer Zeit“ by Frank Geerk (Benziger-Verlag, Zürich 1992), the last quote from “Paracelsus: Gesammelte Werke“ (Aschner), vol.I., page 110)