Nowadays, due to the agricultural practices and many other relevant factors, we have a deficit of some essential nutrients required to enjoy a good health. These nutrients are principally, Magnesium,... read more →
Every day 2 million animals are slaughtered, that's 730 million animals a year. These numbers not only illustrate the cruelty of a civilization. This enormous number of animals in industrial... read more →
Vitamin D is not a true vitamin. While real vitamins are absorbed with food, Vitamin D is mostly produced by sun light. The body can provide itself with sufficient Vitamin... read more →
The name is derived from the ancient Greek zéō for "boiling" and the ancient Greek lithos for "stone", meaning "boiling stone". It refers to the lively effervescence (boiling) of the... read more →
Recover and maintaining one’s health through fermented food We feed ourselves from light, water, energy, information and food, as well. We eat to nourish ourselves. We are what we eat... read more →
Is consuming fat harmful to our health? Cardiovascular disease is till today the main cause of death in the Western world. This is the reason why, preventive medicine should target... read more →
Hippocrates said: “May your food be your medicine!” Yet, today it is clear that in the food we eat there could be elements not contributing to our health but to... read more →
Without a good nutrition, the immune system cannot perform its functions properly. This is why, it is required that a diagnosed cancer patient always receives an appropriate nutrition counseling, as... read more →
Anti-aging versus Well-aging Everybody wishes to stay healthy and vital until old age. We all know that over the years, our body uses up, the joints become stiffer, our condition... read more →
About an Exciting Journey of Discovery Frequently iodine is met with criticism. For decades it was taught that only certain amounts of the element should be taken up. But how... read more →