The holistic aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong which were taught to him by his grandparents... read more →
Spirit and Body in Cooperation At one time our culture decided to divide our world in two spheres. These are called spirit and body, body and soul, or material and... read more →
How does research function? How does science, especially natural science, reach its results? The answer given is normally found in philosophy, and comes from a standard work of the philosopher... read more →
A Story from Bhagavatam Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, a Teacher of Wisdom, gave lectures on "Srimad Bhagavatam" in India for several months and introduced his students to the deep wisdom... read more →
Reductionism Descartes founded a method which is called reductionism today. His suggestion is that if an object is complicated enough one can take it apart in order to be able... read more →
Lecture delivered by Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Brothers and sisters! Today's subject 'To Die Is not to Die' is all engrossing. We have to know the right way of understanding what... read more →
Our wrong perceptions of matter Each of us at some time has seen a model of the atom on the teacher’s desk during school days. This was during chemistry lessons... read more →
An overview, based upon the teachings of Zhi Chang Li Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong which were taught to him by... read more →
Where is a scientific finding actually coming from? Why are one and the same findings made simultaneously sometimes without the researchers being in contact with each other? Such phenomena were... read more →
Self-healing Through the Power of Silence Many years ago at a seminar, we came into contact with the topic of quantum healing for the first time. Since then, we could... read more →