Movement therapy of anthroposophic medicine Everything that surrounds us is in motion or originated from movement. An exciting thought! If you look at the human body, you find movement in... read more →
Sleep is sacred. Let not the approach to sleep be casual. Sleep is far superior to rest, for people do not know how to rest and relax. Sleep is proximate... read more →
Remedies for healing The physicians of antiquity did not yet mention the lungwort. Paracelsus, however, used in various lung diseases the lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis). He wrote, "Through liquorem pulmonariae asthma... read more →
The health and wholeness of the body is according to the wholeness of breathing apparatus and its ability to oxygenate and render pure blood. The effectiveness of the breathing apparatus... read more →
Preparation of Mercury - The Eight Samskaras of Parada (Mercury) 5.2.6 Samskara – Rodhana (Revitalisation) a) Name of the Process: Rodhana Samskara of Parada b) References: (R.H.T.,Rasa Hridaya Tantra, 2005)... read more →
The Occidental Theory of the Four Elements and of the Constitution "Thus, there are four elements in the body, which make four kinds of diseases. Therefore, man is based on... read more →
Organon – The Art of Healing § 231 The intermittent diseases deserve a special consideration, as well those that recur at certain periods - like the great number of intermittent fevers,... read more →
Homeopathic Aid for School Problems 1. School Phobia Tuberculinum bovinum (bovine TB nosode) The individual fears for his power The Tuberculinum child is frightened of school. Most of the... read more →
Organon – The Art of Healing § 228 In mental and emotional diseases resulting from corporeal maladies, which can only be cured by homœopathic antipsoric medicine conjoined with carefully regulated... read more →
Authors: Christian Raimann, Chrischta Ganz, Friedemann Garvelmann, Heide-Dore Bertschi-Stahl, Rosmarie Fehr-Streule 4. Methods of TEN 4.1.4 Pulse Diagnosis The measurement of the peripherally palpable heart rate is only one of... read more →