On the nature of aluminum oxide
Aluminum oxide occurs in various forms, some of which are generally known and are not even associated with aluminum by the layperson.
Everyone knows loam and clay, which in addition to aluminum oxide also contain quartz and other admixtures. These materials are heavy, bind a lot of water and are easy to mold, but they also stick to garden tools, shoes and hands. We associate them with dirt, mud and heaviness. Clay soils are very difficult to get cultivated because they are so sticky and many plants do not grow there because they cannot drive their roots through the compact consistency of this soil.
We associate clay with ceramics, a primitive form of tableware, compared to the more noble porcelain, but it also includes the artful clay figures in the creation of which man becomes the creator. And do not forget the kiln, without which clay products would not be durable and usable.
We know the toxicity of too much aluminum from the soils around the aluminum industry which have to be removed because nothing can grow on them and those toxins can get into the groundwater. The dust leads to serious lung diseases and nerve damage.
But there is also the hidden side of aluminum oxide. In technology, many purification processes could not be carried out without the ability to bind ions in the pores. In water softening systems, for example, aluminum oxide is used as an ion exchanger. We are even less aware of the fact that many of our most beautiful and most colorful minerals consist of aluminum oxide, such as the blue sapphire, the red ruby, the green emerald and the topaz, which are of various shades of color.
Aluminum oxide is a main component in all of them. So, in the heavy, greasy and sticky clay lies the ability to become a jewel with the help of time and pressure in the womb of the earth. Just as a clay pot can only become a usable piece of tableware when it is burnt in a kiln. It is only through this laborious and intensive transformation process that the valuable, the usable, is created.
And then one should not forget the pure aluminum in the background, a silvery-white light metal that is mainly used to construct aircrafts. It is very ductile, and therefore it can be rolled out into thin foils. It is characterized by its corrosion resistance, which is due to the fact that the metal is always covered by a thin oxide layer – the aluminium oxide used in homeopathy – which protects the underlying metal from external influences; even nitric acid cannot harm aluminum. Finally, aluminum powder burns with glistening white light to become an oxide which is used for vacuum flashes.
If we look at the path of a person who needs aluminum as a constitutional remedy in a phase of life, this knowledge helps us to understand the different forms of aluminum oxide, to better understand its condition and also its purpose. Let us now follow this path.
Karmic aspect
The soul that comes into life here has had a difficult journey. Many lives full of barrenness, heaviness and hopelessness lie behind it. Lives in which it was inescapably bound to circumstances full of renunciation – abducted as a slave, forced to do hard labor far away from home, a serf farmer who had to witness how his family members starved to death while he had to hand over all his earnings to his ruler, who drew the money down the drain. A miner or his wife, who died in the draughty dwellings, if not the dust and poisonous gases underground had already destroyed their health. Then perhaps as a soldier who had never wanted to go to war, but had to fight for his king, even if the aim of this war was of no use to him at all, but it robbed him of his livelihood and killed his family.
One could continue this chain endlessly. It wasn’t about one particular fate; hard work, miserable conditions and inescapable situations ran like a red thread through Alumina’s previous lives. Again and again, the soul found itself trapped in a situation without hope, the only way out being death. What always lacked was the fighting spirit, the willingness to make the impossible possible, the belief in a miracle.
Alumina didn’t think it was worthy of a chance either. It was just a tiny dot in a huge picture. Who would be interested in a dot like that?!
Gradually, the soul lost its strength and belief in any improvement and no longer even had the energy to kill itself. It dragged itself through the agonizing days and became increasingly dull and insensible, at least then it didn’t hurt so much. While others hoped for a paradise after death, Alumina had given up even that glimmer of hope. It forgot its desires, its needs, its talents, its goals. It had nothing left but a few hours of sleep during which it could forget, but even that was denied by the prevailing conditions or by serious illness. Alumina had many lives in which it only vegetated, shaped by the situation in its childhood, which seemed to show it clearly: there’s no point in doing anything anyway, I’ll never get out of here.
Religion was no consolation for such an existence. A real religion would have shown ways to break out of this vale of tears, but the clever chatter of the priests offered no real help to change this destructive everyday life, and only that would have made sense. One did not even need Christ to suffer, people were already suffering anyway.
Alumina (as a boy) was never a rebel, he dutifully went to church every Sunday if that was part of society. He adapted to the respective customs, cultivated family relationships when it was important to do so, spoke what the respective government wanted to hear because he simply saw no chance in resistance. His heart was never in what he was told to do, he felt no affiliation to the group or the system and increasingly forgot why he was actually wandering from life to life. He became increasingly dull and tired, allowed himself to be dragged along, dragged himself through the days and his soul gradually lost its clear view, had no more motivation, no more desires and became entangled deeper and deeper in an endless swirl of lives with no prospect of redemption. The soul forgot that with this dullness it also attracted corresponding life circumstances, which then seemed to confirm once again that there was no way out of this eternal hell. Alumina completely forgot qualities such as joy, enthusiasm, hope or even love.
If you try to put yourself in such a state, you can go mad from such hopelessness. Alumina also tried to do it in this way in order not to have to endure any more – without success. Even in the lunatic asylums there was no relief from this agony. But the worst thing is that he had also forgotten his desire to break out from these adverse circumstances. So now he is here once again – with the divine grace of a life that offers opportunities, a door that leads out from the darkness, but whether Alumina will be able to take this door out is not sure.
On the other hand, Alumina has been digging around in the mud for such a long time that the law of polarity is bound to come into force: when one pole has been so much in the foreground, the opposite pole must become effective – therein lies Alumina’s great opportunity.
The Alumina childhood
First of all, the soul enters into the circumstances that need to be overcome. So the child is certainly not born into a generous, loving environment. It is born into a socially weak class where it has to struggle for survival or it enters into a time of deprivation, as is the case during a war, for example.
When we talk about the war generation, who grew up with the deprivations and threats of the Second World War, who whom belonged sirens, ruins and dead people to their childhood memories, but whose suffering was not even worth mentioning for a long time. Then there are certainly many who could be relieved from the emotional numbing by Alumina, even if it is not the constitutional remedy.
We only ever think of Ignatia, Natrium and possibly Causticum for traumatic experiences. We should also think of Alumina if resignation and joylessness are the consequences. Those children are rarely planned children. They are there because they could not be prevented and because the family has already learned to live with problems, so one more or one does not count at all.
At birth, the baby already looks like a little old man – puny, thin, with a wizened face and endlessly sad eyes. But the parents don’t pay attention to such things. It’s all about day-to-day survival, so they don’t pay attention to the subtle things. And the baby causes nothing but problems right from the beginning – it chokes when drinking, it gets bad stomach cramps and whimpers and cries for days and night. Digestion doesn’t work, the persistent constipation leads to colicky abdominal pain with nasty flatulence.
The parents – who probably belong be working class – are both employed, they have to work hard during the day and are unable to deal with the baby’s inadequacies. In most cases, there are brothers and sisters who also need to be looked after, so medication has to help as quickly as possible or the child is simply allowed to cry, it could just be a mood.
Very early on, the child feels the tight boundaries in its family.
Another environment for Alumina is a farm, which is just enough to survive if both parents and the children work hard. The mother leaves the baby down at the edge of the field while she works on the potatoe field, and she doesn’t necessarily hear the child screaming at the other end.
In a family like this, there is no time for affection or loving attention. The children are touched when they are being looked after, otherwise they are only touched when they are beaten, and Alumina experiences this at a very early state.
The parents themselves come from poor backgrounds and had to help out as children and they now pass it on to their children, and in their constant struggle for survival they don’t give it a second thought. Often there would actually be the opportunity to make life easier for themselves, but the tough struggle for the daily bread is deeply engraved in the system and people don’t even notice possible relief. The child has to adapt, has to function and there is no freedom to develop its own individuality.
Alumina children are very delicate and sensitive and have a pronounced artistic streak. But parents are unable to promote it – it doesn’t give food. As neither sex has a strong constitution, they are not very good at working hard, get exhausted quickly and fall ill easily, which is not at all suitable for these living conditions. It starts with the three-year-old toddler who throws the cup down because he is supposed to help and can’t do it yet: “You’re good for nothing, you do everything wrong.” And as impressionable as Alumina is, it internalizes this characteristic for itself.
Such and similar comments accompany Alumina throughout childhood. Once it thinks it has achieved something, its hopes are destroyed by harsh criticism. From the very first moment, it receives the message that it is not okay.
The child Alumina is not pushy or loud, it has a quiet, withdrawn nature and is sometimes simply forgotten by those around it because it does not fight for its rights. Since it does everything wrong anyway, it is not allowed to make any claims.
It doesn’t become visible at all in the kindergarten. Although it fears such gatherings of children, it goes there without complaint knowing it will be beaten if it complains or at least it gets a heavy sermon.
And also the child has no own opinion. When the kindergarden teacher lets the children choose something, Sulphur, Sepia, Lachesis and Phosphorus come to the fore, there is either nothing left for Alumina or the time is already up when it finally gets its turn. If the teacher then tries to give Alumina its turn, the child has no opinion of its own and stands there all intimidated, with its shoulders hunched and just shakes its head because it is completely confused with all the excitement of being the center of attention for once and can’t get a word out.
It always joins in, doesn’t defy like the others, but it is also never enthusiastic and what is most noticeable is the fact that it never laughs loudly and cheerfully like its peers, its eyes always look sad and its facial expression serious. If you manage to elicit a smile from the Alumina child, it is a great success.
It is accepted by the other children, but it has no special friends either. When it comes to choosing a partner, Alumina is left with odd numbers or has to go with the other child who was not fast enough. Alumina gets on best with Calcium children, who do not expect so much from Alumina because of their own slowness and they are not dominant or pushy.
Parents of Alumina children never ask the teachers if everything is going well, they are happy if everything is running smoothly and reproach their son or daughter if there is even the slightest inconvenience. Such a child doesn’t know compliment at all; if it does something that the adults don’t find fault with, it is not mentioned and the reproaches are all the worse if even the smallest thing goes wrong. The child, however, silently endures the scolding with its eyes downcast. Alumina allows to be bent into shape and loses its original character in the process.
Alumina’s school and teenage years
Alumina experiences starting school as a horror: it is almost dying of fear of the demands of school and the simultaneous fear of its own failure. Too often it has been told by its parents that it is good for nothing. But these fears are not verbalized, the child has already adjusted to the parents’ expectations to such an extent that it hardly feels these fears itself and pushes them into the subconscious. They only manifest on a physical level:
The cough constantly shows up, the eyes are always inflamed or one bronchitis replaces the next, despite antibiotic therapy. But apart from that, Alumina impresses as an inconspicuous, unproblematic pupil who never talks much, rarely reports to school and also performs in the middle of the field.
An Alumina child has its problems in sports. It seems stiff and awkward and is very clumsy in the use of gymnastic equipments. It is terribly ashamed of its inability and still becomes a little quieter, a little more inconspicuous than before.
The parents don’t notice anything of this. When it has finished its homework after school, a large amount of work is already waiting: looking after younger brothers and sisters, shopping, mucking out the stable, hanging out the washing. Just hanging around or not knowing what to do with its time is something an Alumina child doesn’t know at all. The day is filled with duties and adult expectations, leaving no room for own desires.
At school, the child hears about the latest fashion trends, the great movies, the latest hits, but the deep resignation of the soul leaves no energy for any personal commitment and it knows that its wishes count for nothing anyway. There are always things that are more necessary and more useful than the little pointless comforters of the soul.
How could such young people be helped to develop and find themselves? The parents would need a lot of time, a lot of observation and a lot of conversations in which they gently approach the children, taking away their fear of rebuke and criticism. Such a child would need the opportunity to try out different things in order to gradually learn what suits it and what does not. As Alumina children are dutiful and reliable by nature, they don’t need to be kept on a tight leash. On the contrary: They need a lot of freedom in the truest sense of the word – a room of their own that they can furnish themselves, a few days that they can organize themselves, a hobby that they can choose themselves – these are healing elements for the Alumina soul. And not to forget the most important thing: Lots of warmth and affection, without imposing yourself on the child, but a willingness to allow it to lean on you whenever it wants to, helping it to experience the value of its own person, as it says in systemic therapy: “Hold me because I am!”
But if all this is missing, the trauma takes its course. Alumina enters puberty and once again experiences nothing but loneliness. No parent is interested in the inner storms when a girl starts to daydream about a boy and at the same time forbids herself to do so, according to the motto: “I won’t get him after all, I’m not good enough for him.”
Originally, I had never included Alumina for myself if I hadn’t needed it acutely for myself and discovered that the remedy had a lot to do with my story. My grandmother, who brought me up, never got tired of telling me that I wasn’t good enough because my parents were divorced and that I should keep my mouth shut and not to embarrass myself. We lived in an old apartment in need of renovation, which my grandma didn’t like to show. I wasn’t allowed to accept any invitations because then the children would have had to come to me and it would have shown how inadequate our apartment was. So I dutifully repeated her excuses when I did receive an invitation and kept to the background as much as possible to avoid this danger. When I reached puberty, I forbade myself from falling in love on fantastic boys, because they didn’t want anything from me anyway. If I was bad at sport – and I often was – I was “just as stiff as my father” and he seemed to embody everything that was bad anyway. I wasn’t allowed to see him – this was forbidden – and if I didn’t understand something straight away, I was just as clumsy as my mother, from whose hands grandma took everything, because she wasn’t capable. So what was I actually?
I suffered very much during puberty – I was supposed to grow up and and since I had nothing valuable as a basis upon which I could build something. didn’t know what to build on. That’s why I tried to do everything as perfect as possible, to control everything so that I didn’t make any mistakes. This pattern enabled me to survive with an extremely high expenditure of energy. My mother had no opinion of her own, she was fully busy in her job and let my grandmother dictate everything to her, with the advantage that she was also relieved of all the housework.
I was very talented in arts, everyone liked my paintings, but that I did not get any encouragement. It was dismissed as “unprofitable art“, just for fun. It didn’t even occur to me to start studying art, but I opted for the solid, the science – which was for me a much more arduous path.
With this description, it is not difficult to imagine Alumina’s teenage years. Own individuality was broken, what remains is the internalization of the demands of the outside world and their realization is always associated with great effort – after all, it doesn’t correspond to own nature – Alumina goes through life like with lumps of clay on the shoes. Flirting, fooling around and making nonsense is out of question. Everything is terribly serious and difficult and every little mistake has bad consequences. I internalized my grandmother’s favorite saying: “The bird that sings in the morning is eaten by the cat in the evening“. So it was best not to sing at all, but to do my duties – at school and at home. When the others went out, I sat in our kitchen reading lots of books, because I didn’t have my own room. At least I was allowed to do that, it contributed to my education. And so I lived in the colorful worlds of fiction in order to endure my grey, dull world.
I never dared to flirt and sought the friendship of a boy who also lived in difficult circumstances. Indeed, I was fallen in love with another boy, but he was not interested in someone like me anyway, so I limited myself to the attainable.
Boys react in a much more extreme way. Their fathers constantly reproach them, how incapable, how stupid they are. But they don’t rebel like Tuberculin and run away. They try to be so perfect that even their fathers can’t find fault with them, and they manage it at the cost of their youth and their personal freedom. They are adults before they were young: Serious, conscientious, reliable and they have everything under control. But they lack the dominance of Lachesis and the pedantry of Arsenic. Something arid and colorless emanates from them, which is why girls are not interested in them. They don’t have a girlfriend until very late and she is chosen according to practical considerations – that she fits into the business or the farm – the heart has to remain silent in the choice. It is not asked.
In the kibbutzim of Israel’s founding years, children experienced an alumina fate en masse. They were separated from their parents at an early age so that the parents could return to work and the children grouped together in the day nursery. They also ate and slept there and only came into contact with their parents at weekends. They also spent their vacations in the community. Even their underwear was common property. Everyone had the same and after washing, everything was simply distributed again according to size. Nobody asked about the individual needs of the children. The welfare of the land and the soil had absolute priority. Today, the kibbutzim are a significant economic factor in Israel, but no one asks about the price that people had to pay for this, and for the children there was no alternative. They were at the mercy of their circumstances and they adapted.
Another example of an alumina situation is depicted in the film “The Village”: a seemingly medieval community is shown in which strict rules prevail. The nearest town seems inaccessible because creatures known as the “unspeakables” are up to mischief in the forest. It is only when a young man is stabbed to death by a jealous disabled man that we gradually learn that this is all an artificial product. Frustrated city dwellers of our time have created their own world, the “unspeakables” were a fiction to deter them from leaving the forest. The victim’s blind fiancée is – of all people – given permission to go into the city to get the life-saving medication.
The viewer experiences that this community lives in the middle of an inaccessible reservation, cut off from the rest of the world. Since the girl is blind, she cannot see the normal modern world. Concern for her fiancé drives her back as soon as a young ranger brings her the medicine. A new generation is deprived of the opportunity to decide for themselves what kind of life they want to lead. What matters more, the young people are made obedient with the help of fear. Pressed into this small artificial world, they have no chance to develop their true nature and shape their own lives – that’s Alumina.
The blind girl is the symbol of how a personality can no longer recognize that there is another world outside the muddy, slippery forest paths, and she is also bound by her suffering partner. An oppressive scene that leaves a weak feeling – you’re trapped and don’t even realize how much – that’s Alumina.
When choosing a career, Alumina – usually with an average graduation certificate – almost always opts for a long-established, reasonable profession. They become teachers, civil servants, bank employees and the talents, the jewels of an individual, remain hidden in the heavy clay soil.
The Alumina adult
Alumina women marry early because they have adopted society’s idea that a woman’s greatest happiness is to have a family. They may still be completing their professional training and could have had a career because of their reliability and commitment, but they choose to marry and have a family and they choose a decent, proper man with whom this can be achieved. Since they don’t know themselves at all, they have the feeling that everything is in perfect order, they don’t seem to miss anything and build up their little world, which is built on feet of clay.
When children are born, the young couple is completely overstrained. The woman experiences the birth of the child not as a joy, but as an additional burden. She has never experienced for herself that children are an enrichment and is unable to pass this on.
She feels overburdened by all the duties and responsibilities. In the case of postpartum depression, one should also think of Alumina, which is described as chronic sepia by Teste.
The overload also has an effect on the marriage. Arguments arise in which the Alumina woman becomes the culprit: “You really wanted the child!” These accusations are not unjustified, as Alumina has also absorbed the social norms and only realizes that she cannot cope with them when they come into play. But it’s not because she’s once again too stupid for everything, but because she doesn’t know herself at all and doesn’t know who she is and what belongs to her.
If the marriage breaks down, that’s still a great opportunity. It gets much worse when chronic illnesses such as MS or epilepsy occur, which bind even more to the existing conditions and make it almost impossible to break out. MS sufferers in particular then become embittered and rigid – like a lump of clay that gradually dries out and becomes brittle.
Men, on the other hand, tend to marry late because they first want to create the conditions to take responsibility for a family. Like women, they do not marry the great love, but the woman who seems most suitable. Accordingly, the marriage is joyless and dull. Although Alumina men are loyal and reliable and care for their family devotedly, they do not talk about problems, reject changes that are not absolutely necessary, are always busy with some kind of work, delegate tasks to all family members and cannot understand the small needs of their children at all. Although they mostly have a strong sexuality, they don’t live it much. They lack access to closeness and tenderness, which they never experienced at home and forbade themselves from experiencing in their teenage years as they tried to fulfill external expectations.
Today, women are getting out of such poor relationships. Divorce is not a stigma and most women have a job. Like that an Alumina man suddenly finds himself alone and no longer understands the world. He is firmly convinced that he has offered his wife everything, has done everything for his children, has never shouted, has never fought – and that is now the thanks for that. Either he withdraws in bitterness, becomes an unbearable loner who is barely able to hold a conversation, buries himself in his work and at some point becomes a nursing case after a severe stroke, or he takes the arduous path of therapy.
For the practitioner, an Alumina man is a demanding patient. It takes patience and effective techniques to show him how reduced he actually lives and it takes time until he can feel again what he had split off in order to survive.
Both sexes make life as difficult as possible for themselves. Alumina never takes the easy way out, it always chooses the most difficult and laborious path. Alumina is therefore also a good remedy for states of exhaustion from which the affected person simply does not recover. In most cases, you will also find Alumina components in the biography – like it is with me.
In the last three years, I was very busy, both professionally and privately. In addition to all the extra stress, my practice and seminars continued and, as always, I managed everything. But I became more and more exhausted, more and more joyless, less and less resilient. Even trivial things like an unpaid bill from a patient or a thoughtless remark from a sales clerk could upset me. I immediately perceived every additional little thing as an insurmountable mountain and I could hardly make any decisions because I immediately feared the consequences of a wrong decision. Everything was too much, everything had become threatening. My remedies that used to help me, such as Carbo animale or Acidum phosphoricum were failing and then I was hit by a flu that didn’t seem to come to an end. A cough persisted and was resistant to treatment. I just felt weak and tired.
Drosera, tuberculin – otherwise reliable remedies – had no effect until I came across Alumina while preparing this book. I remembered that I had already used the remedy with good results for tough and long-lasting respiratory tract infections. Aluminum poisoning leads to nasty pneumonia – and it was like a relief. The cough was no longer so torturous, I slept very calmly and deeply and I felt more strength again. However, I had to repeat the remedy. It takes time for the effect to take hold – similar to Bryonia.
Of course, I realized how much the remedy had to do with myself – a sense of duty to the point of a burnout, always choosing the difficult path, which is successful, but requires a lot of energy and has a negative effect on the energy balance.
Although, I had certainly developed my personality and knew exactly what I wanted and what not, but there was probably still one more aspect from my childhood that subtly influenced my life. I couldn’t experience life with confidence. I always felt I had to put in a lot of effort for something to succeed. These were the remnants of my childhood, in which my individuality had been broken until I fitted into my family’s little box and I could only be what they wanted me to be with a lot of effort. Although I had re-established my personality over the course of many years and can now help many people through my own painful experiences, I was still lacking the easiness. The heaviness, the effort made my life hard and exhausting and the worst thing was that I also attracted hard, troublesome circumstances. Alumina became a good teacher for me and I am still learning to allow more optimism and joy.
The Alumina healing
It is a long way to restoring the entire personality. First of all, the patient has to realize that all this has happened to him because he is emitting something completely different from what he feels inside. Despite the suppression of his individuality in childhood, despite all efforts to adapt, it is not possible to completely manipulate a person’s essence. Our core essence remains intact and this causes us to stumble over our own adaptation and our fellow human beings notice this incongruity very well and reproach us for it. It seems as if Alumina wants to pretend to be something that it is not in reality.
During therapy, Alumina gradually gets to know its individuality and learns what it needs for its life and what it doesn’t need. Step by step, it also gets a sense of the point when it is trying to orient itself to external expectations again without asking for its own needs. Whenever this happens, it feels bad and old physical symptoms appear. It learns to pay attention to these warnings. With great effort, it also plucks up the courage to show itself as it really is instead of hiding away in the farthest corner and – what a miracle – those around it don’t reject it, don’t condemn it. On the contrary, it finds people with whom it can have a real relationship because it dares to show itself.
However, there is also a danger in this: if an Alumina woman has a very rigid, conservative husband who thought she was just right the way she was, then it is possible that such a marriage might fail, unless the partner goes along with the change. Because it’s a great opportunity for both of them to finally find the right partner instead of pretending for a lifetime and hurting each other.
But with this self-discovery, a whole avalanche starts rolling. Often Alumina realizes that it has completely different inclinations and talents at its disposal than previously perceived. Alumina then changes its profession in the course of its therapy, it realizes that it can achieve much more with less effort if it uses its abilities. And work then brings joy and is not just a means of earning a living.
Joy – this is the biggest issue in the life of an Alumina person, who is well versed in heaviness and duty, but not in joy and ease. Alumina only learns very slowly that this side is also part of life. By getting to know its personality, it forms the vessel out of the lump of clay, by realizing its talents, it digs its jewels out of the mud, but to allow the easiness of metal requires a further transformation process.
Alumina is actually a very religious person in the depths of its soul, but it wants nothing to do with this harsh, merciless or even banal god of the official churches and has often ignored this chapter. Only when Alumina gets the impulse that there is a joyful, loving God beyond every human limitation, who only wants his creatures to be well, but who also does not interfere when people want to learn to be creators themselves and in doing so, make mistakes in the process, then Alumina develops its spiritual side. Alumina needs the certainty that it can influence its life, that it is not at the mercy of circumstances and that there is always a message in every situation that we must learn to understand, only then we will make progress. In addition to the hard, arduous learning processes that everyone faces, there is also the joy and easiness of simply enjoying life. Accepting the abundance that can only reveal itself when we allow it to, we can finally be struck by the lightning bolt of knowledge so that we no longer get lost in the lowlands of life.
There is a beautiful legend that complements this healing process:
Two lumps of clay are ready for processing. One of them hears the other, whose turn it is first, moaning and groaning terribly and decides that he doesn’t want it to be that hard. So he becomes a floor slab that is laid in the floor of a temple. He sees a beautiful statue of Buddha standing there and marvels at it from his low position and asks „how it is that this is such a beautiful statue and he is just a rough block.“ The statue replies: “We are both made of the same clay, but I have allowed myself to be worked on and have not avoided the torture of the process. But you chose the easy way and that’s why you are now just a simple stone.”
- Bedwetting
- Thin, gaunt
- Looks older than it is
- Precocious, dutiful
- Quiet, inconspicuous
- Afraid of being alone
- Have to help out
- I can’t get going
- I’m stuck
- The last straw
- The little jug goes to the well until it breaks
- Like lightning
Practical help
Dreams that point to the remedy
- You are struggling and can’t get anywhere
- You want to walk and your feet are heavy as lead
- Getting stuck in heavy clay soil
- Of horses
- Wading in water and it is full of snakes
- Dazed and exhausted in a dream
- Of dark figures scurrying around
- Of death, of funerals
- Of the danger of falling from a great height
- Of glaring lightning
- Of ugly vermin
- Of drowning
- Restless, exhausting dreams
Heaviness, laborious, paralyzing, dry, joyless, doubt, indecisive, agonizing,
stuck, sticky, cracked, soft, malleable, hectic, changeable, lightness and confidence alternate with heaviness and despondency, homeless, melancholic, fireproof
No matter how hard I try, I can’t get anywhere. I don’t know what else to do.
Loam, field, clod, clay, jug, potter’s wheel, potter, healing earth, brick, lump, kiln, Adam, Golem, farmer, kibbutz, ox, cart, medieval streets, dust, flash of light, catalyst, airplane, alum, sapphire, emerald,
Amethyst, ruby, moldavite
Eduard Petiska: The Golem
Gustav Meyrink: The Golem
Bertolt Brecht: Mother Courage
Paulo Coelho: The Fifth Mountain
Movies: The Village, Les Misérables
Fairy tales/myths
Genesis: Creation of Adam
The legend of the Golem
Prophet Elijah
John Paul II
Lotte Lenya
Bertolt Brecht
Carmina Burana
Sports pilote
Mudflat hiking
Stove builder
Aircraft designer
Healing aids and hobbies
Clay, moor and mud packs
Bathing in the Dead Sea
Visiting a kibbutz
Retreat in the desert
Goofing around and laughing
Finding home within yourself
Foot baths
Pampering yourself (lava stones, oils, massages)
Finding a joyful, giving God
The furnace of life has made me a pure vessel, I am ready for abundance.
Excerpts taken with kind permission from the book “Der homöopathische Seelenspiegel” („The Homeopathic Soul Mirror“) Volume III by Sarah Sylvia Hiener, Steißlingen. Order via Info@schulamith.de
Sarah Hiener
D 78255 Steisslingen
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