Which essence should be started with?
If a person has several chakras not working properly, the one in the foreground should always be addressed first and not all at the same time. As a starter essence, the heart chakra essence is very suitable and for animals the animal chakra essence.
How many essences can be taken at the same time?
You should slowly make yourself familiar with the new “world of chakra flower essences” in order to be able to rely more and more on your intuition. Although this may be unusual to you first, in due course of time the essences will greatly assist you in this process. Observe yourself closely to see how your life, your daily routine changes. A diary can help you to objectively record your state before taking the essence, then you write down the effect of the essence. We have made the observation that patients sometimes quickly forget how they felt before a remedy, especially when they felt very bad. Of course this is understandable, because who would like to be reminded of something unpleasant? For them, documentation can be helpful to remember later which chakra flower essence helped them and in what way.
Unless there are special circumstances that call for several essences, it is best to start with a single essence. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need help, you may need to start with several essences at once. More than four essences should not be taken at the same time unless they are recommended to you by an experienced chakra flower essences therapist. Some people can handle several issues at once, for others one is enough.
- If possible, start with one essence if there is nothing urgent.
- Take a maximum of four essences at a time.
- Writing a diary is recommended.
What should be considered with children?
Children are usually very attracted to essences. With them, one drop is usually enough. You should rely on your child’s feeling and give her/him the essence as often as she/he asks for it. Never force a child to take a remedy or medicine, even if you are convinced of how good it would do her/him. Some children instinctively reach for the right chakra flower essence.
What to consider with animals?
The smaller the animal, the fewer drops of essence it needs. Animals are best given the spring water based essences. To find out if an animal needs the essence, place two bowls of drinking water in front of it; one containing only water and the other containing a few drops of the essence. This way the animal has a free choice.
What other applications exist?
The chakra flower essences can also be used on plants, in the garden, in agriculture, in the house, when cleaning and in the kitchen.
What healing effects can be expected?
Naturopathy understands a healing reaction as a slightly exaggerated reaction to the healing remedy. This serves to reactivate the self-healing forces and is most welcome, even if it seems very strange for a person who is not versed in the healing mechanisms of the body. Occasionally, healing effects are even suppressed due to ignorance. This can hinder healing, sometimes permanently.
Basically, your organism “knows” how to regain the full „bloom of health“, it just has the knowledge completely blocked. Through the essences, old injuries and suppressed diseases can also reappear, which are perceived as energy shifts or colors, especially during the healing sessions.
After a healing reaction, the person always feels better. This is the real criterion for a healing reaction.
What are the effects of overdoses?
Overdoses can occur due to too frequent and too many drops. They lead to a slight intensification of the existing symptoms. After stopping the essence, they disappear very quickly. Subsequently, dose the essence less frequently and in smaller numbers of drops.
Can unintended test symptoms occur?
The term “drug safety testing“ respectively the procedure is owed to Hahnemann’s homeopathic teaching. Almost all substances used in homeopathy on a larger scale were subjected to exact tests, for which healthy people volunteered to take the remedy to be tested and observed its effects on themselves.
- For those persons, a test is always followed by a healing process, which gives them an expansive consciousness, more vitality and health.
- Drug or essence testing should only be done under the guidance of an experienced practitioner of the method.
- An unintentional essence testing may in very rare cases take place with an essence that does not match to the condition. Usually it is mild and passes very quickly, which means that it is not dangerous.
- Due to ignorance the term „drug safety testing“ is sometimes used for a healing reaction.
- When there is a reaction through a suitable essence, healing takes place and one can no longer speak of a „drug safety testing“.
What can be the reason if an essence does not have a healing effect?
Here you have to check:
- Was the right essence chosen?
- Was the disturbed chakra blocked by another chakra?
- Was the time of intake of the essence correct?
- Was the essence taken not often enough or was the dose too small?
Which effect do the chakra flower essences have on the personal environment?
They have a direct effect on the energy centers, where they remove blockages, make the energies flow, improve the quality of the energy and free them from negativity. This results in harmonization.
An increase of energy in the chakra is achieved and this has a very positive effect on the other chakras. The person’s charisma becomes more positive and has the same effect on her/his personal environment. Through the chakra flower essences, not only one’s own energies are cleared and balanced, but also those of the family members connected with the person or other close persons.
Chakra Flower Essences and Homeopathy
Chakra flower essences are not homeopathic remedies, they are not potentiated, but made purely with the help of solar energy. The rules of repetition, dosage and healing reactions are similar to those of homeopathy, but of course not as differentiated, since there is only one energy level. Homeopathy is able to fundamentally change the structure that carries the root of pathology, the miasma, both on the psychic and physical level. In this way, it can bring about changes that never cease to astonish even homeopaths themselves.
The chakra flower essences can be used as door openers for homeopathic remedies in difficult cases. We have observed that the more positive people’s attitude towards life is, the less often they get aggravation symptoms on homeopathic remedies. Through the “light switch” effect of the chakra flower essences, anxiety can be dissolved so that the homeopathic remedy can work unhindered.
Therefore, they are ideally complementary to homeopathy and also other naturopathic methods that heal causally. It is important that the sick person consciously decides whether she/he wants a causal healing of her/his complaints. For only by consciously taking responsibility for one’s own life, the cause of illness can be healed and no longer affects the person.
With the award of the “Tamra Patra Prashasti”, the highest civilian Indian award, to my husband and me in 2012 for our merits in the dissemination and research of homeopathy, the Indian President Pratibha Patil at the same time honored the importance of Hahnemann’s homeopathy.
……to be continued
Taken with kind permission from „The Handbook of Chakra Flower Essences” by Carola Lage-Roy, Lage-Roy Publishers.
Contact address:
Carola Lage-Roy
D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen
Tel: 0049-(0)-8841-4455
e-mail: ravi.roy@lage-roy.de
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