“If you want to understand the universe, think in categories like energy, frequencies and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
The natural pitch 432 Hz is the sound frequency that vibrates in tune with man, nature and the cosmos.
Our body and our cells vibrate in tune with the basic frequency 432 Hz. Sounds vibrating with this frequency can harmonize our cells and support the body in its healing process. The frequency 432 Hz can also balance both sides of the brain and promote a healthy metabolism.
Hz=Hertz indicates the number of oscillations per second. In 1939, at the International Tuning Conference, the standard pitch was set to the note a1 = 440 at 20°C.1 In October 1953, this frequency became the ISO standard (ISO = International Organization for Standardization in Geneva). 40,000 musicians submitted a petition against this development in order to prevent the 440 Hz pitch as standard, but without success. Most of the musical instruments are built in 440 Hz, but piano, violin and guitar, for example, can easily be tuned to the harmonic tone 432 Hz. Since the instruments of a group are tuned to one and the same pitch, consequently most of the music today (approx. 95%) is produced on the basis of the 440 Hz (ISO standard).2
The Swiss scientist and non-fiction author Hans Cousto became known through the calculation of the “harmonic natural pitch”, which he derived from astronomical events. Using the octave law, he transposed planetary orbits into audible tones. Thus the earth vibrates in its annual sound in the 32nd octave on C sharp – at 136 Hz. The annual sound of the earth results from the vibration, which time needs for one year, namely, the duration of a complete journey of the earth around the sun. This annual sound is OM, the primal vibration, the everlasting sound. In India, this c sharp at 136 Hz corresponds to the natural pitch to which the sitar and the sacred OM are intoned. If one follows this basic tone upwards in its natural tone sequence, one arrives at a1= 432 Hz.
For example, the cortisol organ in the inner ear which is spiral-shaped and regulates the sense of balance vibrates in harmony with the natural pitch. If a person is exposed to today’s omnipresent vibrations and music on a 440 Hz basis, it will cause stress and tension. To adapt and integrate these “artificial” sounds into the natural resonance system of the human being, the tones of the ear and brain need to be appropriately adjusted and shaped. We now can understand that music in 432 Hz means relief and relaxation for the human being.3
In 1962 the anthroposophist Maria Renold found the five chromatic tones as geometric midtones between the diatonic tones exclusively through hearing. The result is a scale that allows free passage through all major and minor scales, which sounds genuine to the ear. She called it the “twelve-quint scale”. Here it is called “middle-tuning”, because it is not only tuned between the today’s usual standard pitch and the much deeper baroque pitch, but also because it speaks directly to the middle of the human being, to the heart. In addition, it has a sunny, radiant quality.4
The first time, when a piano was tuned according to the middle-tuning, it was tuned to a1= 440 Hz. It sounded nice, but there was a very bad tuning among the family members – a rarity in her family – i.e. the social effect was just not positive. Some time later, Maria Renold learned what Rudolf Steiner spoke about the pitch C = 128 Hz, which results to A = 432 Hz due to her tuning method. The piano was retuned and it harmonized again the five persons present. 5
Auditory experiments6
Impressed by her experience, Renold did countless auditory experiments to verify the reality of her observation and to get closer to the meaning of Steiner’s data. Renold studied musically educated and uneducated people in America and Europe.
She found that although a1= 440 Hz and c1= 261,656 Hz were the best known sounds, more than 90% of the test persons preferred a1= 432 Hz and c1= 256 Hz. Some statements about “C”:
C1= 256 Hz belongs to humans, gives a lot of space, sounds calm, pleasant and full. It vibrates like a fundamental note through the whole human being.
As per c1= 261.656 Hz, more than 90% said it sounded piercing, irritating and unpleasant. It was top-heavy, intellectual and had a nervous effect.
Further experiments were made with the correspondingly lower C, c1 = 252.
The test persons said that this note creates a feeling of physical comfort and has a soporific effect, but at the same time it has as a calculating, merciless quality.
Experiments generated with a frequency generator on a steel plate with grains of sand 7
- LA-432-Hz
- LA-440-Hz
- Si-432-Hz
- Si-440-Hz
- DO-432-Hz
- DO-440-Hz
- RE-432-Hz
- RE-440-Hz
- Mi-432-Hz
- Mi-440-Hz
- FA-432-Hz
- FA-440-Hz
The sounds of an octave are:
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do = C, D, E, F, G, A, H, C
From the previous table it is clear that the figures with 432 Hz are more holistic than those with 440 Hz.
In the book “Spiritual Psychology” Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya describes the occult keyboard of numbers, forms, colours and sounds.
Sound is the cause of life. The vital matter is stabilized in the human being on the etheric plane by the utterance of sound. Each sound also produces a specific colour on the etheric plane and this in turn is the cause for the form on the etheric plane. We can also see from the table that different tones of the scale, depending on the pitch, also produce different forms. This also applies to the colour that the respective tone produces.8
A piece of music fills the room with different timbres. The timbres in turn touch the plane of the heart more or not at all, depending on the pitch 432 Hz or 440 Hz. This was shown very impressively by Maria Renold’s auditory experiments. This fact was also confirmed by a choirmaster friend of mine, whom I told about the 432 Hz pitch. He implemented this immediately in his choir (without instruments) and was surprised by the reactions in the audience. There were emotions of touch on the heart level and tears of joy to be seen.
According to Maria Renold, the 440 Hz pitch clearly causes the body to separate from consciousness and to cause antisocial behaviour.
After all, there is only a difference of 8 Hz to the standard pitch A1 = 440 Hz and the natural pitch a1= 432 Hz. With each octave, however, the difference to the natural pitch A1 doubles = 432 Hz.
Pitch | Frequente Hz | Frequente Hz | Difference |
a1 | 440 | 432 | 8 |
a2 | 880 | 864 | 16 |
a3 | 1760 | 1728 | 32 |
a4 | 3520 | 3456 | 64 |
The higher the tones become, the further they move away from the natural tone system. In practice, this means that a soprano singer can hardly reach the upper tones.9
“With his well-known water crystal pictures, Dr. Masaru Emoto has impressively shown the crystal structures that are shaped in water. For example, the human body, which consists of approx. 70% water, we realise that Maria Renold’s statement gets even more weight. If we look at the brain with 85% water, it is clear that sound and music strongly modulate our brain. Dr. Emoto’s water crystal pictures show how our mind and our daily mood can be changed and manipulated by music.10
This knowledge leads directly to the question:
How do I shape in future my everyday life on the mental and linguistic level and how do I deal with music and the sound media?
Herwig Öhre
1 Wikipedia: standard pitch
2 Raum & Zeit Magazine 208/2017, page 62-65
3 Hans Cousto: Die kosmische Oktave: Der Weg zum universellen Einklang (The Cosmic Octae: The Way to Universal Harmony)
4 Maria Renold: Von Intervallen, Tonleitern, Tönen und dem Kammerton C ≐128 Hertz.“ Hz, Goetheanum Verlag (From Intervals, Octaves, Tones and Concert Pitch C ≐128 Hertz)
5 Maria Renold: „Von Intervallen, Tonleitern, Tönen und dem Kammerton C ≐128 Hertz“, Goetheanum Verlag (From Intervals, Octaves, Tones and Concert Pitch C ≐128 Hertz)
6 Maria Renold: „Von Intervallen, Tonleitern, Tönen und dem Kammerton C ≐128 Hz“, Goetheanum Verlag, mit separatem Faltblatt „Die Wanderung des Tones C aus dem Widder in die Fische nach der eurythmischen Tonspirale Rudolf Steiners“, Gebundenes Buch – 1. Januar 1998 (From Intervals, Octaves, Tones and Concert Pitch C ≐128 Hertz with separate leaflet: The walking of the tone C from Aries to Pisces after Rudolf Steiner’s eurythmic tone spiral)
7 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zw0uWCNsyw Cymatics experiment tonoscope 432-440Hz.avi
8 Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spirituelle Psychologie (Spiritual Psychology)
9 Georg Maier, Kammerton 432 Hz, Die Frequenz für eine harmonische Welt (Concert pitch 432 Hz, The Frequency for a Harmonic World)
10 Dr. Masaru Emoto, Messages from Water, ISBN 4-939098-00-1 (Water is a mirror reflecting our mind)
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