Realising facts and appreciating naturopathy
Since there is little information in the ranks of our profession about who treats electro-sensitive people, who deals with the consequences of technical radiation exposure, I do it. For over 10 years I have been treating electro-hypersensitive persons, consequences of 3G and 4G. My clientele was originally limited to patients who suffer from increased e-smog exposure at work, such as TV and radio people, cameramen, filmmakers. Patients from the IT industry and the webinar industry quickly joined. For several years, children and adolescents suffering from complex, chaotic symptoms such as early dementia, gait and word disorders, depression, infertility, wear and tear of thumb base joints and disorientation have approached me. All in all, a sad picture as a result of cell phone addiction. This addictive behaviour passes from adults to babies, children and adolescents and is even active in my professional training courses for doctors and alternative practitioners. I have to point out several times during my course that cell phones should be off or at least in flight mode. Yet every free minute everyone rushes to their cell phones as if the ultimate warning of World War III is expected. Life is dominated by the virtual world in cell phone format. If I ordered a two-week “cell phone fast” for an electro sensitive person, i.e. no cell phone use, it is tantamount to sending a message of the end of the world.
What I see as the grossest offence of mobilde technology is the fact that I cannot escape it. If someone is addicted to alcohol, nicotine or drugs, it doesn’t have to affect me. But I cannot escape cell phone addiction, the digital dictates of mobile telephony, even if I banish my WiFi router to the cellar or wire everything up and switch to LAN. All critical publications, especially those of the “Kompetenzinitiative für Mensch, Umwelt und Demokratie e.V.” (Competence Initiative for People, Environment and Democracy), can be found in a simple conclusion: Cell phone addiction is a collective man’s attempt, the culmination of which will be 5G – unless more resistance comes from those it hits into the brain or heart: we, the humans. The fatal thing is that the producers of the NIS technologies have neither the health nor the emotional-mental progress of us humans in mind, but only the profit from the sale of the devices. If things were different, they would have first asked what NIR exposure (non-ionising radiation) does to people, not only in the short term but also in the long term, and then thought about how to make the device radiation more people-friendly and health-safe.
A few things need to be clear: We, the users of the devices, do not have to prove to the producers that there is no long-term damage, but the producers have the duty to communicate safety measures and provide evidence for the protection of health! Since this is not happening, it seems we have to help ourselves. Can we do that in view of the advanced cell phone addiction, which has already taken hold of children and young people in addition to adults? Are we protected by the Ministry of Health, by the Ministry of Radiation Protection, by the political level? No! So we are left alone and are doing something that is currently being completely disregarded, both at the political level and by reductionist science: we are turning to naturopathy. It has always been an old, sustainable and strong pillar of our culture, has survived wars and catastrophes and also survives the nonsense of man-made diseases. Holistic physicians and alternative practitioners are on hand, provided they are aware of the most modern diseases and apply their knowledge and skills.
Nature never abandons us. It offers trees to discharge e-smog pollution, invites to roam through landscape and forest, whereby the entire rhythmic energy system of the human being is freed from negative radiation and the life force is stimulated. Healing from technical radiation exposure is basically simple: to get out into nature, rhythmic walking, cycling, dancing, singing, swimming etc. It provides what the organism understands 1:1: rhythm, both in breathing and movement. In the second instance, we have to give ourselves time to adapt to the NIR load, i.e. set up many small breaks if a lot of work has to be done with cell phones, PCs or other technical devices. In the third instance, there are many proven remedies that repair the damage caused by radiation exposure. But all these measures only work if everyone uses digital devices in moderation, gives up the addiction of having to be online all the time and understands that values and beauties of life still exist apart from the virtual world. Yes, to be “online” in the best sense for the healthy forces of nature. Because one thing is clear: the diseases of our time will not be cured by technology, neither by cell phones, routers nor Bluetooth devices!
Since cell phone addiction does not stop at the representatives of medicine, but is just as rampant there as in other professions and areas of life, I would like to mention in this first part of my contribution what everyone can do: turn on common sense and change a few things in the use of devices. This must also be passed on to the patients, because many are not at all informed about the harmful effects:
Normal electricity produces 0.1 μWatt (microwatt) per square metre. This healthy measure is sought, for example, in building biology. That is why it is important to have sleep and work place measured in order to find out if there are any geopathic disturbances. These are natural earth rays, but they can be too strong and cause harm.
The situation is quite different with technical radiation exposure:
From 100 μWatt, the hormonal system suffers; if this wattage is reached permanently, it leads to the phenomenon of infertility even in young people, apart from emotional-mental losses such as early dementia and depression. Since the hormone system works relatively slow in contrast to the nervous system, it often takes days until it is back in balance. However, if there is repeated disruption due to the influence of radiation, a permanent disorder will form, especially in the thyroid and gonads.
Above 1000 μWatt, the blood-brain barrier opens. As a result, parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses enter the cell. The consequence of this is that a progressive hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the cells has been observed for about 10 years. And that even applies to competitive athletes! If the ratio of oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent cells takes a turn, there are clusters of non-differentiated cells. You can compare them to pubescents who do not develop further, who clump together, because only together they feel strong and attack the environment. This is also the case with the agglomeration of anaerobic cells. These can become cancer cells. It is striking that head tumours have become more frequent in recent years.
A single cell phone call to the ear has 9.3 million μWatts. The small headphones in the ear mitigate this only slightly because they themselves are made of radiating materials. When should this high wattage be reduced if a cell phone addiction triggers permanent use?
What are digital technology devices made of?
There are 30 metals alone in cell phones, mainly “rare earths” or “rare metals”, also called “lanthanides”. The main mining areas firstly are hotly contested, as the white, soft metals are becoming rarer, and secondly occurs in very poor countries such as Congo, South America, South Africa, and thirdly the mining is associated with inhumane working conditions, as child labour is the order of the day.
No development takes place in the mining countries mentioned above, because it would take time to establish good hygienic and social conditions. Children are worn out because the families have many children and the magnates who organise the mining of the special metals do not care about one child more or less. What is also not mentioned is the high mortality rate of the people who wash gold out of the rocks with the help of mercury. Gold is present in digital devices only in tiny amounts, but there are at least 1 trillion cell phones in human hands worldwide, according to the latest estimate. The landscape is not damaged in the short term, but for generations! There is no danger of the environment being damaged by rare metal mining, it IS being damaged for a long time. But we don’t see this because no cell phone freak travels to the Congo, China, South Africa or South America to see on site under which conditions the raw materials for his cell phone are extracted. I suggest this as a destination for a school excursion, because I am sure the children and young people would be happy to hand in their cell phones. Against this background, it is idle for schoolchildren in this country to plead for a better environment when at the same time they cannot even live for two weeks without a cell phone and accept that child labour is stuck to their favourite device. It is also a known fact since the on-site studies in 2014 that child and female mortality in the mining areas is very high. What blessing is there in devices that supposedly serve better and faster communication and do not communicate with the people who sacrifice their lives to make a smart phone? What is still “smart”?
So what is to be done?
Holistic medicine emphasises the need to strengthen the immune system. I see this as the second step. The first step is to activate and strengthen common sense. Everyone should ask himself/herself when a cell phone is necessary and when it is not. That would already account for at least 60%, because cell phones and the use of digital media today serve more for shallow entertainment and superficial communication than for necessary messages.
What everyone can change
- Wire up all wireless devices and replace WLAN with LAN – if possible, have it set up by a professional!
- Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use cell phones or wireless devices of any kind. Children are much more susceptible to cell phone radiation than adults, because they have thinner skull bones and their immune systems and brains are developing.
- Research has also shown that infants under 1 year of age cannot learn language effectively from videos and cannot transfer what they learn from an iPad to the real world. So it is a mistake to think that valuable education can be achieved via electronic devices.
- If you use Wi-Fi, turn it off when not in use, especially at night when you are sleeping. The ideal situation would be to work towards hardwiring your house or flat so that you can eliminate Wi-Fi altogether.
- If you have a notebook without Ethernet ports, you can use a USB Ethernet adapter to connect it to the Internet via a wired connection.
- Avoid using wireless chargers for your cell phone, as these also increase electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the home. Wireless charging is also far less energy efficient than using a power plug, as a wireless charging device draws power (and emits EMF) continuously whether it is in use or not.
- Consider moving your baby’s bed to your room instead of using a wireless baby monitor.
- Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body and never sleep with it in your bedroom.
- If you use a cell phone, use the speakerphone and keep the phone one metre away from you. Try to radically reduce the amount of time you spend on your cell phone.
- Avoid using your cell phone and other electronic devices less than an hour (preferably several hours) before bedtime, as the blue light from the screen and EMFs inhibit melatonin production1. Hyperthyroidism is often the result.
Sonnenschmidt, Moderne Strahlenbelastung und ihre ganzheitliche Behandlung S.87f f (Modern radiation exposure and its holistic treatment)
We humans create new technologies and must also bear the consequences if we do not first test immediately what effect they have on public health. As a rule, we only think of solutions afterwards, when negative consequences are to be lamented. At least there are solutions, because apart from the digital radio addicts, there are also people who are in their right mind, see through the background of cell phone profit and offer help. We can always find them in nature, for it is a paragon of immune strength. In nature and with its naturopathic applications, we can indeed stay healthy despite digital technology.
Tip☺: Switch on your brain first!
1Melatonin is the hormone that lowers thyroid function and inhibits metabolism.
If you want to know more about what to do and what not to do, here is some recommended literature.
Sonnenschmidt, Rosina: Moderne Strahlenbelastung und ihre ganzheitliche Behandlung (Modern radiation exposure and its holistic treatment). Edition Elfenohr 2019,
Spitzer, Manfred: Digitale Demenz – wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen (Digital dementia – how we drive ourselves and our children mad) Droemer Verlag 2012
Fritschi, Hajo: Mission Globukalypse. BoD, Books on Demand 2019
Dr. Phil. Rosina Sonnenschmidt
Elisabethstr. 1
75180 Pforzheim
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