Our wrong perceptions of matter
Each of us at some time has seen a model of the atom on the teacher’s desk during school days. This was during chemistry lessons or physics lessons or during both subjects. On a stand there was a model of a nucleus with neutrons and protons of different colors. Around the nucleus there was a wire construction with little balls at a distance of a few centimeters which showed the electrons on their paths. For most of us this model was so burnt into our brains that it is absolutely valid for us.
But there are several catches. First of all the proportion is not correct. Normally, the proportion should have the following appearance (and this is hard to show through a model): There is a pie on the table in front of you. It is the nucleus. 2.5 km away from this pie there is the first electron shell with the possibility of one or two electrons. Between the pie and the electron, which is 2.5 km away, there is absolutely nothing but a so-called vacuum. Thus, the biggest part of matter consists of nothing. And therefore we fight and go to war and kill people for 99.9999….% vacuum.
The second inconsistency is as follows: We all learned that equal charges repel each other. But what keeps the protons in the nucleus? And third: What keeps the electron on its path around the pie at a distance of 2.5 km? The positive charge of the pie? Or the gravitation of the pie? These points are not clear to a logical thinking person. Or is the cause love? That can be more easily accepted, for who does not travel hundreds of kilometers for deep love?
All atoms consist of the same building blocks. Again and again we find protons and neutrons in the nucleus and in the so-called shells, and at a proper distance the electrons, as we were taught. You have to mull over this fact. Each chemical element consists exactly of the same building blocks. Only the number of the building blocks is different from each other. It doesn’t matter whether it is an odorless, colorless gas which explodes through a small spark like hydrogen, or whether it is the very firm carbon in form of a diamante – everything consists of the same building blocks. If you mull over this fact philosophically you get the thought whether it would not be possible to change one element into another one, or to change the characteristics of an element.
This thought is very old and comes from a time when the single parts of an atom were not known yet. This is the science of Alchemy. Yes, you have read correctly: Science. On the one hand, modern Organic and Inorganic Chemistry have developed Alchemy or General Chemistry. On the other hand, experimentation determines different branches of the so-called science up to date till a sensible solution of a problem is found. Thus, medicine and a large part of the pharma-industry are one big experimentation; unfortunately, not only to the detriment of humans, but also to the detriment of many innocent animals.
Can one mentally influence matter?
This question can be answered with a clear YES. Also, in modern science experiments are fulfilled according to the expectation of the experimenters. In some cases you reach different results according to the different expectations. For example, mathematics works under these circumstances when doing probability calculations and chance evaluations. But is all this really accidental? Did spontaneous healings really happen without provable reasons? But let us start from the very beginning, during childhood. Many phenomena are totally normal and are only rejected by the parents as irrational. Parents are angry because they think their children mix up the colors if they see a tree being red instead of green. But perhaps the children see the energy field at this moment, the so-called aura of the tree. At the latest, by the age of elementary school, the intuition is replaced by the rational in many cases. With great difficulties you try to reawaken the fantasy during art lessons. Society succeeds very early to destroy the intuition. Perfect technical toys are given to the children, and the children are sent into well-constructed virtual worlds. Food is seasoned with a standard taste. The spice rack is reduced to a few ready mixtures. The perception and intuition are crippled more and more.
All essential processes in life are processes of consciousness
If you change the consciousness of a man, you can change the whole man. Wars or environmental matters, relationships or personal development – all these things concern questions of consciousness.
If people were aware of themselves they would not let themselves be misused – neither for wars nor for other purposes against their will. If you become aware of certain things you can freely decide for yourself. The consciousness raising is naturally not desired in different circles. “Give bread and games to the people and produce a sufficient measure of fear – then you can govern them well”. This is according to an old saying.
Most of all you should start with consciousness raising with yourself. Again and again parties and societies are found with positive intentions in the beginning. That only makes sense if a single person is aware of the content and tries to live it. Then he recognizes the weak points of the concept in time.
If you don’t start with yourself to become aware of things, which means to live them in everyday-life, what use are colorful environmental protection actions? For example, the author has used electrical drive mechanisms. Here it is possible to feel energy. You get an entirely different feeling from this non-explosive technique. The aggression is gone from the vehicle and the driver becomes more relaxed and drives with much more awareness.
Sometimes the detour of a few kilometers is more economical than driving over a high mountain. When applying the brakes with care, energy can be fed back. The silent humming of the motor lets you hear the twittering of the birds while driving. A small car is consciously chosen to avoid unnecessary dead weight. When reloading the car with electricity interesting interpersonal contacts develop.
“A biological system is all the more likely to be damaged by a toxin,
the more sensitive its initial situation, i.e. environment, is,
the more accompanying damaging stimuli, i.e. pro-factors, interact,
the more continuous the stimulus, i.e. the lack of recovery phases, and
the longer the organism is exposed to this stimulus.”
Dr. Karl Braun von Gladiß
Today’s conventional medicine hardly deals with these backgrounds, although they are taught in every training course. You could think of Goethe and his “Faust II”: “In this I recognize the scholar: What you don’t sense is miles away; what you don’t experience is totally missing. What you don’t calculate you believe is not true. What you don’t measure has no weight for you. What you don’t mint you think is not valid.” A further Goethe quotation should not be forgotten at this point: “It is so agreeable to research nature and yourself simultaneously, to neither inflict force to your own spirit, nor to nature, but to bring both into balance with a gentle interaction.”
I don’t want to go into more details regarding the topic of how science functions, neither philosophically nor psychologically, but I want to add historical statements.
The Swiss physicist Alex Müller received the Nobel Prize in 1988 for the discovery of the so-called “High-Temperature Superconduction”. It can be achieved with materials which were believed not to be suitable as conductors. The headline of an article by Mueller is: “Outer and inner research experience and expectation”. In this article he writes:
“The path followed so many years successfully, which brought accordance between a lot of, and even of nearly all inner expectations and objective experiments using Perovski-grids, made me happy. This let me think of the possibility and even expecting to contribute in the area of superconduction with oxidic perovskites scientifically.”
In 1925 the physicist Werner Heisenberg also had such experiences with intuition, when he visited the Isle of Helgoland because of an allergic rhinitis. Here he finds the decisive entrance to quantum physics. In his autobiography with the title “The Part and the Whole” we find his report:
“A few days were sufficient to throw off mathematical dead weight and to find a simple wording for my question. Very soon it became clear what should replace the old terms. It was also clearly felt that with this additional term a central point of the theory had been formed, and that from this point on there was no further freedom anymore.”
Heisenberg here describes a necessary cleansing as mystics would describe it. Then he makes the problem his own. He feels that he has an inner urge demanding a solution for the problem. For other things he is not open at this moment.
When talking about natural sciences one actually thinks of something, which is insightful, clear and recognized. But the interesting point is that many scientific insights happen through strange revelations which we want to explain further as follows. In 1808 the philosopher Gotthilf Schubert expressed the thought during a lecture, that there were times when scientists did not have the feeling of having left nature behind in order to observe it, but that they saw themselves as an integrated part of nature. By the way, Schubert asked in the presence of Caspar David Friedrich and Heinrich von Kleist what kind of a view this must have been when the human being still was nature.
The experimental physicist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg said in the 18th century:
“If all bottles had remained closed we would know less.”
In other words, obviously there are redeeming means for ideas which seem to be deep within us and which wait to be brought to the surface. Some use alcohol as indicated by Lichtenberg, which in the long run was naturally dangerous.
…to be continued
Taken from Magazine VIII/11, Paracelsus Health & Healing, September 2011
Prof. E.H. Iwailo Schmidt BGU
Healing Practitioner and Lecturer for Naturopathy
Dora-Stock-Str. 1
01217 Dresden
Tel.+49(0)3514-71 75 68
Iwailo Schmidt, The Subtle Naturopathy (Die feinstoffliche Naturheilkunde), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2007
Iwailo Schmidt, Textbook of Bio-Energetics (Lehrbuch der Bioenergetik), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2006
Iwailo Schmidt, Textbook of Ideational Realization (Lehrbuch der Bewusstwerdung), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2007
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