With a special gift: “The Evening – Review”
Have you ever asked yourself what you could do to realize your dreams?
Which techniques could help to manifest more things in your life which are really important to you? Is it not amazing how some wishes are nearly fulfilled on their own volition and with others we fight daily and yet do not get them fulfilled. So it seems at least.
If, however, we look more clearly we can discover something very interesting. In the Shamanic tradition of Hawaii we speak of four levels of reality or four levels of dreaming. In Hawaii we find the statement that all life here in this world is a kind of dreaming. And we can find this statement in other locations, too. In the Hawaiian tradition the four levels are:
- objective level – everything is separate
- subjective level – all is connected
- symbolic level – all is symbolic
- mystic level – all is one.
We daily use consciously and subconsciously all these levels, thus creating our own reality. As far as we use these energies consciously we are happy about our successes and would like to talk about them. But majority of the time we use our energy subconsciously and create our reality nonetheless. We don’t feel in the flow and experience ourselves separated from the source of our strength and our thoughts are occupied with things which do not pan out or could go wrong. We create fears and troubles, interpret our experiences and happening in a negative way and forget that we are connected and are one. We forget that we all stem from the same universal energy which also created the universes and that this force continues living within us whether we use it consciously or not. This force is always active in us.
Now, I want to introduce to you a forceful tool which can support you on your way in an unimagined way. Apart from the fact that it is naturally helpful to be aware of the different realities and to know when and in which way they can be expressed there is a wonderful possibility to become aware of your creative strength and the principle of cause and effect. This technique is called the “Evening Review”. This technique often is underestimated and used in a wrong way.
The technique of the “Evening Review”
This technique needs about three to five minutes daily, not more. Too much usually leads us away from the goal.
In the “Evening Review” it is not necessary to re-live the events of the day again and to repeat the emotions, hurts and disappointments etc. Instead we should review the most important events of the day from a more distant, observing position. We should do this backwards meaning we start with the events of the evening before the review and let the events run backwards just like in a movie in front of our inner eye.
This kind of reflection helps us on several levels simultaneously.
By the distant observing position we learn to become aware of our inner observer – meaning that part in us which we can observe inside without being too much involved in the happenings. This helps us more and more to let go of our emotions and become aware of our reactions more consciously. Thus we can more and more easily realize the connection between the result and the causative energy.
I want to explain this with a simple example. Imagine that you are on a walk and you reach a certain point and stop for a short rest. Now regard the distance covered preferably without emotions by analyzing the single sections of your way. You recognize sections which were simply flat and others which eventually were steep and strenuous. Therefore, you can decide more easily how you want to cover these sections, where it is sensible to take a rest, where you want to change the direction and much more. This corresponds to the objective level. The subjective level finds its expression when you realize that this path is not only the way but also the environment and your interaction with it. You might find out that there were sections were easy for you despite they were strenuous because you enjoyed the environment and you were totally present with your attention or from a certain point of view you simply enjoyed having the overview over the way and the corresponding success. On this level you can realize how your thoughts are connected with your experiences and mutually influence each other.
If you change the level again and look at it as a symbol you can realize how this way and the way you made it are connected with your personality and your life. You possibly recognize many correspondences between you, the way and the environment and so on.
In the reflection on the mystic level you realize that there is no differentiation between you and that what surrounds you. You realize that everything is connected with everything. You, the way and the environment are one unit.
Through this kind of observation of our everyday life we learn to become more and more conscious about how our life, our experiences and everything that happens are created by ourselves.
In order to have maximum results it is important not to enter into emotions but to observe the events from an observing, appreciative instead of a critical position because we are otherwise inclined not to look very closely. We are in this world to wake up and to discover our creative power and to learn what leads to which results. And like an architect who learns with each building so we learn with all our experiences and may improve our life by consciously using the essence from our experiences.
So I would like to invite you to try out this technique for yourselves which can be applied very effectively in many other areas as well. It will help you to become more conscious how we are connected with the entire universe and how we are one with the entire creation and it will help you to realize that you are never alone.
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