An important consideration leads us to the question how these mineral substances of biochemistry according to Dr. Schüßler can be combined with other healing methods! This leads us first of all to a “comparison of healing methods” because from the conclusions that are drawn from this comparison, also indications for the practical arrangement in the application of this healing method are the result!
The Conventional Medicinal Healing Method1
Medicine has reached such an incredible level in its development that an improvement is almost inconceivable. In its domain, medicine is unsurpassable. It fights the disease, which often saves lives and must accordingly be highly regarded.
It only becomes precarious when medicine explains itself to be “omnipotent”, resp., when it frequently denies its existing helplessness. It is a matter of its placement in a comprehensive edifice of support and care of the human being on his life journey.
The common belief that man has of medicine is that medicine has to prevent or to suppress the appearance of problems. Symptoms are pushed aside, swiped away, and the pain is suppressed. With regard to this belief, disease is the enemy of man, something which the physician has to fight, and the patient should best of all not interfere because he does not understand anything of it, anyway.
Stefan Zweig has presented this situation in his book, “Heilung durch den Geist” (Healing through the Spirit) in the following way, “Scientific medicine regards the ill person and his disease as an object and assigns him in an almost contemptuous way the role of absolute passivity; he must not ask anything nor say anything but follow the requests of the doctor in an obedient and even thoughtless way and must possibly deactivate himself from the treatment.” 2
In this perspective of medicine and the sick person, resp., the physician, the medication is the weapon against the disease. The doctor is the specialist, the patient the spectator, and the disease is the enemy. Apart from the de facto necessary employment of different medications, unnecessarily far too much effort is made in order to urgently eliminate a disturbance. However, also the patients are a determinant factor here because they are often not prepared to face a long process of a real healing.
In his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”, Viktor Frankl writes very emphatically and vividly about the distance which has already developed between physician and patient:
“Certainly, objectivity is a matter that suits the physician well; inevitably, the attitude towards the patient is full of inner distance. We only need to think how a doctor’s visit in a hospital takes place. In each case, one has in one’s mind eye the medical case, and not the person.The assistant, who guides the professor during the doctor’s visit, presents him the ill person as a case of this or that disease. In general, the physician also tends to treat the sickness and not the sick person. And time and again one hears the expression, ‘that is a case of…’. Please observe: THAT is there, not THIS HUMAN BEING; and further, IS, and therefore not SUFFERS FROM, – thus, there is not the question of a disease, which this person has, but only of the case, which this person IS, – a CASE, and thus an arbitrary, sheer representative of a certain disease, or maybe the case number soandsomuch of a series, called the patient material. With such phrases, which unconsciously worm into the medical jargon, it is sufficiently characterized how deeply and widely this tendency of distancing on behalf of the physician and his objectification of human is taking place.“3
However, it would be wrong to work up an enemy image with regard to medicine! It is tragic if people arrive too late for a necessary medical care only because they had relied for too long on methods and possibilities, which were not appropriate for their problem.4 Gentle methods will not take effect anymore for those who have overlong disregarded the fundamental pillars of health.
The patient’s attention is by far not sufficiently called to his individual responsibility. Thereby, the attention is hardly focused on preventive health care, for which each individual person is responsible. However, many a serious disease could already be coped with right from the beginning, and a lot of misery could be spared.
In any case, classical medicinal healing methods are appropriate when the person is unable to organize himself satisfactorily on the physical level. As long as this is not the case, exclusively consultation and information should be given about such measures, which the patient needs for himself in order to cope with the problems ahead out of his own resources. Only an extremely fine boundary exists between incapacitation, an appropriate counsel, resp., support, and a necessary treatment.
The Healing Method of Stimulation
Its aim is challenging the self-healing powers of the organism by means of a stimulus so that it is able to cope with the disease by itself. This healing method works wonders if the stimuli are placed in accordance with the person and the person’s suffering, and if the organism is able to answer the stimuli.
With regard to the stimuli, it is absolutely necessary to know the Arndt-Schulz rule of stimuli.
It implies that weak stimuli accelerate vital energy, medium stimuli inhibit, and strong stimuli haltvital force. If one takes these rules into consideration, one will recognize how wrong the principle of “the stronger, the harder, the firmer, etc., …. the better” is.
It is wrong when for the preparation of tea, one spoon per cup is used; it is wrong when during a massage it is explained that it is good when it hurts; it is wrong if during electrotherapy so much voltage is administered that one can hardly bear it; it is wrong in all fields of medicine if one is merely concerned with the elimination of a disturbance as fast as possible, – without getting to the root of the problem.
Such physicians have to be admired who e.g., do not suppress fever anymore but instead allow slow decline, as far as this is responsible, of who do not suppress pains immediately – they are, after all, a cry for help of the body and often of importance for diagnosis.
If the organism is confronted or burdened with whatever stimuli, it has to be taken into consideration that function minerals are required. This also has to be regarded in view of our world full of stimuli, in which the flooding with stimuli is so strong that it is more and more met with blunting. This is nothing but the fourth step of the law of stimuli, namely halting.
Due to the intensity and multitude of them, life energy is blocked. The environment can only be perceived with more and more difficulties. The connection with the outside world becomes more and more feeble, and the person is increasingly self-oriented, which leads to separation (isolation. This is by the way an enormously important aspect that takes effect with No.12 Calcium sulfuricum.
(The question arises whether in cases like this, a healing method of stimulation is appropriate at all!)
It is like a snail. First, it draws back its feelers when it becomes startled by a stimulus that is too strong; then it withdraws into its snail shell. Thereby, the outside contacts are broken off. Even the most sensitive efforts are bounced off at the shell. During the time of withdrawal, for the outside world there is only the possibility of waiting, until the being regains enough power and trust to emerge to the outside again. The shell protects the snail; at the same time it forms an obstacle in coming out of itself again without any difficulty.
However, in order to respond to stimuli, the operation of the organism has to be in order, i.e., it must have enough function minerals at its disposal. The function minerals are mineral substances. There is no process inside the body at all, which does not use function minerals, i.e., mineral substances, as was already emphasized elsewhere.
Thus, if by drinking tea (not every kind of tea is a stimulus), physiotherapy5, homeopathy, aromatic substances, nosodes or whatever stimuli6 or irritants are brought to, resp., into the body, the body will have to respond to such stimulus; it has to start up its operation, which will only be possible as long as operating materials are available. If this is not the case anymore, the organism tries to keep out of the way of stimuli, which is the case of many people (as stated in the footnote) who say that sun does not agree with them.
Also, the organism cannot respond to a multitude of stimuli although they were supplied in the form of medicinal products. A homeopathic doctor has once formulated the problem of missing function materials as follows: “Homeopathy wants to make things happen, but sometimes there is nothing that can be moved.“
(Therapy blockade! The example of a tired and shaky horse that does not feel the smarting blow of the whip any more, but trots on with blunted senses.)
The supply with the necessary operation materials is then the only possible (because appropriate) response at the inability of the organism to answer to stimuli.
The Physiological7Healing Method
is a method, which does justice to the body and to the demands of the organism.
It is a healing method that principally focuses on the misery and the deficiencies of the person. With regard to this, underlying deficiency the interventions are then chosen.
- It could be quite necessary that a person requires more time for recovery because he/she has not been relaxed for a long time.
- If somebody suffers from undercooling, he needs no stimulus to produce warmth; this is impossible for him. He is in desperate need of heat supply.
- In case of a lack of energy, it might simply be necessary to provide energy, in whichever form, but in any case in a responsible way. In case of a too-much, of an overload, the person needs a discharge for the surplus energy.
- If energy is invested in energy-draining structures, this will result into great exhaustion. It is appropriate here to point out the fixations and obsessive structures and how one can cope with them. Information is missing as to how this can be done. This is not a stimulus but a necessary provision on the proper level.
- If people suffer from great loneliness, they certainly need no tranquilizers, but conversations and guidance for how to establish relationships, on how it is possible to find communities and to dismantle barriers of contact.
- If a person develops a great lack of certain mineral substances due to extreme, one-sided traits of character, he should set to work on these structures and not just fill up his mineral storage.
- The other way round, should a person suffer from intensive and burdening feelings due to a lack of a certain mineral substance, then it is necessary to fill up the lack and not to unnecessarily look for apparently associated, burdening, pathological character structures. (Somato-psychology)
- Sometimes it also becomes necessary to carry out a change of place if a person has become ill and suffers from a depression due a much too long obfuscated phase. For him, sunlight with all its intensity of colours then becomes the necessary care.
Biochemistry according to Dr. Schüß-ler is essentially a purely physiological healing method as it fills up the deficiencies. In case of a lack, the respective mineral substances are filled up, and only later, research for the deeper causes will be carried out.
Biochemistry according to Dr. Schüß-ler is physiological because the individual salts (combinations of mineral substances) are not foreign to the body, but the body itself contains them permanently in every cell, in the tissue, and in the fluids.
As focus is always placed upon what is lacking in the organism, or on what it needs, only such measures can be taken that answer the body and its demand. Everything that is not in keeping with it, thus, what is called heterogeneous, finds no place in this healing method.
In his “Abgekürzte Therapie“8 (Abbreviated Therapy), Dr. Schüßler writes:
“Biochemistry reaches its aim directly: covering of a deficiency; the other healing methods that use means, which are heterogeneous9 with regard to substances constituting the human organism reach the aim indirectly.“
The physiological healing method will in its endeavours exclusively use homogenous ingredients, which are similar to the body, resp., adequate (appropriate) to the body.
However, as physiology is also the science of the fundaments of general life a process, the physiological healing method comprises all levels of the person with all his respective needs.
Feichtinger, Niedan Feichtinger: Handbuch der Biochemie nach Dr. Schuessler, Stuttgart: Haug Verlag, 4. Auflage, S77ff
Zweig, Stefan: Die Heilung durch den Geist, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983, S 19
Frankl, Viktor: Der Mensch vor der Frage nach dem Sinn, München: Piper & Co. Verlag, 1979, 10. Auflage 1995, Seite 113
In a wordplay I frequently differentiate between alternative and alternaive people!
Science of the remedial treatment with plant substances.
A particularly strong stimulus for the organism is sun-rays. If a person lies out in the sun, the organism has to make the same effort in balancing out the stimulus like during the activity of chopping wood. This is one of the heaviest kinds of work and the comparison shows, which enormous efforts the organism has to make in order to cope with the accruing burdens. Warmth has to be regulated. The epidermis has to be strengthened by building in a stronger filter (we understand this as a suntan). The metabolism is tremendously accelerated, the heart beats faster, and perhaps even the body temperature rises. For carrying out these processes, the organism spends an enormous amount of mineral substances in order to more or less get by. During the acute strain, mainly extremely much No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum is used up for the accruing transports and for the oxygen supply. If a person has a greater lack of this mineral substance, he cannot afford any more to lay in the sun (the body can no longer afford to lie in the sun. The person will avoid direct sunshine and will claim, “I can’t take the sun any more.” Indirectly he points out the respective deficiency.
Physiological: regarding the life processes inside the body
Schuessler, Abgekürzte Heilweise, 31. Auflage, 1904, Seite 9
Of a different kind, disparate, of foreign substance (DUDEN, Die deutsche Rechtschreibung)
….to be continued
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