The name is derived from the ancient Greek zéō for “boiling” and the ancient Greek lithos for “stone”, meaning “boiling stone”.
It refers to the lively effervescence (boiling) of the mineral when heated, as bound water is released. The term “zeolite” was coined in 1756 by the Swedish mineralogist Baron Axel Fredrick von Cronstedt.
Zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates that occur in numerous modifications in nature, but can also be produced synthetically. More than 150 different types of zeolites have been synthesised, 60 naturally occurring zeolites are known. The natural zeolites are summarised mineralogically under the term zeolite group.
Zeolite is a microporous rock, i.e. a rock with tiny pores. It is a volcanic rock and its pores were once formed by the volcanic gas inclusions. They are sieved or boiled rocks that were formed millions of years ago when volcanic eruptions caused the red-hot lava clay to flow into the sea and brought the sea to the boil.
During these events, the special crystal lattice structure of the so-called clinoptilolite zeolite also formed.
There are three forms of zeolite, the phase-like, the foliated and the crystalline zeolite. We are all interested in crystalline zeolite, the clinoptilolite zeolite.
A single gram of zeolite has an inner surface area of up to 600 m2, this is just one reason for the almost unique adsorption properties of zeolite in nature. Thanks to its strong adsorption power, it is able to bind the health-endangering heavy metals to itself and to release minerals (especially silicon) to the body in the same ion exchange process.
The structure of Zeolite 2
The net-like crystal lattice of zeolite is immune to numerous external influences – including stomach acid and other digestive juices.
In the middle of the cavities of the crystal lattice are cations (positively charged particles), such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium. The lattice itself, its tiny cavities, are negatively charged, which in turn is an important assumption for zeolite being able to detoxify so well and also heal.
Because of its effective detoxification function, zeolite clinoptilolite has proven to be an effective therapeutic agent for the treatment and healing of numerous diseases and stress syndromes as well as for general improvement of strength. In a number of complementary medical treatment approaches, emphasis is placed above all on body detoxification. The therapeutic benefits of the volcanic mineral are so far-reaching and effective that it is even used successfully in cancer therapy.
The best-known medical application of rock powder dates back almost 30 years. Because natural zeolite safely removes 95 % of caesium, 80 % of strontium, 50-60 % of heavy metal radionuclides and other radioactive isotopes such as iodine from the body, medical experts and disaster units used about half a million tons of it during the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986 to decontaminate people and animals as well as the ruins of the reactor and the soil underneath.
The use of clinoptilolite in the 1979 nuclear accident at the Pennsylvania power plant “Three Mile Island” near Harrisburg is also well documented. According to Anna Bieniok, an Austrian mineralogist at the University of Salzburg, 90 % of the leakage of radioactively contaminated water into the sea as a result of the 2011 reactor accident in Fukushima could have been prevented if proper and timely action had been taken, i.e. – as the press wrote at the time – “if the use of zeolites had not been neglected”. According to some authors, Japanese doctors used zeolite as early as 1945 to remove radionuclides after the atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 3
In Russia there is a central research project “Zeolite”, which is under the patronage of President Putin. Clinoptilolite zeolite preparations are approved as medicinal products in Russia.
It is important to know that Russia has a very strict pharmaceutical law.
Zeolite on Youtube:
Healing and active ingredients:
Mineral silicon (e.g. in clinoptilolite), known as silicic acid, is absorbed and metabolised by about 1-2% in colloidal form via the intestine. 5 g clinoptilolite provides the body with 30 to 60 mg of available silicon, thus covering the total estimated daily requirement of 20-30 mg. The body needs this vital micromineral.
Silicon deficiency causes numerous diseases, e.g. acceleration of the ageing process, wear of joint cartilage, wrinkling of the skin, inhibition of growth, hair loss, memory loss, disturbance of the calcium-magnesium balance, arteriosclerosis, cancer and many others. “Without silicon, no life, no growth, no healing is possible”, wrote the world-renowned American silicon researcher Edith Muril Carlisle [1986].
Zeolite has successfully been proven as an alternative healing method that binds and eliminates toxins from the environment as well as pharmaceutical residues and pathogens. At the same time, natural zeolite provides a supply of vital minerals and trace elements that are released in the places of the body where they are needed. The powdered mineral cleanses the body of heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury or lead, preservatives, artificial colourings and other chemical stuff added to food and can free the organism from radioactive substances. An important field of zeolite application is the treatment of the Candida yeast fungus, whose metabolic products trigger a variety of diseases.
Strengthens the immune system
If the immune system is strengthened by the neutralising effect of zeolite, it can successfully defend itself against pathogens and prevent them from taking hold in the body.
Through its structure, the healing mineral also dissolves the acid-forming protons that accumulate in the body’s cells and prevent or negatively affect vital metabolic processes. Although the human organism can break down some of the acids, it is powerless against large amounts of toxins that have accumulated over many years. Chronic hyperacidity due to unbalanced eating habits, a hectic lifestyle and psychological stress is associated with many modern diseases of civilisation, which can lead to complaints in middle and advanced age. Zeolite is successfully used against over acidification and can make a valuable contribution to a long and healthy life.
Detoxifying and neutralising properties of zeolite
The detoxifying and neutralising properties of zeolite are used successfully in the fight against degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism, spondylosis or gout.
These typical “ailments of old age” are caused by the degradation of bone, cartilage and joint material due to a long-term nutrient deficiency in the tissues. The healing mineral powder of zeolite restores the damaged tissue, removes the toxins and supplies new nutrients needed to build up the new tissue. This effect is also seen in diseases of the blood vessels such as haemorrhoids, varicose veins, oedema and thrombosis.
Some doctors also noticed a significant improvement in diabetes mellitus in their patients who took a zeolite-based food supplement over a longer period of time. In addition to acids, this rock material also binds too free radicals entering the cells via UV radiation, the environment and food and destroy them. The consequences include premature ageing of the skin and the formation of wrinkles, circulatory disorders, arteriosclerosis, reduced vision due to eye diseases such as cataracts and cell growth that lead to the formation of malignant cancer tumours. With the help of the detoxifying effect of zeolite, such diseases can be prevented, as the mineral stabilises degenerated cells and stops pathogenic cell growth.
Effectively combat bacteria, fungi and viruses
Thanks to the significant improvement of the immune system under the effect of zeolite, the body can effectively fight bacteria, fungi and viruses. The intake of the powdered preparation – due to the release of toxins – causes an increase of defence cells that can efficiently fight infections of all kinds. In case of recurring inflammations, many alternative doctors recommend the combined intake of zeolite and high-dose vitamin C in fresh fruit and vegetables. A reduction in inflammatory processes not only benefits to general health, but also to the appearance of the skin, under the healing influence of zeolite, gains improved moisture and resistance and has fewer blemishes and pimples. Significant improvements in herpes infections, neurodermatitis, and seborrhoea have also been noted in connection with the internal intake of zeolite.
Mineral soils have long been used in livestock nutrition because they promote healthy digestion and healthier animals. Even in nature, many animals keep absorbing soil because they instinctively know how good it is for them. For example, some Northern Siberian peoples and also various Caucasian peoples are considered to be the long lasting, and at the same time healthiest people on earth. When it was investigated what might be the cause, it was found out that all these peoples had a common ground: they repeatedly consumed mineral soils.
Among the northern Siberians it is clinoptilolite zeolite (one of three forms of zeolite) and heulandite, among the Caucasians it is also clinoptilolite zeolite and also montmorillonite (bentonite).
Consequently, it is not surprising that most studies and investigations with zeolite were carried out by Russian scientists. They showed outstanding healing results, so that zeolite should be used for any illness – even if it only accompanies conventional medical therapy.
Intake of zeolite
It is recommended to take zeolite before breakfast, so that it does not mix with food and can enter the body as quickly as possible through the stomach. The zeolite should be shaken about five to six times in a sealed container to create an electrostatic charge of about 6000 to 8000 volts. This increases the absorption of zeolite. Then add about one flat teaspoon to 200 ml of water and stir. Please use a plastic spoon or wooden spoon. As a maximum amount, doctors recommend not to consume more than 15 g daily.
In general, zeolite clinoptilolite shows a high tolerability. Overdose does not occur because the body excretes a surplus in the urine and stools. Clinoptilolite can be taken permanently for disease prophylaxis without hesitation.
If you buy it, please pay attention to the purity of zeolite.
The purity of zeolite consumed is of great relevance. It must not contain any harmful nanoparticles. Therefore, it is essential to take only certified zeolite.
For health conditions, do not use medicinal plants without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
Literature reference:
1) Moore, Elaine A. and Smart, Lesley E.: Solid state chemistry: an introduction. 4th ed. CRC Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4398-4790-9, p. 285.
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