4. Methods of TEN
4.2 Therapy, Prevention and Salutogenesis
This art of healing, grown on the fundament of a millennia old alchemical tradition, is an important part of the traditional world view. By means of the spagyric preparation, the original substances used are (in specific, multi-staged manufacturing steps) decomposed, transformed, and finally re-united in the spagyric remedy. In the manner of spagyrics, they are thereby dissolved out of their bond with matter, cleaned – and joined together on a higher level. Even highly toxic healing plants like for example belladonna (Atropa belladonna) can – due to this transformation – be transferred into non-toxic essences.
Further starting materials of remedies
Beside the application of plant remedies, TEN uses substances from the following domains:
- Minerals (e.g., silica, Calcium phosphoricum, Barium carbonicum)
- Metals (e.g., Magnesium phosphoricum, Mercurius solubilis – Mercury, Aurum metallicum – gold)
- Products of animal origin (e.g., Lachesis, bush master (Lachesis muta), and other snake venoms, Apis mellifica – honey bee)
- Nosodes (remedies from pathogens and secretions, body tissues and chemically defined substances (e.g., tuberculinum from the saliva of tuberculosis patients, endometrium – uterine lining, cortisone)
- Autonosodes (remedies of patients‘ own material, e.g., autologous blood, self-urine, self-lymph)
Aranea diadema – cross spider
As a rule, the mentioned substances are taken as homeopathic low potencies, usually in the potency steps of D2 to D6. An exception are nosodes, which are mostly taken in higher potencies (> D12). However, the choice of the remedies is not based on the criteria of classic homeopathy but on the qualitative, humoral as well as tissue, disease, and constitution-oriented aspects of the TEN-specific pharmacology. For this, Joachim Broy coined the term “functional homeopathy”.
TEN frequently works with individual formulations, e.g., with tea blends from various plants or drop mixtures from plant preparations, mixed with potentialized components (dilutions).
Self-blood and self-urine are also intramuscularly injected as an alternative to the potentialized application.
4.2.4 Drainage and Detoxification Methods
The detoxification / draining methods belong to the therapeutic core elements of TEN: the following qualitative and humoral impact criteria are allocated to the individual impact methods:
- Dry cupping: Primary reference to blood system. Activation of heat principle, thus reflective, toning effect on tissue that has to be treated.
- Bloody cupping: Primary reference to blood system. Damping of heat principle, thus reflective, detoning effect on the tissue to be treated.
- Baunscheidt Method (with histamine-containing oil): primary reference to phlegm system (here represented by the lymphatic system). Activation of the humoral movement (‘purging stream’) with reflectory, balancing effect on the tissues to be treated.
- Bloodletting: Primary reference to blood system. Strong general damping of the heat principle of the blood. According to Hufeland the most important method for sthenic (today rather: hyperkinetic) disease processes.
- Leech therapy: Primary reference to blood system. Reflective blockage removing and thus purifying effect on the tissues to be treated. Application for plethoric states, based on choleric, resp., melancholic poignancies.
- Cantharides plaster: Primary reference to phlegm system (here represented by the lymphatic system). Reflective strong draining effect on tissues to be treated. Is mainly applied in cases of localized states of pain.
Baunscheidt Application on the Back
4.2.5 Manual Therapies
Manual therapy methods are an important component of naturopathic treatment and are in the TEN practice often combined with physical therapies as well as with draining and purging methods. The organic centres of most manual-therapeutic applications are pelvis, spine, head, and jaw joints, as well as other joints and their corresponding muscles and inherent tendons and sinews. Functional centres are the statics of pelvis and spine as a result of complex energetic regulation mechanism. The manual therapy methods represent unspecific or specific stimuli, which are noticed, processed, and answered by the body.
Typical forms of manual therapies in TEN practices are classical massage, massage of connective tissues, reflex zones, and cupping massage as well as manual lymphatic drainage.
4.2.6 Physical Therapies
Physical therapies comprise hydrotherapy, thermotherapy, sound wave therapy, light therapy, and climatotherapy, but also movement, sauna, inhalation treatments, or the application of healing earth. The therapeutic applications of the four elements, air, water, earth and fire (warmth) regulate the humors due to their irritant effect and stimulate the self-healing powers. They are selected individually and according to TEN-specific considerations. The intention of describing and practicing physical therapies on the basis of scientific parameters would reduce patients to their symptoms and would not do justice to the systemic way of thinking of TEN.
… to be continued …
Source references will follow at the end of the article
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