5. Development of TEN
TEN does not regard itself as a historically and textually closed system, but is in a state of dynamic development. This concerns elements of its thinking and working model as well as also diagnosis and therapy. Decisive for the fact whether a method can be allocated to TEN depends on whether it is in keeping with the criteria described in Section 3, resp., whether it is practiced in accordance with it. Examples for more recent developments are iris diagnosis, which only fulfils the criteria of TE as a method for the analysis of the constitutional situation, or the methods of bioelectronic function diagnostics (BFD), the results of which only become compatible with this system by incorporation into the thinking and working model of TEN.
It is therefore not possible to assign a method as such to TEN, resp., to exclude it. The mode of application, resp., of interpretation is decisive.
6. Practical Meaning of TEN
6.1 Fields of Application of TEN
In principle, TEN offers options for the treatment of all diseases of all age-levels with the exception of the conditions described under 6.2.
The main clientele of TEN is represented by patients with chronically occurring and degenerative diseases which had been treated without success by conventional medicine.
TEN does not only focus on the treatment of the currently prevailing disease but on the general stabilization of the constitutional situation of the patient, too, – also in the sense of prevention and salutogenesis.
TEN is mainly performed in practices or health resorts by alternative practitioners and naturopathically oriented physicians; it is, however, also integrable into physiotherapy.
6.2 Limits of TEN
As in every domain of healing activities, the range of the states of illnesses for which a therapy according to TEN criteria is successful and satisfactorily possible for the patient, significantly depends on the educational level, on the experience and on the sense of responsibility of the therapist. Decisive is also the inner attitude of the patient and his/her individual ideas with regard to the method of treatment. Thus, in the case of a patient who is primarily interested in a speedy elimination of his symptoms, TEN will sooner reach its limits, resp., the limits of the patient, than in the case of lengthy chronic diseases, which cannot be treated with satisfactory success by other systems of medicine.
Against this background, we can name the first limit of TEN:
It is unsuited for fast and symptom-suppressing treatments.
Limits of TEN also exist in cases of an irreparable and not compensatable functional failure of an organ or a tissue, resp., its removal. Here, a substitution according to the criteria of conventional medicine will have to take place. However, the combination of substitution and compensation promoting therapies of TEN makes sense.
Overshooting Fire Processes
Although acute inflammations (mainly when they take place on surface organs, accompanied by fever) are regarded by TEN as the most important and most efficient defence strategies of the organism, they can proceed with such excessive heat processes that due to this, the energy reserves of the organism can be exhausted in such a way that a life-threatening emergency situation might occur.
Such disease situations require the reduction of the heat processes by means of antibiotics, corticoids, and other anti-inflammatories, – also in the knowledge that this does not lead to a healing but only takes away the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
The limits of the naturopathic treatability of such disease situation, however, are not universally definable; they strongly depend on the individual situation of the patient and on the competence of the therapist.
Emergency Medicine
In the entire emergency medicine (traumas, heart attack, embolisms, apoplexy and many others), TEN can only offer support, resp., promote healing and rehabilitation after the acutely life-threatening phase.
Also in all cases of disease with indication of a surgical intervention, TEN can also stabilize and promote the current and constitutional overall situation of the patient only before, resp., after the operation.
Further fields of indication, in which the limits of TEN are very tight:
- Arterial hypertonia
- Psychiatric conditions
7. Literature and Sources
Alber-Jansohn, Susanne / Garvelmann, Friedemann: Naturheilkunde für Kinder, AT-Verlag, Aarau 2010
Aschner, Bernhard: Paracelsus, Sämtliche Werke, Reprint der Aschner-Ausgabe 1930, Anger Verlag, Eick 1993
Avicenna: The Canon of Medicine Vol. 1, engl. Übersetzung Laleh Bakhtiar, KAZI Publications, Inc., Chicago 1999
Bach, Hans-Dieter: Äussere Kennzeichen innerer Erkrankungen, Bio Ritter Verlag, Tutzing 2007
Bachmann, Manuel/Hofmeier Thomas: Geheimnisse der Alchemie, Schwabe Verlag, Basel 1999
Berner Hürbin, Annie: Hippokrates und die Heilenergie, Schwabe Verlag, Basel 1997
Bierbach, Elvira (Hrsg.): Naturheilpraxis Heute, Urban&Fischer Verlag, München 2009
Botheroyd, Silvia und Paul F.: Lexikon der keltischen Mythologie, Diederichs Verlag, München 1992
Bott, Victor: Anthroposophische Medizin, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1982
Braun, Lucien: Paracelsus, Alchimist – Chemiker – Erneuerer der Heilkunde, SV Internation, Zürich Broy, Joachim: Die Konstitution – Humorale Diagnostik und Therapie, Foitzick Verlag, München 1978
Broy, Joachim: Repertorium der Irisdiagnose, Foitzick-Verlag, München 2008 Bühring, Ursel: Praxis-Lehrbuch der modernen Phytotherapie, Sonntag Verlag, Stuttgart 2005
Culpeper Nicolas, Culpeper’s complete Herbal, Kessinger Publishing, USA, 2003
Cunningham, Scott: Enzyklopädie der magischen Kräuter, Schirner Verlag, Darmstadt 2006
Derungs, Kurt (Hrsg.): Mythologische Landschaften Schweiz, Edition Amalia, Bern 1998
Dicke, Elisabeth: Meine Bindegewebsmassage, Hippokrates-Verlag, Stuttgart 1953
Dioscorides: Kreutterbuch 1610, Reprint im Verlag Konrad Kölbl, München 1964
Eckart, Wolfgang U., Geschichte der Medizin, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2005
Fritschi, Hans-Josef: Spagyrik, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Ulm 1997
Gebelein, Helmut: Alchemie, Diederichs Verlag, München 1996
Gebser, Jean: Ursprung und Gegenwart, Novalis Verlag, Schaffhausen 1978
Golowin, Sergius: Paracelsus Mediziner – Heiler – Philosoph, Schirner Verlag, Darmstadt 2007
Hartmann, Franz: Theophrastus, Paracelsus von Hohenheim als Mystiker, Schatzkammer Verlag, Calw Hippokrates: Hippokrates sämtliche Werke, übersetzt von Dr. Upmann, Verlag von Albert Nauck und Co., Berlin 1847
Hoppe, Brigitte: Das Kräuterbuch des Hieronymus Bock, Verlag Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart 1969
Holmyard, Eric John: Alchemy, Dover Publications, New York 1990
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Kalbermatten, Roger: Wesen und Signatur der Heilpflanzen, AT-Verlag, Aarau 2002
Kämmerer, Kay Uwe: Wirkprinzipien der Naturheilkunde, Elsevier Verlag, München 2008
Karl, Josef: Neue Therapiekonzepte, Pflaum Verlag, München 1995
Lipton, Bruce H.: Intelligente Zellen, KOHA Verlag GmbH, Burgrain 2011
Lonicerus, Adamus: Kreuterbuch 1679, Reprint, K. Kölb Verlag, Grünwald b. München 1962
Madejsky, Margret / Rippe, Olaf: Heilmittel der Sonne, Erd-Verlag, München 1997
Matejka, Rainer / Haberauer, Norbert: Die neue Aschner-Fibel – Ausleitende Verfahren für die Praxis, Haug Verlag, Stuttgart 2002
Mertz, Bernd A.: Paracelsus und seine Astrologie, Edition Astrodata, Wettswil 1993
Müller, Claudia / Rätsch, Christian / Storl, Wolf-Dieter: Hexenmedizin, AT-Verlag, Aarau 1998
Müller, Ingo W.: Humoralmedizin, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1993
Pelikan, Wilhelm: Sieben Metalle, Verlag am Goetheanum, Arlesheim 1996
Pischinger, Alfred: Das System der Grundregulation, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1990
Popp, Fritz Albert: Biophotonen – Neue Horizonte der Medizin, Haug Verlag, Stuttgart 2006
Raimann, Ganz, Garvelmann, Bertschi, Fehr: Grundlagen der Traditionellen Europäischen Naturheilkunde, Bacopa Verlag, 2012
Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich: Ordinatio Antihomotoxica et Materia Medica, Aurelia Verlag, Baden-Baden 2004
Rieger, Berndt: Traditionelle europäische Medizin, Herbig Verlag, München 2005
Rippe, Olaf / Madejsky, Margret: Die Kräuterkunde des Paracelsus, AT-Verlag, Aarau 2006
Rippe, Olaf / Madejsky, Margret / Amann, Max / Ochsner, Patricia / Rätsch, Christian: Paracelsusmedizin, AT-Verlag, Baden 2001
Schramm, Henning: Heilmittel der anthroposophischen Medizin, Urban&Fischer Verlag, München 2009
Schipperges, Heinrich: Die Entienlehre des Paracelsus, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1988 1995
Storl, Wolf-Dieter / Scheffer, Mechthild: Die Seelenpflanzen des Edward Bach, Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, Kreuzlingen / München 2007
Storl, Wolf-Dieter: Pflanzen der Kelten, AT-Verlag, Baden 2000
Storl, Wolf-Dieter: Von Heilpflanzen und Pflanzengottheiten, Aurum Verlag, Braunschweig 1993
Surya alias Demeter Georgievitz-Weitzer: Astrologie und Medizin, Rohm Verlag, Bietigheim 1980
Swimme, Brian: das Universum ist ein grüner Drache, Claudius Verlag, München 1991
Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus: Kräuterbuch (1731), Reprint im Verlag Konrad Kölbl, München 1993
Von Grauvogel, Eduard: Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Verlag der Friedrich Korn’schen Buchhandlung, Nürnberg 1866
Von Nettesheim, Agrippa: Die magischen Werke, Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008 Leipzig 1934
Von Sontheimer, Josef (Übersetzer): Ebn Baithar, grosse Zusammenstellung über die Kräfte der bekannten einfachen Heil- und Nahrungsmittel, Hallbergersch’sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1840
Pictures and Photos
Cover picture 4 Elements: Christian Raimann
All further graphics and photos are taken from the book “Grundlagen der traditionellen europäischen Naturheilkunde TEN”
8. TEN on the Internet
Making no claim to be exhaustive:
http://www.ten-buch.com/ Webseite zum Buch “Grundlagen der Traditionellen Europäischen Naturheilkunde TEN”
http://www.bacopa.at/ Bacopa-Verlag
http://www.svanah.ch/ Schweizer Verband der approbierten NaturärztInnen und NaturheilpraktikerInnen, mit Fachgesellschaft TEN
http://www.trad-nhk.org/ TEN-Aus- und Weiterbildung bei den Humores-Seminaren
http://www.natura-naturans.de/ Natura naturans – Arbeitsgemeinschaft für traditionelle abendländische Medizin
http://www.tem-akademie.com/ TEM-Akademie (Ausbildung in Traditioneller Medizin in Österreich
http://www.anhk.ch/ Akademie für Naturheilkunde in Basel (TEN-Ausbildung in der Schweiz)
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