A new and holistic spinal gymnastics!
Exercise: Releasing negative basic programmes
Check your current life situation and difficulties for such negative basic programmes and decide that you don’t need them any more, that this wrong attitude is superfluous and that there are better ones.
- I have to suffer, and I have to go through this experience.
- Everybody gets sick once in a while.
- The more negatives I experience, the better I progress spiritually.
- I have to experience worse than my karma demands.
I’m sure you can find more statements like that!
Karma is often misunderstood. Karma is the sum of your deeds that affect you here in the now. But many think that it is only the sins from previous lives that you have to endure now. No, it is in the now that you can and may change everything. The moment you realise this, you have already freed yourself from your karma. For you are your karma. Now, through your new knowledge and awareness, change your attitude and opinion about things and you are immediately freed from them and simply don’t need them any more.
For every negative basic attitude, find a better one.
- I am always healthy, that is my birthright, that is normal.
- I don’t use my body for illness any more.
- I learn in goodness and goodwill, I learn through good deeds. All that I do I do with intentions for Goodwill.
- I learn through my environment.
- I progress spiritually through good deeds.
- I have always done the best in my life & now I do it even better & that is natural for me.
One can learn from the experiences of the community and from what one has already experienced in the past. There are many of us in the world. One doesn’t have to do everything, and through good thought, imagination and planning, everything works out in the right away. One can use the imagination to create further experiences.
Fortunately, we don’t need luck but
only the right attitude of Goodwill.
Healthy Movements
I cannot avoid a few important repetitions and details at the beginning. As already mentioned in the first volume of the Spiritual Back School, the most important thing is the right thought attitude towards movement and your back.
Every thought is energy. Every opinion and judgement connects you to energy and disconnects you from it. You are a collection of energy and information and thus have your own vibration that constantly interacts with the rest of the world.
Life itself is infinite and unpredictable for a human being and his limited perception. But you, as an energy being, have influence on your life and your reality and on which aspect of life reveals itself to you today.
By controlling your frequency you can determine, like a radio, which channel you want to hear today. If the receiver is not tuned to the appropriate frequency, it cannot receive the right thing.
The higher your natural frequency, the more goodness and health you will radiate and this will be reflected by the outside world. Set your radio to health and success, and you will experience it. You always have the choice, always with your free will!
Every imagination and every possibility exists! Everything you can think of already exists and can become reality immediately. It depends on you and your attitude whether you experience it.
Energy can only flow to you if you have the appropriate attitude and are “open” to it!
Every movement is the release of a collection of these energies. What you send out also comes back to you. The purer and higher your natural vibration is, the better and more beneficial your movement/action will be for yourself and for others.
With the right attitude and natural frequency you can always be at the right time, at the right place, and do exactly the right thing!
Then everything is perfect, everyone is well, everyone is amazed and everyone is satisfied. Then higher and divine energies are at work. Then you are a “hero”!
There are people who scurry around and do something all day, but haven‘t achieved anything in the evening because they have worked aimlessly or with a wrong attitude. Others try hard, work, do, run around, but still don’t get anything real done because they lacked the right or higher intentions.
Then there are people who achieve more in a day than others do in a month or even a year. With the right mindset and motivation, you can achieve and accomplish much more in your life than you can imagine now.
Man has only two hands, but nevertheless, with the right energy, he can make more with these two hands than hundreds of people together who work with lower intentions.
There are those people of whom one says: He has golden hands, he succeeds in everything he tackles, with him it works or succeeds immediately!
Let’s do a little mental exercise on this, which you should always do consciously in the future before an activity.
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
Exercise: Activate your life plan
Talk to yourself:
I am always in the right place at the right time and I am always doing exactly the right thing.
There is nothing better I could be doing right now and what I am doing is the most important thing of all.
What I am doing right now helps me to be the best in everything I intend to do, want to do and want to achieve.
This activity is now the most important activity in my life.
I am always doing my best in all that I do!
When you do this exercise, you release energy. This energy should always be radiated outward with good motivation and the best of intentions.
If you perform an action in anger or out of anger and disappointment, this energy will be wasted and also will in turn attract such forces and situations in turn.
Many people miss out on the small happiness
while they wait in vain for the big one.
Every movement should always be done with good intentions and with a healthy consciousness. Even if it is scratching your nose or pressing the TV control!
Try it on, change your attitude for the better and then work through the programmes. You will be amazed at seeing things you have not seen before.
Every movement is precious and the highest good of a human being!
Anyone can be happy –
Because all you need is to use your mind, visualization and your words with goodwill and good intentions.
…….to be continued
Taken from “Spirituelle Rückenschule 2” (Spiritual Back Therapy Training 2“), Fitmit publishing house, (2007 awarded “Product of the Year” at Europe’s largest trade fair for esotericism in Baden-Baden)
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