Light massage on facial and reflex zones
Today, the topic of cosmetics is no longer just a topic for women. Men place just as much importance on daily body and facial care as do women. There are innovative and new products that support the health of both. One such new product in the holistic health and beauty care field is the Monolux Pen, using light, color and magnetic pulsation on the face and body. The pen uses gentle light impulses on the face, hands, feet and other reflex zones and body areas
Gentle Rainbow Light
Our face is a reflex zone on which all organs are reflected.
We already know this from foot reflexology, where the points on the foot also reflect the body’s organs.
A facial treatment can be considered as both skin and health care at the same time. After applying care cream, facial skin can be irradiated in the morning and evening with gentle rainbow light from the Monolux Pen for 2-3 minutes
This smooths wrinkles and supports both the skin and organ functions. Due to the healing effects of light, color and the magnetic field, creams and substances are better absorbed by the skin. Therefore we recommend to use only natural body care products or healing ointments.
Relaxation through monolux light with and without skin contact
Feeling good from head to toe
A Monolux facial zone massage is best enjoyed in the relaxed atmosphere of a cosmetic treatment. An oval-cut rock crystal glides over your facial skin with gentle flowing movements.
A horizontal figure eight with rhythmically changing rainbow light around the eyes lets you quickly switch the lights off.
The Monolux Pen is ideal for reflexology work. Muscle tension and foot reflex zones can be gently and pleasantly massaged with the oval rock crystal, using a fingertip, thus sparing the base joints of the thumb. Through touch or light or strong pressure, healing is stimulated on hand and foot reflex zones and pain points are treated. Our cells communicate via light, color and vibrations, therefore skin regulation, organ functions and self-healing powers can be supported. The continuous change of color can have a calming, balancing, releasing or activating effect and the body absorbs the vibration as needed for relaxation and
Gentle stimulation on hands (lymphatic points) and on feet (kidney zone)
The Monolux Pen is also an appropriate method for gentle light work on the feet, such as the metamorphic method or chakra and energy work. For example, children who have difficulty falling asleep can, in the evening, have their feet gently stroked from the big toe to the heel while also having their navel and chakras irradiated.
The Monolux Pen crystal oval is not only a soothing cosmetic tool but also a “first aid pen” easily used once the principles are understood. It can be held in a purse or jacket pocket and quickly available, in case of injury and/or pain. This can be very helpful during sports events, when traveling and in case of unexpected injuries.
The Monolux light has a regulating effect, relieves pain and it is very effective in the treatment of scars. The pen can be used with or without bandages, as light works through clothing. Even for injuries with plaster bandages, healing can be supported by the integrated magnetic field.
Ingeniously simple – simply ingenious
The combination of these factors is unique. Within 40 seconds the Monolux Pen continuously applies all the colors of the rainbow to specific skin areas, a reflex, acupuncture or pain point. A light, pulsating magnetic field gently supports the blood circulation of the area.
The Monolux Pen is not a laser! The effects of the pen are based on vibrations caused by luminescent light, color and a magnetic field. Therefore, this light does not require any special protective measures and can be used on pregnant women, children, people of all ages and on pets.
The three variants of the Monolux Pen with acrylic round head, rock crystal pointed head and rock crystal oval head.
The Monolux Pen is available in three variations: For sports and everyday use, the Monolux Pen round head is often sufficient.
For ear acupuncture we recommend the Monolux Pen with a pointed rock crystal tip. The Monolux Pen Crystal Oval is the most universal pen for therapy and health care. It combines the crystal effect and focused application due to the rounded tip. It is popular in cosmetics, energy work and foot reflexology, and can be recommended for all other fields as well.
From the book Pathophysiognomik – Von der Gesichtsdiagnose zur Therapie (Pathophysiognomics – from Facial Diagnosis to Therapy).
The user manual Monolux Pen was published in January 2020, in which the layman and the professional learned the many application possibilities for this universal light pen.
Information about the Monolux Pen and the user manual can be found at
Münch, Michael: User Manual Monolux Pen, Therapy with Light, Color and Magnetic Field, 2019.
Münch, Michael: Pathophysignomics – From facial diagnosis to therapy, 2016, 3rd ed.
Ferronato, Natale: Practice of patho-physiognomics. Thieme Verlag,
Ulla Meyerhof: New aspects of reflex zone therapy on the foot, experiences from 4 decades.
Popp, Fritz Albert: Biophotons – New Horizons in Medicine, Haug Verlag, 3rd ed., 2006
Schaack, Ernst: Light and Color, Fields and Frequencies. Photobiological Therapy with Monochromatic Luminescent Light. professional magazine (2003)
Münch Naturopathy
Jutta Münch
Plauener Str. 15, 80992 Munich, Germany, Tel 089-14311934
Vogelweide 2c, 85375 Neufahrn, Tel 08165-5104
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