Treatment of organ dysfunction with monochromatic light in specific areas of the face
The Facial Diagnosis, a method of aquiring specific symptoms from the facial skin is equivalent to the “Pathophysiognomics” by Natale Ferronato. The Monolux Therapy was developed together with the NPSO (New Selective Pain and Organ Therapy) according to Rudolf Siener. As an expert of both systems for many years, the author has employed the idea that the specific areas of Facial Diagnosis should be accessible to a therapy with monochromatic light.
The NPSO or Siener-Therapy is an independent therapy system and is understood as an energetic reflexology therapy. The naturopath, Rudolf Siener (deceased in 1993), left this very effective method to treat pain and other ailments quickly and successfully. The somatotope used for this treatment can be found on the lower leg, representing the entire body.
Dr. Jochen Gleditsch pointed this out in his book “MAPS – Mikro-Aku-Punkt-Systeme” (MAPS – Micro-Acupuncture Point Systems).
Prof. Ernst Schaack had considered almost all concerns and desires of Siener therapists over the past 20 years in order to develop an extended therapy system, that creates a photo-biological treatment with monochromatic luminescent light (Monolux). Schaacks approach differs significantly from other light therapy systems, since it combines the effective factors of light, color, magnetic field and frequencies. As a comparison, one could think of the Complex Homeopathy.
Previously, pain was treated with procaine injections or acupuncture. Presently light can be used to treat pain more gently and effectively.
With 20 years of experience in his practice NPSO has had enormously high percentages showing immediate treatment successes. This can be publicly demonstrated and proven. The treatment successes prompted the author to transfer this therapy to the facial areas known from Pathophysiognomics, in the sense of a new somatotope.
The author began his studies with the expression areas for the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, biliary tract, autonomic nervous system, the urinary tract, genital organs, and the heart. These areas were treated respectively with the Monolux (fw = color changer) for about 20 to 60 seconds. These findings encouraged the author to report them at professional events as well as inspired a book project.
Testing has shown that monochromatic light enables rapid therapeutic effects on those organs. This can be seen in the noticeable changes in the corresponding facial areas.
The therapeutically effective impulse reaches the target organ on the opposite way via the trigeminal nerve (V, the fifth cranial nerve) with the speed of light, possibly similar to the “Seconds Phenomenon” known from Neural Therapy.
For example, by irradiating the nasolabial fold, cardiac function can be supported, whereas irradiation of the central area below the lower lip, the exocrine pancreatic function can be stimulated.
Anyone who has ever been able to alleviate acute abdominal complaints in minutes, such as cramps or congestion pain, only by irradiating the lip region and the tip of the nose, can testify to the benefits of this method.
This therapy is painless, and its implementation is loved by children.
Figure 1: Digestive System (from: Atlas of Pathophysiognomics, Kürbis Publishing)
1) stomach:
a) small curvature of the stomach;
b) large curvature of the stomach;
c) antechamber of the pylorus;
(2) porter;
(3) duodenum;
(4) the small intestine, jejunum;
(5) the small intestine, ileum;
(6) ileocecal valve;
(7) ascending colon:
a) right colon curvature;
b) colon cross section;
c) left colon curvature;
d) descending colon;
e) sigma loop;
f) ampoule of the rectum;
(8) liver;
(9) gallbladder duct;
(10) gallbladder drainage duct;
(11) gallbladder;
(12) pancreas, head;
(13) pancreas, body;
(14) pancreas, tail;
(15) spleen.
Precondition for the treatment of facial areas is, of course, the differentiated knowledge of the pathophysiognomics, the study of organ and functions related specific signs of desease in the face. According to this, changes of the facial skin indicate changes of the corresponding organ. Each organ relates to an exact expression zone in the face, which Natale Ferronato has found in his 60 years of research. These weakness signs exist long before a symptom is reported and change with the constitution of the corresponding organ. This enables a trained observer to control his therapy.
Fig. 2:Facial area for the digestive system (swellings on right and left under the lower lip = bile ducts)
Fig. 3:Treatment of the bile ducts
According to the valuable indications given from the facial diagnosis, the therapist is able to put therapeutic stimuli to the specific facial areas.
Especially since we know that organs and cells react differently to colors and that the body can absorb and process the frequencies individually in different ways, the creative colour change application can produce many new treatment concepts.
The therapy of acute complaints with this combination of methods is very simple.
Definite recognizable signs in the facial diagnosis of the affected facial areas can be directly treated. This procedure may, moreover, be applied to other somatotopic and appropriate signs for pathological changes (e.g. on the foot). Symptoms without such signs, one can easily work with the NPSO somatotope of the lower leg.
Showing below are two practical examples to illustrate this:
Case 1
In a middle-aged patient with otherwise good health, sudden abdominal cramps first appear in the upper abdomen and then in the umbilical region. A closer examination shows that this is very rarely the case, about twice a year, usually after nutritional errors.
Facial Diagnosis
We observe a reddened hem at the top and bottom of the lip margin and a swelling underneath the lower lip on the right. The surface of the lips is irregularly red.
Suspected Diagnosis
Disturbance of the intestinal blood circulation in case of irritation of the mucous membrane and biliary tract involvement in the sense of enteritis and biliary dyskinesia.
The conspicuous facial areas are irradiated one after the other with the Monolux Pen, each with a whole colour change cycle per point or small area. This takes about 60 seconds per point or small area. If the symptoms persist, the affected facial areas can be treated several times in succession until improvement occurs.
Case 2
While on a holiday flight, a child reacts with unbearable ear pain. These cannot be remedied by swallowing movements and pressure compensation.
Facial Diagnosis
There are no detectable signs, which are associated with the acute symptoms.
Suspected Diagnosis
The suspicion of a draft-induced otitis can be assumed.
Monolux Therapy according to the rules of the NPSO on the therapy areas of the ENT (eustachian tube, head lymph, paranasal sinuses) and the upper cervical spine.
Both cases could be treated quickly and successfully. Therefore the Light Therapy can also be applied effectively if there are no specific indications of pathological changes in the facial area (or other somatotope).
The NPSO somatotope on the lower leg, as well as all other known somatotopes (e.g. those of foot reflexology or ear acupuncture) can be treated with this method.
New is, that one can immediately and directly go from the Facial Diagnosis to the Light Therapy with the Monolux and treat conspicuous zones of this somatotope.
This extremely soft, with few side effects and cost-effective Light Therapy, which is still at the beginning of its development, has in opinion of the author good prospects of excellent expanding the spectrum of the Regulation Therapy. This method is based on medical experience in the original sense.
Fig. 4:Graphic NPSO head and respiratory tract
Certainly more investigations, practice studies and longterm observations will bring new findings. This method will similarly to the NPSO, in my opinion, develop over time by itself and with its users. With high probability it will achieve acceptance in practice, both with therapists and patients, who are able to learn and apply this method.
Literature references (in German)
- Natale Ferronato: Pathophysiognomik; Kürbis Verlag, Uitikon Waldegg
- Christian Schütte et al.: NPSO – Neue Punktuelle Schmerz- und Organtherapie; Foitzick Verlag, Augsburg, 2. Auflage 2009
- Michael Münch und Wilfried Kaufmann: Die Neue Punktuelle Schmerz- und Organtherapie (NPSO) nach Rudolf Siener, Osteopathische Medizin, Elsevier Urban &Fischer 1/2006
- Christian Schütte: Wie im Großen – so im Kleinen – Das Besondere am Siener’schen Somatotop der NPSO; Naturheilpraxis 08/2010
- Michael Münch: Pathophysiognomik – was ist das?; Naturheilpraxis 1/2005
- Fritz Albert Popp: Biophotonen – Neue Horizont in der Medizin; Von den Grundlagen zur Biophotonik; Haug Verlag, 3. Auflage 2006
- Prof. Ernst Schaack: Licht und Farbe, Felder und Frequenzen; Fotobiologische Therapie mit monochromatischem Lumineszenzlicht; CO’MED Fachmagazin (2003) 12: 30-34
- Prof. Ernst Schaack: Erste Erfahrungen mit der Wärmebildkamera im Rahmen der NPSO; NPSO Nachrichten 4/2011
- Ferdinand Huneke: Das Sekundenphänomen, Krankheit und Heilung anders gesehen; Haug Verlag, 1983, 5. (verbesserte) Aufl.
- Christian Schütte: Gewusst wo! Über den reflextherapeutischen Einsatz von Licht in der Therapie nach Rudolf Siener; CO‘MED Fachmagazin (2010) 5: 14-17
- Manfred Müller: Visuelle Diagnostik; CO’MED Fachmagazin (1998) 1: 38-41
- Christian Schütte: Die neue punktuelle Schmerz- und Organtherapie (NPSO) – Ihr Einsatz im HNO und Kopfbereich; CO’MED Fachmagazin (2001) 8: 98-99
- Jochen M. Gleditsch: MAPS – Mikro Akupunkt Systeme; Hippokrates, 2002
Münch Naturheilkunde
Plauenerstr. 15, D-80992 München-Moosach
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