The medical schools should necessarily teach psychology along with the science of medicine. According to ancient wisdom, medical education without psychology is unthinkable. It is but fundamental that the functional man is also examined along with the structural man. The pathology gives the structure among the related limbs and their functioning; anatomy is the pet subject of medicine. But man, the indweller and his behavioural patterns represent the occult side of anatomy. How the man’s psyche is at work, should be equally studied along with the functional aspect of his body. The cognition of psychic energy enables due attention to be given to remedies for the disorders that manifest through jealousy, fear, suspicion, irritation, worry, etc. These should be better addressed more than their impact on the body. Disorders of anxiety seize to manifest, if anxiety is cured, so also the other emotions. Study of psychic energy will enable study of disorders in manifestation. Let not the higher dimensions of man be ignored while attending to set his health right.
From curing the effects to curing the causes, the science of medicine should step itself up. When teachers of wisdom were also physicians, medicinal science was better used for cure. This is because they see the abnormalities in the functional aspect of man which give rise to abnormalities in manifestation of life energy. Until and unless the patients’ attitudes, habits and outlook of life is not studied, medicinal treatment remains incomplete and patchy. The physicians would continue to trail behind the diseases until this dimension is adequately added to the physician’s ability.
There will be no health as long as people do not know why they are unhealthy. The physician should therefore not only be a prescriber of medicines but also a teacher of healthy living while pointing out attitudinal and habitual changes needed in the patient. He should bring knowledge into the patient which is akin to bringing Light into the home. There should therefore be adequate emphasis on psychological causes for cure which is though pronounced, less practiced.
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