It is common knowledge that medicines act quite differently on different people. Some medicines respond to some while they can bring reactions to others. A lower nature draws from substances only the lower but each entity which is joined to the highest draws precisely the highest. The quality of the psyche of the patient is an important factor. Persons with refined tissues of the body cannot be treated with coarse material and vice-versa. More refined the tissues are, faster is the response to medicine. “Commensurateness” is but Wisdom which the physicians should learn to use. It cannot be the same yardstick to all.
Physicians can be true helpers of humanity if they reinforce their intellect by the heart energy. They cannot be deniers of the psychic energy. It would indeed be helpful if a physician is also a psychologist, if not, a philosopher. He must not ignore psychic energy. When their intellect is reinforced by the heart the physicians open up to many possibilities of cure which are generally denied when dealt with only by the intellect.
The best physicians of all times have been those who could establish link with the subtle energies of Nature through regular prayers, right understanding of the laws of Nature and through their own harmonious living. A good physician should be a good moral of harmony and loving nature. They too need to develop their own aura by adapting to the laws of right living.
Regular connection to the divine world through prayers and through meditation is very helpful to the physicians.
Little attention is paid to atmospheric pressures. Frequently, people are advised to go to health resorts, to the seashores and to the mountains. Least one realizes that on return from such serene atmosphere, the pressure once again builds up and patients fall back once again into sickness. Within living conditions of the patient, the physician would do well to see, what best can be done.
Today, the orthodox medicinal system pays little attention to the causes of sickness. They are preoccupied with the effects and curing the effects. Even while the effects are cured, the cause remains uncured. Frequent colds and cough, breathing troubles, fevers are but indicative of the causes remaining uncured. The physicians would do well to investigate the cause behind the sicknesses. It opens opportunities for new discoveries.
The future physician is the one who understands the higher correspondences of the worlds in relation to the lower manifestation. Without realization of these fundamentals, medicine sinks into narrow, material plane.
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