The Ancient Law of Evil Sharing need to be understood. Diseases are but products of and subject to three influences.
- Firstly, a man’s past wherein he pays the price for his ancient error.
- Secondly, his inheritance wherein he shares with all mankind the tainted streams of energy which are of group origin.
- Thirdly, he shares with all the natural forms of this Earth which life imposes on his body.
Man’s past, the First of the three speaks a lot. Man’s selfishness is greed. Even till date drives man to such an extent that he cares not its impact on surrounding Life. ‘As you sow, so you reap’ is an ancient dictum. Whatever one does, comes back to him with equal vigour and with equal quality. One cannot sow bitter seeds and look for sweet fruits. Each person has to pay the price of his/her past error. This is an infallible law very well known in the Orient and is also well-known in recent centuries in the Occident. Knowing full well, man continues to be selfish and therefore cannot escape from the consequence of such deeds in terms of misfortune of which health is one aspect. Disease has come to stay on the planet and perpetuates itself at individual level or group level as long as the predominant factor that drives humanity is selfishness and the related greed.
Coming to the Second aspect of the Disease namely The Tainted Streams of Energy of Humanity, it is but evident that right from Atlantean times of to the present Aryan times, by and large, humanity is involved in thieving others’ property or people either by brutal force or by intellectual manipulation. This activity continues to persist even in present times, but in a more sophisticated manner. This resulted in implant of germs on Earth which germinate innumerable mysterious sicknesses. There are too many vaccinations which prove the fact of growing of fresh and new sicknesses.
Coming to the Third factor of Influence that produces disease, man went on disturbing the surrounding Nature much more drastically during the last 100 years. He polluted water on Earth. He polluted the air around the Earth. He invented chemical products such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides that caused further degeneration of Life in the plant and animal kingdom.
All the Three factors, to sum up contribute to disease and therefore, the disease grows in Geometrical Progression. While there is no immediate repair to these growing sicknesses, a distant solution is seen in propagating and educating the Humanity of yet another Ancient Law of Dominating Good. This has to be brought into activity in a spirited manner by governments that really matter on the Planet. Until then, we continue to fight a losing battle with growing diseases with the help of inadequate ammunition called medicines, a major part of which again are chemicals. Healing the sick eventually has become the most predominant activity amidst mankind since there is fast growing sickness that cannot be matched to any therapies of health except correction of human behaviour.
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