An inspired speaker unconsciously heals himself and overcomes many defects within. Speaking should be encouraged. When speaking happens there could be participation of surrounding energies in so far as the speech is beneficial to the group, to whom it is addressed and one’s speech heals others or even elevates their state of awareness. The related impact comes back to the speaker. For a regular speaker of constructive thoughts, the rhythm of heart also improves. The speaker is harmonized when the audience is harmonized. No man ever needs to ask how his speech was because when he concludes his speech his own psychic energy and its state of harmony indicate how useful the speech was to others. Many teachers feel energized after every sharing of knowledge.
The physicians are required to be teachers as well. Teaching and healing go together. As much as one teaches and when such teaching heals the surroundings he too is healed. Healing complements teaching and teaching complements healing. The double activity of healing and teaching would eventually result in a third dimension namely writing. With this triple activity of teaching, healing and writing a physician would gradually evolve himself to the heights of intuition where he would with the time develop inspired teaching, writing and healing. Such ones become outstanding personalities in the field of health. It was so with the stalwarts of the past and it continues to be so now and will be so in future.
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