Physicians would do well to notice lethargy as a serious sickness. Lethargy is a peculiar and an undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost ceases to beat and the body becomes motionless. The expression in the face tends to be pale and faded. Yet, the man is alive and can return to activity of his own which no one understands.
The patients cannot be alarmed to fall into the comfort of lethargy. During the wakeful hours, they should be advised to be active, mentally and also physically. The low heart beat, the low diastolic pressure brings in lethargy to the lungs. The lungs should not be allowed to slow down in terms of their strength to breathe in and to breathe out. Inactive lungs are as much a serious problem as sub-normal heart.
The persons with lethargy are also tensed and it is an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the vital dimensions of man. Fatigue, pride, grief and shocks may lead one to this state.
More often a person suffering from lethargy over long time complains of forgetfulness, loss of memory and remembrance. This is but a dangerous sign of withdrawal of consciousness.
The physician should enquire about the daily routine of the patient to elicit information about the degree of activeness of the patient.
Depressions are common for those who succumb to lethargy over years and they dampen the surroundings and the surrounded members. Every effort should be made to make sure that the persons are active enough to retain functional health though not good health. While hyperactivity is avoidable hypoactivity is equally avoidable.
If a patient says, “I have done all within my power”, the physician should not believe. It is a sophisticated way of expressing ones inability, if not failure. Such persons excuse themselves falling into self-set limitations and self-pity. When a patient is exhausted he loses the key to health and keeps living with indolent and ignorant pronouncements. The physicians have a duty to remind the patients of the inexhaustibility of heart energy and they should not let such energy buried in them depriving themselves of better possibilities. To say all forces have been exhausted is but a conceit.
The lethargic, the indolent, the lazy and the ignorant person, falling into self-pity speaks of giving up everything and of washing one’s hands of a situation. Such ones close access to the positive healing energies. The physician should be aware of the psychological disorders. They do disservice if they do not notice the psychic disorders and yet give copious lists of medicines.
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