Ancient wisdom reminds ‘Make your inner healer, your friend’. It also says ‘Command your-self to be healthy’.
Beyond all medicinal remedies, beyond the right nutrition, beyond magnetism, and beyond Prana everyone has a healer within himself. One should know how to summon him. The people in the antiquity knew it.
The ability to heal oneself must be developed from early childhood. Self healing can take place if one’s life is tuned to nature. The ancients believed in relating to the Sacred Word OM to tune-in to nature. OM is the Sound Key by which one can summon one’s background consciousness. Conscious utterance of OM harmonizes the whole system, if one knows how to relate to OM. Sitting in a posture where the back is erect and head is in alignment with the back, a conscious utterance of OM, attuning to its upward movement up to the brow center and beyond, when practiced, the inner healer awakens to respond.
As the inner healer awakens, harmony percolates from super mundane to mundane levels in the utterer, for this reason uttering OM for seven times is recommended. It can even be multiples of seven. The utterance needs to be ‘intent-ful’, slow, soft, uniform and deep. It’s a practice by itself. Having thus uttered, the resounding vibrations within the system are heard. Depending upon the measure of one’s accomplishment in this regard restoration of health becomes possible. Instead of demanding a miracle for cure adapting to this practice enables healing, preventing sicknesses. The lazy awaits for a miracle holding onto trust while an occultist works it out in trust methodically.
“Friends command yourself to be healthy making your inner healer your friend”
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