With ever increasing technology and patented medicines, will the number of physicians decrease? If it would be so, it would be a calamity. There are areas where technologies and technical machines could reduce the number of persons employed, but it is not so with physicians. Physicians are widely needed. A physician is a highly educated friend of humanity. Friendliness is the basic quality demanded of a physician. In friendliness communications happen better and patients can express better. “How do you feel?” A question when asked in friendliness by a physician, the patient’s psyche tends to be very responsive. He would feel like sharing all his sicknesses and related feelings. While the medicines help in a curative process, it is the physician who initiates it. A combination of friendly suggestion along with the medicines is required for cure of sicknesses.
A needless surgery by a surgeon is spiritually regarded as a murder. As far as possible, the physicians have to be friendly in their enquiry and should little use the knife on the human body. It is not uncommon that several ailments in different states of progress complicate a cure and unless the physicians find time and inclination to enquire the patients in friendliness. The effect of treatment is more often mediocre when friendliness and human touch is absent.
Listing as many remedies as the number of ailments is again seen as irresponsibility. The chief cause that breeds subsidiary ailments shall have to be located and treated. If remedies are prescribed without much investigation into the cause of ailments, it would result in lowering the vitality of the patients. The patients degenerate through excessive use of medicine and such degeneration can lead to disaster.
The present practices are moving towards a calamity that strikes down the present generation. It also corrupts the future humanity. True and genuine health should be the objective of the physician. Matching medicines to ailments is not seen as an act of responsibility. A physician who is highly educated has a vital role to play in the field of health and healing. His knowledge and his experience should help him to attain maximum health with minimum medicine. This change is but necessary to give a different course into future health and healing activity.
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