A master of wisdom says, “It is essential to observe the micro-cosm and transfer the formula to the Infinite.” Consciousness pervades the micro and the macro dimensions; hence acts done with intent to do good have their useful impact on the society. When vitamins are consumed consciously with a deep intent to uplift the vitality within oneself it manifoldly increases the usefulness. Likewise when vitamins are absorbed, while one is with irritated mind it may increase the imperil, since an unconscious energy is strengthened at a point where consciousness is gathered. In all ancient traditions, part taking of food was considered sacred and the activity was done in a serene, joyful, and intent-full ambience. Food was considered sacred and was taken with much veneration. The ambience relating to food intake was kept up with good vibrations. There was no gossiping while eating. Indulgences into critical argumentation, conflicting, expressions were avoided. In the east till recently people washed their feet, their hands and their face, before they approached the food. They considered food as representation of the primeval energy. Such approach towards food multiplied energies to bring forth much vitality to the body.
So many simple experiments can be performed with a minimum of observation. Increased respect for consciousness is necessary in matters of intake.
Running breakfasts, street foods, fast-foods, food centers in any and every place is but an anti-health activity. The modern life is tending more and more towards unconscious functioning. Consequently unconscious energy strengthened at the very centre where consciousness is gathered.
Physicians would do well to know this dimension and advise the patients accordingly. A healthy and wholesome approach towards food and medicine is the need of the hour.
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