Thanks to the bioresonance therapy we indeed have good possibilities to treat Borreliosis. It is an energetic medical therapy based on the knowledge of matter as consolidated energy and of the human body as an electro-magnetic field. Organisms and substances are tuned in resonance with specific electro-magnetic vibrations. Similar to electro-acupuncture, by means of a sensor fixed at the relating junctions of the Meridians one can diagnostically determine the energetic condition of the whole body as also of a particular organ. With the help of ampoules of specific substances serving as filters for the checked information, one also can purposefully determine the kind of charge or infestation (e. g. poisons, virus, parasites) at the respective organ. The disharmonic frequencies of the infested substances overlaying the healthy individual frequency patterns of the patient can be weakened by returning the corresponding rate in an inverted (mirrored) manner to the body either increasingly or decreasingly according to the state of energy of the patient.The body’s reaction on this energetic relief and information leads to a reactivation of the own healthy defence mechanism. Like that, specific vibrations are able to cause the discharge of poisons or the weakening and elimination of parasites.
For the treatment of Borreliosis (as also of many other stubborn chronic diseases), it seems important to me not to neglect any of the manifold factors that aggravate the health of the patient. Only through a very thorough and careful diagnosis as well as through treating the various ill-conditions of the sick body and through cleansing and strengthening of the excretory organs, a healthy immune reaction can be re-established.
The big advantage of the bioresonance therapy in the case of Borreliosisis that the basic vibratory patterns of all kinds of the pathogens (spirochaete, L–form and cystic form) are probably all the same and that we are able by means of the systematic use of our ampoules and careful examination and application of the different intensifications, to grasp and include from the diagnostic point of view all the three kinds of infections.
Our Method of Treatment
- Thorough examination of the classical therapeutic blockages (geopathy,electro-magnetic pollution, radioactivity,scars etc.) is one of the most important prerequisites.
- Examination of the environment blockages (PCB, formaldehyde, heavymetals etc.)
- Immune blockages have to be taken into consideration: vaccination blockages, artificial colourings, virus infections, foci, intestinal flora, mycotic infestations,etc.
- The excretory passages have to be examined and stimulated:
intestine: Pr 565, 560, 561, 562, 930
lymph: Pr 930
skin: Pr 970
liver: Pr 430, 431
kidney: Pr 480, 481, 482 - Thorough examination of parasitary infestation, as these infections like to hide not only within the intracellular area, but also within the parasites.Unfortunately I have not succeeded to single out a specific parasite functioning as a popular carrier of Borrelia burgdorferi or any other intracellular micro-organisms. It seems that almost every parasite is potential. Even the stages of development of larva or in the case of leeches the Cercaria or Metacercaria can be carrier of Borrelia burgdorferi or other micro-organisms, as for example the Schistosoma (leeches) and Chlamydia which appear almost together. Not to forget the viral infestations which seek their refuge here. It is almost foolish to treat a viral infestation, if one continuously enables the virus to withdraw into a certain parasite.
- Examination of the intracellular background infestations (especially the genera of Borreliosis, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ehrlichia and salmonellae), also, if necessary, after stimulation or provocation with rectangle current (e. g. Zapper), to discover and to treat the various forms which are still in a sleeping state. Of course, it is required that not only a homoeopathic dosage in D-potency is used, but an ampoule which ensures that the basic substance were Borrelia.
- Examination of the 5 elements (earth, metal, water, wood, fire) and bringing them into an energetic balance; stabilising the patient.
- Orthomolecular support, phytotherapy to support the excretory organs (cleansing of the liver, establishing the intestinal flora, cleansing of the kidneys etc.)
- Application of Samento (see below)
The following dosage proved to be good:
1st week 3 x 2 drops
2nd week 3 x 4 drops
3rd week and thereafter 3 x 5 drops
Total duration: minimum 8 months! - As soon as the patient has become more stabilised, the Borrelia can be carefully treated with Bicom. (Attention: The time of therapy from 10 seconds to 1,5 minutes is not unusual. We have experienced vehement reactions especially with multiple sclerosis or MCS patients.)
- The therapeutic efforts should not be decreased until there is no more resonance of Borrelia at any meridian and through any intensification.
- When there is no more resonance: to provoke with A–vibrations Pr 19264 x intensification, 3 to 7 minutes and to control everything with Pr 191.
- When a resonance stops, provoke 2 minutes with Zapper current to enter into the intracellular area and, if necessary, to continue with the therapy.
By means of bioresonance, we are able to stimulate the intracellular micro-organisms to act contrary to their vibratory patterns and to deliberate the immune system from its blockages.
Examination of the IntracellularArea
An innovation which I already presented in my lecture at Fulda 2003. Evident cases of successful cancer therapy and its systematology was the possibility to examine the intracellular area by means of a well-directed provocation with electrical current, i.e. by applying the Zapper-current or frequency generator current to provoke approximately 1 min up to maximum1,5 min.
Due to this provocation, there is a phenomenon known under the name of electrophoresis. It is an aperture of the cell membranes caused by this current. By that, totally different charges have to be examined. It so happens that today we have to examine more often charges of heavy metal as also infestations of intracellular micro-organisms than before. This provocation has to be carried out at the end of the therapy as the last controlling check,namely, after being sure that the usualprovocation with the vibration corresponding to the micro-organisms,does not create any reaction on the bioresonance machine.
Samento: Phytotherapy against Intracellular Micro-Organisms
By means of bioresonance, we are able to stimulate the intracellular microorganisms to act contrary to their vibratory patterns and to deliberate the immune system from its blockages. Now there is a pythoproduct available against intracellular micro organisms and virus. It is a medicine which I have been using successfully since 2 years. Examinations prove that this medicine is very effective in the cases of all intracellular micro organisms, especially Borrelia, Chlamydia and virus.The product is sold under the name of “Samento”. We are speaking of the TOA-free pentacyclic alkaloid uncaria tomentosa (cat’s claw) disposing of extremely strong properties to modulate and stimulate the immune system. It also has an anti-inflammable, anti-oxydant, anti-infective, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal effect.
Antibiotic Activity of POA (Pentacyclic Oxindole Alkaloid)
The biological activity of this natural medicine results from various components. Some of them are pentacyclic indoles, oxindole alkaloids, quinovinacid-glycosides, triterpenes, tannines, flavonoides, proanthocyanidines, sterols, olenanole acid, and ursol acid. Quinovinacid-glycosides are natural antibiotics and the newest generation of synthetic antibiotics. The quinolone antibiotics are based on cinchona acidglycosides.
The pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid serves as main modulator and immune stimulator. It stimulates the unspecific as also the cellular defence mechanism and furnishes its stimulating and modulating activity through several ways (e. g. by stimulating the production and functional activity of T– and B–lymphocytoma, by stimulating the formation of cytokines and antibodies, as well as of phagocytosis etc.). The POA effectively contributes to the restoration of many elements and functional mechanisms of the inherent and acquired immunity. By those means, the immune system gets the faculty of eliminating on a natural way the Borreliosis and other factors of the infestation. It even gets the support of the natural anti-biotic activity of the POA’s and other biologically active compositions of the uncaria tomentosa.
Attention: TOA (tetracylic oxindole alkaloids) destroy the effect of POA (pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids)!
According to the research work conducted in Austria, the traditional cat’s claw products can contain 80 % of TOA’s . Already 1 % of TOA’s can causea reduction of 30 % on the favourable effect of POA’s on the immune system. Samento from Nutra Medix only supplies a product that guarantees to be TOA-free.
Life Span of Cells and Duration of Therapy
To eliminate the Borreliosis and other secondary infections of the body, it is an obvious necessity to eliminate not only the spirochaete-form, but also the two other ones, the cystic form and the L–form. Considering the fact that the intracellular form can have exactly the same life span as the cells in which it hides, one can assume that the so-called L–forms – as soon as these cells die through apoptosis– leave into the surroundings, where they again transform into spirochaete-forms, grow and reproduce. During this phase, they are more accessible for therapy. This means, one should adopt the duration of therapy to the cells with the longest life span.
Lymphocytes and thrombocytes: 2 to 3 weeks
Erythrocytes: 4 months
Macrophages: up to 6 to 8 months
Gradually the spirochaetes are killed by our therapy. Every time, entering the blood, they will be slowly decimated, so that all cysts, too, will be caught that try to transform into spirochaete-forms to continue their life cycle. That means, the killing of Borrelia, the re-constitution of the destroyed immune system as well as the excretion of the dead spirochaetes have to run parallel. This demonstrates again the importance of the excretory faculty of the body.
Taking all this into account, one can assume that our therapeutic efforts with the help of Bicom and Samento have to be carried out for at least 6 to 8 months. It is more secure to make a therapy of two life cycles, i. e. 12 to 16 months, so that everything is covered.
Study to demonstrate the effectiveness of pentacyclic alkaloid-positive uncaria tomentosa (Samento) for the treatment of advanced chronic Borreliosis (Lyme disease) Scientists William Lee Cowden, M.D.; Luis Romero, M.D, Ph.D.; Joan Vandergriff,N.D., nutritionist; Hamid Moayad, D.O. – Lyme literature physicist; Svetlana Ivanova, M.D.,Ph.D. The controlling group was supplied with conventional antibiotics. At the end of the study, all patients of this group still reacted positively on Borrelia burgdorferi. Moreover, none of these patients experienced an improvement of his condition. Some even felt worse.The test group was treated with pentacyclic alkaloid-positive uncaria tomentosa (available under the name Samento). At the end of the study 85 % of the patients of that group reacted negatively on Borrelia burgdorferi. Besides, all patients experienced adrastic improvement of their clinical constitution. |
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