There are still various opinions on the true cause of the so-called “cancer diseases” and an increasing number of patients die of this disease – even young persons. It is a fact that it is not very difficult to destroy malignantcells. There are enough means for their destruction such as chemotherapy, radioactive or laser rays, direct heat exposure and, in addition, alarge number of tumors can easily becut out of healthy cells without any problems.
When, however, only a small number of these therapies achieve a permanent cure and most of the carefully treated patients die due to metastasesor other consequences of the disease– or even due to the therapy itself– then there must be something wrong with these measures.
We know that cancer is caused by viruses, chemical substances, physical impact, psychic alterations, smoking, and many other noxa; yet, until today no one has examined the common denominator in order to explain why all those different causes lead to one single group of diseases which, although appearing in different organs and in various levels of virulence, proceed according to the same pattern in every case.
The only common characteristic, which the previously mentioned causes (and the ones not named here) share in favor of the formation of a virulent disease, is the fact that they all produce either permanent stress, overstress, or distress to the living organism. The common denominator for all roots of distress is a slowly decreasing adrenalin production. Today, after more than 51 years of experience with related tests, I can consider this hypothesis to be a proven fact. Carcinoma patients, de facto, do not produce enough adrenalin – or even none at all!
Adrenalin deficiency due to many years of distress is not the cause, but the main reason for a carcinoma development generated through a nonphysiologic overproduction of this hormone that has lasted for decades. While repeating the science of hormones in 1956, I accidentally came across a description of hyper-functions and hypo-functions in all inner secretory glands. In the chromaffin system, however, where aside from noradrenalin the very important adrenalin is being produced, I only found the description of hyperfunction, meaning the phaeochromocytoma.There is no hypo-function in the chromaffin system; even in additional literature I did not find any hypo-function described.
This fact bothered me as I knew from Selye’s research that the over-strain of the chromaffin system may lead to a long-lasting collapse of the body’s own defenses, i.e. as caused by highly acute feverish diseases. We all learned that this stands in close connection with the adrenalin production. However, it is hardly known what other consequences may emerge from an adrenalin deficiency.
First of all, adrenalin is the counterpart to insulin. It is responsible for the glycogenolysis in the cells: whereas insulin incorporates sugar in the cells, adrenalin remobilizes it from the cells if necessary and, for example, provides it for the muscles after physical work. Noradrenalin does not have any influence on the sugar metabolism and is being produced outside oft he chromaffin system.
When, at one time or another, the adrenalin production comes to an end, sugar will no longer be catabolized.This leads to an increasing repletion, first of many, and later of all body cells. Normally, excessive sugar is simply transformed into fat, which however will no longer work in case of a relatively high excess of insulin and noradrenalin. Insulin increases the permeability of the cell membranes and, in this way, there is an overload of fatty acids in the cells where they cannot be metabolized any more. Also, an excess of free sugar instead of glycogen is the result. A high amount of noradrenalin (as said before this can be built outside of the chromaffin system i.e. in nerve endings and in the intestinal mucosa) can cause a permanent vasoconstriction with a respective oxygen deficiency.
This fact explains why the development of a first cancer cell must result: Where as adrenalin is able to widen or narrow the vessels in various parts of the body even at the same time
(through a modulation of alpha and beta receptors), noradrenalin can only narrow them.
A – normal cell division
B – cancer cell division
1 – apoptosis
2 – damaged cell
From the National Cancer Institute of the United States Federal Government.
An adrenalin deficiency with excessive sugar in the cells and oxygen deficiency in the entire organism necessarily lead to the event that at least in one lokus minoris resistentiae one cell is distressed to a point that it has to quit its normal metabolism and switches to fermentation. This first, fermenting cell now produces levorotatory lactic acid, a substance increasing the mitoserates in the cell unit up to the eightfold. Now, the cell begins to ferment, which causes a continuing cell division. The primal tumor developing from this helps the organism with its sugar problem. This is due to the fact that the patient is in a situation with a diabetic metabolismas a result of the cell’s overload with sugar. The procured sugar has no more space in the cells, may no longer be transformed into fats, and circulates in the blood. This hyperglycemia was found in tumor-patients even years before the actual tumor was discovered (Diabetes II).
Paradoxically, the tumor can at first work as a life-saving matter, meaning as a kind of sugar combustor. Unfortunately,at some point, there is not enough sugar available for the growing tumor and so the body’s reserves of fat and proteins have to feed the tumor. Then the patient dies in a state of cachexia. But why? Without adrenalin the body was unable to recognize the newly formed lesion as “foreign” and so did not destroy it. Additionally the body needs adrenalin in order to start a defense against many kinds of destructive noxa. Without adrenalin there is no functioning immune response. Normally, the healthy defense mechanism of an acute type looks as follows: chills, which leads to a formation of large quantities of dextrorotatory lactic acids; stimulation of adrenalin production; distribution of immune cells through the marrow; and control of the noxa through cellular and humoral defense.
Five decades ago Dr. Fryda postulated what has now been confirmed in an increasing number of scientific studies during the last year: there is a relationship between the occurrence of virulent diseases and an exhausted adrenergic system. For example, Dr. Coy confirmed the WarburgFermentation Hypothesis with the discovery of the Enzyme TKTL1 as an initiator for the transformation of metabolic fermentation in case of malignant cells. ProfessorErnst Chantelau examined the discovery of the carcinogen effect of insulin. Dr. Olga Galkina of the Neurotech Institute in Bournemouth examined the behavior of certain neurotransmitters in cancer patients.
Thus far, this is a temporarily simplified hypothesis. The reason for the simplification is because during the collapse of the adrenalin production, initially, adrenaline must be replaced and substitute hormones produced. This subject, however, would take us off track for now. The fact is that the disease “cancer” starts many years before an actual tumor develops. 45 years ago the voicing of this hypotheses would have been reason to be sent to prison. Today, it is considered common knowledge – as well as the fact that the removal or destruction of tumor cells cannot lead to a cure.
Although the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurology and Brain Research has clearly proven the hypothesis of an adrenalin deficiency (cancerous rats treated with adrenalin injections showed a 100 percent tumor regression within a short period of time), common treatment, which only consists of the elimination of malignant cells, persists.
Naturally, replacement therapy with adrenalin cannot and should not be an option of the treatment of humans. First of all, the side effects would be extreme and, most notably, the use of adrenalin would cause a total collapse of one’s own adrenalin production.The most important thing is to do everything to stimulate the adrenalin production.
In my praxis, this happened with the help of organ-specific basic therapies according to Dyckerhoff: dextrorotatory lactic acids; all vitamins advertised today as “new,” such as vitamins A, B, C, D and E, which we already applied during the fifties; the newly found selenium, which may only be given when blood counts show that the level is really too low (otherwise there is a risk of liver necrosis); partial liver detoxifying infusions with Hepa-Merz®; Actovegin®, to improve supply of oxygen; Derivatio®, to flush out toxins and acids; colon cleansing and – above all – a diet considering the fact that tumor cells live from carbohydrates – especially from those which may easily be built into the cells. However, this would be a subject for a separate report.
At any rate, an anti-cancer diet is the basis for every successful therapy – despite this fact often being denied by most of the so-called orthodox medical practitioners. However, even a layman should understand that a carcinoma patient may not be “fed” with sugar when it is common knowledge that cancer cells exclusively subsist on sugar and other carbohydrates and so maintain their metabolism. For that very reason, in later states of the disease, the patient’s body’s fats and proteins will be transformed into sugar to help the cancer cells survive.
Today, the sugar dependency of carcinoma cells is even used to detect cancer cells through an injection of radioactive sugar molecules, which are rapidly assimilated by the cancer cells. This makes them visible (PET analysis). In spite of this knowledge, patients are told that they may eat everything they desire. Unbelievable, is it not?
Another important problem, which is often disregarded in traditional medicine, is the behavior of the pH-level, meaning the ratio of the pH-level in the blood to the pH-level in the tissues. Generally the pH-level in the blood of chronically ill persons is assumed to be too acidic. However, my own tests during all the years showed a normal pH-value of 7.4 in nearly all cases. But tests of the tissues conducted by Kuhl, Szylvay, Seeger etal. always showed a lower pH-level, which means an over-acidification of the tissues.
This over-acidification is the basis on which pathologic processes take place and where cancer cells feel comfortable.The latter of which also contribute to an acidic environment through theproduction of levorotatory lactic acid. First of all this state has to be improved by a special diet and, secondly, through the intake of dextrorotatory lactic acid.
Paradoxically, the blood has to be reduced to the acid value of the tissues in order to eliminate its pathological acids, which in turn maintains the difference in pH-value. For a cancer patient, this procedure takes place after exactly five weeks. Through the flood of acids, which is suddenly released into the blood, the patient defacto “turn acid” – meaning they become nervous, aggressive and depressed, whereby at the same time all excretions like sweat, stool and urine smell really bad. Only after this phase, a slow degeneration of tumor cells can be expected.
This, however, can take place in various ways:
Some, even huge, tumors often disappear within half a year or one year without any problem. A high number (approximately 60 percent) are reduced during an acute inflammation phase, which in most cases occurs in the fourth month of treatment. This causes severe psychological problems as after eight weeks of treatment the patient’s treatment is generally continued by their family physician. As a rule, a quasi-enlargement of the tumor or metastasis takes place during this phase, and simultaneously an explosive rise in the marker will cause patient and physician to lose their nerves. In nearly all the cases, these changes recede within a few weeks. However, it is often very difficult to convince both patient and physician that this shift is absolutely normal. The third possibility to degenerate the tumor does not occur very often. During the therapy, the tumor somehow changes its form. It decreases and becomes operable – and the histological examination shows that it has turned benign.
Of course, there are also failures of the therapy – even when the treatment has been executed very carefully and neither previous radiation nor chemotherapy have had an influence upon the result. Failure. All efforts were in vain. Most often this happens when patients are not able to reduce the stress that burdened them – simply because this stress cannot be reduced (i.e. an ill child) or because they do not stick to their diet, continue smoking, etc.
In fifty-one years of experience, this biological Holistic Therapy was so successful that, due to the results, it can be concluded that the underlying theory must be correct.
Nevertheless, I am sure that there are also other effective therapies, such as purely homeopathic treatments. However, the goal should always be the stimulation of the adrenalin production in order to solve the sugar problem, to achieve a detoxification and de-acidification of the organism, and to re-establish a healthy immune system.
The latter would be, I believe, also the sincere wish of the affected patients: to receive a treatment, which enables the organism to manage the disease without the application of extremely harmful drugs.
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