- 2) Manufacturing cycle of many solunates
- 7) Into the distillate No. 8, Hepatik, now the fresh healing plants are added again
- 8) In this modern, climatised, and astrologically aligned octagon, the solunates mature until filtration
- 9) Separation of plants and liquid: Colation
- 10) 1st and 2nd Filtration with two filters of different pore sizes, switched in succession
Mystery of the Lowest Matter and of the Highest Ethereal Level
Let us get to the next step in making. After the distillation, we still have two flasks. In the one flak in which the mushroom heater was situated, the so-called distillation residue exists which is given into the biological waste or which can be composted. And furthermore, we have the flask which contains the cloudy distillate. We shall now proceed with this flask. Here now, exactly those healing plants (certainly fresh medicinal plants) are added which were distilled in the previous sep and which afterwards landed in the compost). And furthermore, now also the homeopathic dilution and metal elements were added.
Let us now once more have a look at the production cycle, then we are situated in the diagram, right side below under „maceration batch“.
This batch is now stored for 7 days at 37°C, in an octagon, which is aligned according to astrological criteria. Here, parallel, coarse things as well as subtle things happen. On the one hand, an alcoholic extract is made, as it is also the case in normal phyto-therapeutical tinctures. Thus, active ingredients are extracted via alcohol. This alone makes a solunate something special because it is possible to obtain essential oils on the market; one can also obtain alcoholic tinctures, but preparations which have an alcoholic active substance extract as well as also a high proportion of essential oils are certainly rare. However, due to the previous distillation and the storage at 37° in the aligned octagon again things happen that can presumably soonest be explained on a physical level. The storage temperature of 37° does certainly establish a relation to the human body, which can always be recognized at different places in the manufacturing process (e.g., that in a flask, always only a maximum of 6 litres can be prepared, which roughly equals the blood value of the human being). The storage in the octagon, however, is certainly more effective. Here, one would find an explanatory model in the Kabbalah, resp. in numerology because the number 8 has a significant position there in the overcoming of earthly principles.
Astrology is a special field of its own which I had not been close to for a long time until a professional horoscope was created for me. And as usual, if one gains more knowledge, one enjoys pleasure in realizing how wonderful it is to work together with professionals! As I had recommended this astrologer on several occasions und only had feedbacks of an astonishing and extremely positive nature I know today that the stars have an influence4.
After 7 days, repeated filtration takes place. First of all, only “colation” takes place, thus, the liquid is separated from the healing plants. Then, 3 filtrations follow. After this, a double filtration takes place with two filters of different pore sizes, placed on top of each other, imaginable like a large coffee filter. And then another final fine filtration takes place before it goes into the filling facility.
And thus, the wheel of production has turned and a solunate, or rather a batch of the solunate, has been created. It is a wheel that turns incessantly.
The flask in which the first coarse filtration was carried out still contains the maceration residues which as a rule are discarded. In case of the manufacturing of solunates, however, the maceration residues automatically become the distillation starter for the new batch by being poured over with fresh water.
This fact contains something very philosophical because it is in fact not a wheel that turns but rather fits into the picture of a spiral which develops further and further upwards. Simply because the new batch is started on the old batch, the new batch again learns something from the previous process. Here, something is practically passed on from one generation to the next. Because this wheel has never stopped turning since the beginning of the serial production, even a solunate of today will still bear the fingerprint of the founder, Alexander von Bernus, from the year 1921!
In case this has been a little bit too much information, one could start to re-read the article from the beginning – as long as it takes to internalize it.
I hope that I have been able to work out comprehensibly the importance of essential oils in naturopathic therapy and how manifold the interweavings are between coarse and fine matter. The intensity of the therapy is certainly increased to the extent to which a remedy is able to unite both principles harmoniously in itself. Throughout the entire manufacturing process, it is quite a different thing whether one uses a solunate or whether one takes a normal alcoholic tincture and adds different essential oils separately.
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