Where is a scientific finding actually coming from? Why are one and the same findings made simultaneously sometimes without the researchers being in contact with each other?
Such phenomena were present in science at a time where there was no internet, not even telephone connections. How did the scientists get their insights simultaneously?
The mechanistic thinking in science today
The widespread thinking in science today corresponds to a mechanistic principle which you can recognize in the following example: If parts of the computer software are destroyed, the technical system usually cannot regenerate itself in order to function. One says that the technique has not been far enough developed. One only has to wait. Nevertheless, the practical experience is: The more complex a technical system is the greater is its vulnerability to failures. That can be proven with innumerable examples, not only in computer technique.
This mistake in thinking also happens in medicine
This technical thinking of fault finding and replacement of groups of components in case a repair is needed reaches even into medicine. If something does not function you take it out, suppress it by medication or replace it. If needed, one even does it with the entire human being. But nature does not function this way. I doubt that modern genetics is able to offer perfectly functioning groups of components for the exchange in human beings and animals. Is everything that makes us human really stored in genetic material? Or does the human being have further sources of information for his continued development?
Why is the genetic difference between fruit flies bigger than between monkey and human being?
The fruit fly Drosophila, which has been genetically researched for decades, has bigger genetic differences among themselves, than the human being, even though they look totally the same externally. The genetic difference between chimpanzees and humans regarding the DNA is much smaller than among the Drosophila flies. This difference is only 1.1%. Thus, we as human beings are different from monkeys by only 1.1% in the view of the mechanistic theory. The fruit fly however is considerably more individualistic. It would be the task of psychologists to find out the differences in character between the single fruit flies, because there the difference should be detectable, if not in the outer form, the organs and their functions.
But, if you remove a cell from a sea urchin embryo in a two-cell-stadium a new complete sea urchin grows, but smaller. This is the difference between nature and technique. This experiment was done decades ago by H. Driesch.
Is Darwin really right?
If Darwin were still alive one could ask him why when removing its ocular lens the newt develops a new one within 30 days. Which evolutionary connections are recognizable according to Darwin? Which historical evolutionary connections can be recognized according to Darwin?
Biology has even bigger problems if it wants to give an explanation for the homing instinct of carrier pigeons. How much experimentation has been done in connection with this during the last decades! One pigeon was sent on its way from ships when it was foggy. One had milky lenses placed on its eyes. One had its olfactory organ closed. One was shielded from the earth’s magnetic field, and one was even put into a slow centrifuge when transported from the pigeon loft in order to suppress its direction orientation. In each case the pigeons found their way home. Until a short time ago the Swiss Army used the pigeons for their news service. These were housed in so-called mobile pigeon lofts which were partly mounted on trucks. Despite the change of location of the pigeon lofts over hundreds of kilometers the pigeons found their way home.
Let’s remain with the birds. How do the migration birds know when they should gather and start? How do they know in which direction to fly?
The invisible link
The most beautiful example was found by the biology professor Rupert Sheldrake after his experiment with pets. It is not known how but animals sense bad luck and want to keep their owners at home on these days. Dogs go to their food bowl when the owner only thinks of feeding them. With time-synchronized cameras he filmed the behavior of animals which remained at home, and parallel to this the corresponding pet owners who were on the road. Per random generator it was determined when the pet owner should go home, independent of the distance. The synchronized camera shows how the pet walked to the door when the owner departed for home and expectantly awaited his return.
We can show hundreds of examples. The hunters know one: At times deer feel observed and so many hunters do not look at them. Olfactory factors can be excluded in many cases when the wind blows from the direction of the animals.
How do mothers know if their child feels badly? Why is there a constant emotional bridge between uniovular twins, leading to the fact that when one feels badly for certain reasons the other one feels the same way?
Why does an Indian medicine man speak to a healing plant before harvest, and all of these plants close by increase their fraction of active ingredients? A lot of plant friends talk to their plants and the results are visible and can be felt. There simply has to be a higher intelligence. Professor Sheldrake calls it “Morphogenetic Field”. Other cultures speak of the Akashic Record or God.
Let us read what Max Planck, a Nobel Prize Winner of physics, says:
“Not the visible and transient matter is that which is real and true – for matter would not exist, as we have seen, without this spirit – but the invisible, immortal is the truth. There is no matter by itself. All matter develops and exists only through a force which brings the atom particles into vibrancy and keeps them together down to the smallest sun system of the atom. Because there is neither an intelligent nor permanent force in the entire universe we have to assume that this force comes from a conscious intelligent spirit. This spirit is the cause of all matter. But because it is not possible that there is spirit by itself, but each spirit belongs to a being, we forcibly have to assume that there are spiritual beings. But because also spiritual cannot exist out of themselves but have to be created I do not hesitate to call this mysterious creator, as all civilized peoples of the earth in former centuries did: GOD.”
“The physicists believe in God since a long time ago, only the medical doctors still believe in the physicists.“
Professor Thure von Uexküll
This thinking is called morphogenetic thinking today, whereby each living being is connected to every other living being in some form, and can also call information from a central memory, which is called the morphogenetic field, God, or in other cultures, Akasha as well.
The difference between nature and technique consists most of all in its efficiency. If we as modern people would process information like technique does then the people who lived in the Stone Age would be far in advance to us. Let us take, for example, picture transmission and image processing. On a TV-screen or beamer a point goes from left to right, line by line, until the complete picture is filled. Only then the next picture is produced line by line. We speak of a serial picture transmission. If you, as human beings, remember a beautiful picture from your subconscious then the complete picture is there immediately. Not point by point and line by line, but everything at the same time. You can recall parallel pictures, process and compare them. Our natural reserves of information transmission are much better than any technical possibility. For this reason many branches of research try to connect biology with technique.
It is shown in another example how complex biology can react for self-protection. If you inject a local anaesthetic into a nerve cell, the nerve cell’s tension is loaded up to 240 mV. For example, if the nerve cell is irritated by a scalpel, and this scalpel depolarizes the nerve cell, the nerve cell’s tension is reduced to 160 mV. Thus, a sufficient depolarization is not given anymore, and the tension is still too high to transmit pain-information. Now, try to confront a technical instrument with such an over-tension. This example also shows clearly the unbelievable high development of nature.
Unfortunately, today we live in a so-called developed world with such a belief in technique that is simply irrational. Even though everyone can perceive daily system break downs in computer technique and other areas where maybe only a zero or a one is missing, we still believe in a technical progress with ever more complex systems which are more and more prone to disturbances. Imagine an electricity failure with all its consequences – and people themselves can have “electricity failures” -, but our experiences in extensive medical areas make us wonder again and again about the self-repair and regulation mechanisms of human beings. Certainly modern medicines assist you, but in the long run each body has to correct itself by itself.
…to be continued
Taken from Magazine VIII/10, Paracelsus Health & Healing, August 2011
Prof. E.H. Iwailo Schmidt BGU
Healing Practitioner and Lecturer for Naturopathy
Dora-Stock-Str. 1
01217 Dresden
Tel.+49(0)3514-71 75 68
Iwailo Schmidt, The Subtle Naturopathy (Die feinstoffliche Naturheilkunde), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2007
Iwailo Schmidt, Textbook of Bio-Energetics (Lehrbuch der Bioenergetik), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2006
Iwailo Schmidt, Textbook of Ideational Realization (Lehrbuch der Bewusstwerdung), Private Publishing House, Dresden 2007
Photo: © gerast.Pixabay.com
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