For psychical imbalances, sound and colour therapies are emerging in the new age. But these therapies are age-old. The colours influence the mood, restore calmness and tranquilize the nervous system. Many cultures across the world have employed colours for healing purposes. A right understanding of colour enables gentle healing with less medication.
Humans are unaware of the impact of the colours on the psyche. In recent times there is even lesser understanding resulting in much use of black, of grey, of dark green and of blood red colours. People would do well to harmonize their psyche by displaying white, half white, sky blue, sandal wood, light green, light yellow, rose, golden and violet.
The VIBGYOR colours which are seven in number relate to the seven plexus (etheric centres) of the body from the base to the head. Appropriate use of the colours enables harmonizing the seven centres, which in-turn enables persons to hold on to well-balanced psyche.
Colour immediately precedes the form and has great velocity since it is a product of light. Brighter the colours, lighter the psyche.
For example a person suffering from lethargy, pessimism, self-pity and dis-contentment may be introduced to the colour orange; to uplift the down grading psyche. Orange radiates and arrests the negative energies that prevent joy and happiness. Orange has the ability to boost the immunity. The persons can be recommended to relate to orange either in the room or outside. The best therapy is exposing the persons to the morning and evening rays of Sun which transform from orange to golden yellow and from golden yellow to orange.
Orange is also associated with the sound ‘R’. Associating with the sound Ra – at the mental plane and visualizing the rising Sun in orange colour help many to come out of fear, depression, lethargy and the like.
There has to be a sincere systematic and profound study into the characteristics of the colours, to supplement the healing efforts. It is unfortunate that the patients and the physicians believe only in medicines but not in other agencies of healing.
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