Catarrh, tuberculosis, colds in the head, and throat, sinusitis, bronchitis and many other sicknesses are primarily of nervous origin. A man may feel nervous exaltation and receive immunity or through nervous shock he may be left defenseless. This simple truth is disregarded and is not taken into consideration in the present day treatments. These ailments are purely seen as physical manifestations, due to prevailing weather conditions. If one is vitally strong and stable in his nervous system he can resist many seasonal sicknesses while others cannot. The nervous reactions shall have to be addressed to get the right cure through right treatment. It is found that the most incurable diseases are arrested by appropriate treatment to nerves. Without due concern for nervous forces, when treatments are given with routine medicaments they may reach dangerous dimensions.
Calming the mind and supporting the mind, with silver and gold have been practices of the past. To calm down the system by which many ailments are neutralized was common knowledge of the ancients. When mucus membranes get excited for different reasons the sicknesses as aforesaid (catarrh, tuberculosis, colds in the head, and throat, sinusitis, bronchitis etc.) emerge. Treatment has to be, to neutralize the nervous excitement.
Different approaches are needed for different patients.
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