“Thoughts are material and are alive”, says a Master of Wisdom. If only people would realize the consequence of their thoughts, they would not let their thoughts unfiltered and untailored. It is no exaggeration to say that the greatest crimes were born out of smallest of thoughts. The thoughts that one sends out strike back as boomerangs. The Yogis know the power of thought and do not let loose the thoughts. On the contrary, they emit thoughts of Goodwill and sustain them with their psychic energy. They even influence objects, in the sense, that they magnetize the objects and give them to the sick for being cured.
Magnetization through persistent thoughts of Light and Love has been an age old practice of Vedic seers. They were Masters of Psychic Energy and were frequently resorting to it for healing the surroundings and the surrounding beings. They knew that every powerful thought emits the related psychic energy and were therefore careful of training themselves in terms of thoughts of light, love and power.
That psychic energy exists should simply be kept in mind by every health worker. He or she may strive to emit positive energies during their interaction with the sick and the debil. Certain minerals, metals, plants, birds and even animals can be gainfully employed as mediums for positive transmission of energies.
In the modern medicinal practice, little importance is given to the subtle impact of psychic energy emanated from thoughts of fear, anxiety of the patients and of thoughts of pride, negligence and busy attitude of the physicians. There is excessive reliance on medicinal substance and little attention is paid to the wonder work of psychic energy. Healers of the past had gainfully employed the presence of sacred minerals, metals, herbs, plants, birds and animals. Much research is yet to be made into these subtle field of special powers of healing.
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