Spiritual Healing
Occult Healing involves revitalizing of the etheric body which is devitalized in a sick person due to ignorant activity. It involves noticing the cause of sickness more than dealing with the effects of sickness. The occult healer need to cognize and realize the quality of functioning of the mental body and the desire body of the sick and their impact upon the Nadis, nerves, endocrine system and blood system. These four, Nadis, nerves, endocrine system and blood system concern man’s life and his consciousness.
The activity of man may result in disturbing the even flow of consciousness and of life-force which would have impact upon the four groups stated above. Orthodox medicine has been to date confines to objective symptoms and their affects and not to the real causes that lie behind. When right alignment is brought about in relation to the even flow of life and awareness through right understanding of life, the body can be better preserved in good condition and can be kept free from disease.
The work of the healer is therefore more basic. He is supposed to understand, the man, his behaviour, his aspirations, his aptitudes and his attitudes towards various aspects of life. He should be more concerned with the flow of energies in a person and their distribution points. He should gain fairly good understanding of the physical, emotional, mental and intellectual attitudes which may have an impact on free and natural flow of energies. He should watch with care, the functioning of the nervous system and the bloodstream. The key note of the work of an occult healer is to notice the free flow of energies and the possible areas where the congestion is in.
Generally, man is affected by the disorder in his life in relation to economics, domestic and social activity. He is also affected by the rhythm and quality of food, work and rest. The diseases in him correspond to these areas affecting free flow of energies of life and of awareness. Where the distribution of energies is faulty, necessary remedial measures shall have to be attempted.
“Only by the right distribution of energy will the ills of the physical body of the individual be cured” – says a Master of Wisdom. This is the fundamental of all Spiritual Healing. This involves recognition of etheric body of man and the quality of its function. Healing involves to restitute normal and healthy principles of life which is but a long drawn process.
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