The Healers and the physicians must remember that this is the age of New Energies. The daily life of even the ordinary man is charged with numerous, highly concentrated currents which produce new impulses in human minds. Very often, these impulses are unusual and often have an impact on human psyche. Modern man requires to assimilate varied and many ideas so as not to get negatively affected by them.
From a subtle standpoint, it can be said that many diseases come from suggestion. Just as one can hear from a distance, one can also inflict disease. The powers of suggestion requires a careful study. Suggestive thinking can pierce the cells of an organism that is pre-disposed to illness. A particular thought may not be intended to cause damage but sensitive minds can self-inflict damage by the very information of sickness. The sensitivity is the means to receive within, the negative impact of any information and cause self-damage. They not only create sicknesses but are also capable of embryonic diseases leading to the work of destruction.
In the present day world of overactive communications, innumerable messages are roaming all over the world. As one orients, so he receives. The consequence of excessive media propaganda of negative events are little realized. The media is yet to gain the needed maturity to be responsible in their transmissions. Just as media waves interfere with one another, the mental messages can cause confusion, congestion, fear, insecurity and the related sicknesses. Much goes unnoticed and unrecognized while its subtle impact continues to damage the well-being of the humans.
Daily transmission and reception of benevolent thoughts and ideas must be inculcated to counteract the numerous, malicious carriers (Infectious thought). Through thoughts, the people themselves spread dangerous earthly infections. It is ignorance to think that “Sorcery” existed in medieval ages. But, the sorcery is dormant today through subtle means of negative communications which include excessive attentions, excessive discussions relating to negative events displayed by media, social media, facebooks, whatsapp, twitter and so on. It is time that men develop adequate filters to prevent letting in any suggestion which would damage his or her health system.
Forget not that a suggestion implanted, tends to be an auto-suggestion in one’s system, initiating the process of self-destruction. It has to be antidoted with positive suggestion.
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