Man, the indweller functions through the form which is essentially three-fold, mental, vital/emotional and physical. Alignment of the indweller with the form and its mechanism holds the key to ease or disease. It is like a man being in a sophisticated vehicle. He needs to know the mechanism of the vehicle to operate it in a trouble-free manner. Inappropriate use of the vehicle gives birth to troubles. The troubles are not only to the vehicle but also to its driver. Similarly, man ,the indweller, unaware of the mechanism of the form in which he dwells, when uses it, sicknesses arise. For this reason, the seers say that sickness is an aspect of Ignorance – Inability to know or handle the Human Vehicle. Mostly, man does not distinguish between himself and his vehicle. While he is an eternal traveler, his vehicle is mortal and is bound to decay and death.
The indweller of the form intends using the form as a means to fulfill his purposes and goals. In doing so, the form should be used ensuring the tender care that the latter needs. Just as the rider of the horse needs to have loving understanding of the horse, so also man should have the loving understanding of the triple apparatus namely mind, senses and body. He should know how to nourish the body, how to use it and how to rest it besides keeping it clean at all times. He needs to tame and adjust the mechanism to suit his purposes. A friendly horse enables the rider to accomplish the travel. It even enables accomplishing of adventurous travel. So also a friendly body enables the indweller to fulfill the journey of life without troubling him much on the way.
When there are inhibitions in the right flow of energy centres, sicknesses set in. The Wisdom Science says that an intelligent correction in relation to work, food and rest enables restoration of health. Instead of such corrections, when one resorts to medicinal treatments, one disturbs the natural harmony that prevails as between the man and the form. Man is intensely preoccupied in this modern day life by which he transmits discomfort and pain into the dense physical body. His ambitions shall have to be adapted to the natural condition of his body. Likewise, he should also have to adapt the body to its purposes. He cannot press too hard the vehicle to get counterproductive results therefrom.
There should not only be a balance in relation to food, work and rest but also a balanced use of mental, emotional and physical dimensions of life. There should be adequate use of mind, not letting it to be lazy or overactive. There has to be a well-judged emotional life that nourishes the vitality of the body. In as much as his physical body should be kept like a swift horse with adequate vitality.
Negative emotions are unworthy of entertainment for long duration. Anger, hatred, excessive attachment, pride and prejudice shall have to be let off. Otherwise, they affect the etheric web that enables free flow of life through the etheric centers of the body. When the etheric web is disturbed, free flow of energies is hindered. When hindrance prevails, sickness is given birth to.
All disease is the result of inhibited Soul Life. This is true of all forms in all kingdoms. Such is the law.
The art of healing is to enable adjustment of this inhibition as between the soul and form through adaptation to a balanced way of living.
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