The sickness of humanity is emerging not only from ignorance, but also from arrogance. Arrogance denies all that is unknown, but what men know is little and what men do not know is huge. The attitude of arrogance shuts doors unknowingly. Not only arrogance shuts doors upon knowledge, but it is even offensive about everything that is inaccessible to them.
It is necessary for people to free themselves from their arrogance if they wish to mitigate their ignorance. Broadmindedness is the need of man for evolution. Evolution completely gets excluded, when men shut the doors out of arrogance upon knowledge.
Arrogant ones cannot even be healed. Healing is possible, when the sick is oriented to the healing and is willing to submit himself to the process of healing. A healer can do little when the sick is unreceptive. The healer would do well to notice if the sick is oriented to healing. It does not matter even if the sick is ignorant, but it totally matters if the sick is indifferent and arrogant towards the efforts of the healer. Belittling healing is offense. Such an act is seen as an act of a traitor. When communion cannot happen between the healer and the person to be healed, the process of healing is not initiated. When the healer and the healed one are in communion, the energies of the higher world prevail. Such higher communion is impossible when indifference and arrogance prevail.
Highly diverse paths of consciousness, healers need to accustom themselves to assimilate them and accordingly approach the sick. It is a pity to observe the zigzag of the paths arising from egoism, arrogance, indignation, indifference and contempt for others’ viewpoints. When sickness prevails, it opens doors for the traits stated before, and the healer has to ensure the state of consciousness of the sickness. If not, there would be loss of time. When the sick is affected by the above irritations, there is little that the healer can transmit. There are times where a healer has to wait for the right time to strike the right note.
Once there was a healer who felt sick. He least realize that he felt sick. Yet, another healer noticed it and sent words of healing, which were denied. Again symbols of healing were sent to him. They were also denied. Then momentous of love was sent to him. They were thrown out. The healer, who wanted to help his co-worker felt pity at the state of the other healer’s health. The students asked him: “Why do you persistently transmit healing to someone who denies it?” The healer answered: “He too is a healer. He felt sick. He is unable to notice his sickness, but I could notice it. I wish to help him since he is my brother on the path.” The students of the healer discretely enquired if the other healer was sick. The enquired did not reveal any information of sickness.
After two years, the healer wanted to visit his co-healer, for he was very sure that the other healer was in deep sickness. The other healer agreed. A meeting happened between the two. The following conversation took place:
Healer 1: Why did you send me words, symbols and momentous of healing?
Healer 2: I felt that you were sick, my brother.
Healer 1: But I was not sick.
Healer 2: Are you sick now?
Healer 1: Yes, of course I’m sick now.
Healer 2: You were sick even then. You did not noticed, but I noticed
Healer 1: What was the sickness that you noticed?
Healer 2: Arrogance, my brother.
Healer 1 was stunned for a while and enquired: “How do you say that I’ m an arrogant?”
Healer 2: It is your growing arrogance that today settled as paralysis in you.
Healer 1 was stunned again.
Healer 2: You have been a great healer. You healed many. You carried self-esteem, which unconsciously turned in you to be arrogant. Due to arrogance, you denied and shut doors upon a brotherly help. Even now, you hold on to it. You are questioning the nature for your sickness out of your arrogance again. Nature is infallible; do not question the nature. Accept the sickness now as a gift of nature that has come up to you for your deliverance. If you continue to question, nature would even deny the deliverance. It should not happen to you my brother. Be grateful, that nature helped you to help others. May the nature help you to deliver you unto your rightful place in the world of healing. The humble are honored. The proud are humbled. Nature loves you and humbles you so that you can be honored. (This is not just a story.)
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