From Evil to Goodwill
Occult Healing involves in introducing “The Law of dominating Good”. Adopting life gradually to goodwill, contrary to selfish will enables one to surmount one’s sickness. Initially, man tends to be pursuing selfish ends. In such pursuit, he gathers good, bad and indifferent material around him besides the related people and ambience. As he moves forward in life in such pursuits, he gets more and more conditioned by the quality of the material, persons and ambience. The indomitable will, nevertheless, continues to pursue the selfish ends regardless its impact on the surrounding people and nature. Unconsciously, he disturbs the subtle laws of nature around him and thereby reaps the consequences of it as disease.
Man’s ignorant past, his inheritance through the family and through the race he belongs to, are the three major influences of sickness. Every man has to pay the price of his ancient error. “As you sow, you reap” is but common natural law. Further, he inherits the sicknesses of the dynasty to which he belongs. The tainted streams of energy continue with the man even by birth. This apart, the past evil of the society to which he belongs also imposes sicknesses which the Lord of Life allocates infallibly. Since mankind at large went through much ignorance, the related aggression, the consequent evil and its sharing should be recognized, accepted and be shared with.
Cognition of the ancient mistakes is the first step. Moving out of selfish living is the second step. Living for the welfare of others is the third step by which man individually and groups of men collectively can gradually come out of the impact of the triple influence of sicknesses.
As long as man continues to live for his own selfish purposes, regardless its relevance to social good, he would continue to attract the evil of sickness, disease, decay and death.
Goodwill is but the will to do good to the surroundings of which one is a part. “One for many” is the law. “Many for one” is contrary to it. Turning life gradually to live for others’ benefit is the key to wriggle out of sicknesses. It is the way out from the fog of sickness into the light of the clean sky. One should realize that life is worthy when it is surrendered for social good. Let the ancient evil be shared voluntarily and dominating good be brought in effectively. When this is done, the former will be superseded by the latter and ushers in the golden law of human life, through cycles of time.
Understanding of the Law of Karma (the law of cause and effect) is fundamental to the healer and to the sick. The sick should be informed of the error in which he is in relation to the world, with the instrumentality of his body. The healer should understand the degree of the depth of sickness correlating with the degree of selfishness that the sick person is suffering from. The sick should be educated of the pre-disposition that he stands up to in relation to sicknesses and should be given hints for remedial ways of living. The healer should provide, should subtly educate the patient to recollect and bear in mind that the disease has its roots in his past and that he is paying off the ancient debt. He should also induce the patient to take to a constructive attitude and formulate a life of eventual good. The patient should be helped to cognize the potent forces within him which can overturn the present course of sickness and get back to lesser and lesser sicknesses. There should not be any feverish anxiety on the part of the healer. He should be to impose Goodwill. He should be gentle, careful in educating the patient and slowly turn him over to the ways of Goodwill by which the patient is saved (from sickness) for future.
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