“The act of dying is a triumphant finale of life and the death beds will be regarded as happier occasion than birth and marriage. The intelligent race before so very long will recognize this.”
The men of wisdom see greater life beyond death. They do not see it as termination. According to them the soul (the indweller) imprisoned in the body finds a great relief the moment he is released from the body. It is not very different from a prisoner coming out of the prison cell. The sleep itself is a good example of relief the indweller. Each time he comes out of sleep he feels fresh, rejuvenated and renewed in his energy. Withdrawal of the indweller from the form is not seen by the men of wisdom as an hour for fear and tear.
Very often in a very advanced age when one is tending to be immobile, unable to function with limbs, with felicity he would rather prefer to get out of the body. No one would like to live in a house which increasingly imprisons oneself. Even the near and dear feel good when the person departs since it is a great relief to the departed ones. (even to them)
There will be a saner approach to death in future. When pain has worn out itself and weakness has supervened, the person should be permitted to prepare himself even for unconscious departure, for the great transition. When there is strong hold on the nervous apparatus and when strength prevails in the body, even in small degree it produces pain. When pain is not, the person is preparing to depart. When pain exists, there is still hold on the nervous apparatus and it should be understood as the will of the soul to fight out for stay. When no such symptom is found, when there is no effort whatsoever to stay, the person should be prepared to depart peacefully for a joyous consummation. Such an act is seen as a noble act of healing. Healing not only involves restoration of life but also includes assistance for peaceful departure from the form.
Today there is much talk of immortality. These are as yet only beliefs with no sure evidences. But this belief is hidden in the human hearts and even in the mind. For this simple reason, one does not remember on a daily basis that he dies. He lives as if he is living for eternity. This belief eventually brings in the knowledge. A belief is but a hope and a means to knowledge. A scientist believes by virtue of ‘a feel’ and persists with the feel to find its reality. So also in every human being there is belief that he lives and that he lives with continuity. Adepts of all ages live with ‘continuity of consciousness’. A scientist in the later part of 19th century deeply believed that he can invent a flying machine. Eventually the first aeroplane arrived in the very first decade of 20th century. The inherent belief gives the related conviction and enables the believer to pursue the ways and means by which the belief is established as knowledge.
The theory of reincarnation is wide spread on the globe today unlike in the past. In the past only the Wisdom of the East believed in series of incarnations for the souls while in other parts of the globe such belief was not to be. But, with the turn of time it is now tending to be globally acceptable that reincarnation is an acceptable proposition. It is now time that this proposition be given a serious consideration, the procedure suggested in the Eastern wisdom be picked up and pursued.
Little by little a new attitude towards death is cultivated into the scientific minds of the modern race and a science of death is getting inaugurated. The science of Pranayama is already in vogue. When this science is realized it inaugurates a new science – the science of dying.
“Let us be in to control our passing over to the other side and to understand the technique of transition, daily pursuing the process in our sleep”, says a Master.
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