It is but necessary to note that man is the indweller of the form. The life thread is the connection between man and his form. The life thread or connection differentiates into two currents or two threads when it reaches the body. While one current is anchored in the brain another is anchored in the heart. The atma or the spirit in its two reflections is seen as soul and body, the soul is the consciousness aspect it is the thinking entity. It is seated in the brain. It conducts the intelligent activity. The pineal gland is said to be its seat. The other aspect or the other current or thread of life animates every atom of the body. It keeps the coherence as also it ensures integration of the entire form. It is seated in the heart. Thus the soul is seated in the brain while its life force is seated in the heart. The thread of life is called the ‘Golden Thread’ while the thread of the soul is called the ‘Silver Thread’. The Light is silver, the Life is golden.
These two streams function through the body directing it, while soul conducts its purposes. The life maintains the form to enable the purpose of the soul. Soul represents the Will, the self determination. It is the central nucleus of positive energy by which all atoms of the body are held, it carries the ‘will to be and to do’. The life principle utilizes the blood system and expresses itself. The soul expresses through nervous system. The streams of light of awareness flow through the nerves while the streams of life circulate through the arteries and the veins.
Withdrawal of life from the heart, its joining the soul at the brain enables a unified moment which enables a departure from the body, which is seen as departure contrary to death. When the two do not unite at the head and when the life terminates it causes the pain which is death. An intelligent understanding of the functioning of the awareness principle and the life principle enables one to conduct activity in a manner where life supports awareness, while awareness supports life. The process of their unification is given in the yoga as the technique of Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dharana.
For conscious departure from the body the sleep hours should be carefully employed. There is a specific way of preparing for to sleep. Let the sleeping room be a quite place, let the colors in the room be pleasant, soft and light. Dark colors are avoidable. May the bed be arranged in a manner that the head is to the East or South (in case one is in the northern hemisphere) or to the North in the case of those who live in southern hemisphere. Let the bed sheet color and pillow color also be pleasant. The room should be sufficiently ventilated during the day, enough light and air should pass through. During the night enough air should flow through. A dim light (bed light) of snow white or blue or green or violet be kept on. Ensure that the room carries special natural fragrance such as lavender or sandal or rose. The person (practitioner) may prepare mentally to retire on to the bed by slowing down the daily routine at-least fifteen minutes before getting into the bed. Let not the practitioner sleep with heavy stomach. He should ensure that his last intake was at-least an hour before. Let him get into the bed and relax all the limbs of body, he does not need them until tomorrow and therefore can thankfully feel relieved, mentally proposing a relief to them. He should try to take a sleep posture with back to the bed and with the hands and legs and the head fully relaxed. He can even mentally propose to the five elements of the body to stay relaxed since they are all drawn from the reservoirs of the five elements. He doesn’t need them till tomorrow. Likewise he can also inform the mind that all planning and thinking can be postponed till tomorrow morning since he doesn’t need the thinking machine till next day morning.
He can gently apply his awareness upon the respiration and stay associated with it. A regular practice of associating with respiration enables a strong link between the awareness and life principle, which is represented by the respiratory activity. When the two remain together the awareness dips deep into the form where the deeper side of the respiration, pulsation is noticed. The awareness principle associating with pulsation enables a movement of awareness along with the pulsation upto the brow centre. Experiencing the pulsating principle at the brow centre the awareness can stay seated in the area of the forehead
This practice when regularly done, certain other dimensions relating to man which are subtle, open to him. ‘Stay at the brow centre while at sleep’ is a dictum for those who wish to decode the mystery of death.
…will be continued
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