Many speak of atmospheric tensions and pollutions. But, there are also psycho-atmospheric pollutions and tensions. The psychic waves are also at play in the atmosphere. They create different moods; they... read more →
Organon – The Art of Healing § 240 But if the remedy found to be the homœopathic specific for a prevalent epidemic of intermittent fever do not effect a perfect... read more →
The power of fire The complexity of the fire element plays a central role in human history and in the universe. Of course, the other elements ether, air, water, and... read more →
Naturopathic treatment by Father Sebastian Kneipp addresses the whole person with body, mind and soul. It is based on five pillars: water applications, exercise, diet, medicinal plants, and order of... read more →
Organon – The Art of Healing § 237 But if the stage of apyrexia be very short, as happens in some very bad fevers, or if it be disturbed by... read more →
What the people should know All who know and desire the benefits of the homoeopathic system of medicine, or art of healing, should acquaint themselves with the customs of the... read more →
About the causes of diseases and the ways of healing “In medicine there is a need of that human quality (....) that existed at Paracelsus“ (Rudolf Steiner). The “Book Paramirum“... read more →
This essay is divided into three parts: 1. Death from the perspective of the Buddhist philosophy 2. The duties of a spiritual authority in Tibetan Buddhism, a lama, during the... read more →
Latin: Linum usitatissimum Common name: Flax Family: Linaceae / Flax Family Flax is one of the oldest cultivated plants on the world and is cultivated even today in large quantities... read more →
The medical schools should necessarily teach psychology along with the science of medicine. According to ancient wisdom, medical education without psychology is unthinkable. It is but fundamental that the functional... read more →