Biology of the bee In order to understand the remedy picture, you have to deal with the biology and history of the bee. Only then you can see what a... read more →
The art of healing seems to be multi-dimensional. Apart from the story narrative, much wisdom is shared and the key to practice is given which is even more valuable. The... read more →
Lecture delivered by Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Brothers and sisters! Today's subject 'To Die Is not to Die' is all engrossing. We have to know the right way of understanding what... read more →
The herniated disc (2) Exercise: Recognize and reprogram unhealthy actions! You know the saying: Danger recognized, danger averted! When you realize you're doing something you don't want to do or... read more →
Hemp belongs to the hemp family (Cannabaceae) and can be grown worldwide in both tropical and temperate climates. The plant grows quickly and reaches a height of up to three... read more →
Which essence should be started with? If a person has several chakras not working properly, the one in the foreground should always be addressed first and not all at the... read more →
The slipped disc and spinal gymnastics Exercise: Linking movements with good energies Choose an activity that you do often. This can be your work or "sweeping the famous street" for... read more →
The Causes of Sickness in the View of TCM Still Qi Gong as a Way to Health The fact that sickness is part of human existence cannot be denied. Nevertheless... read more →
The 5 Elements and the Path of Accomplishment According to Zhi Chang Li Zhi Chang Li grew up in the tradition of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong, which was already... read more →
Our wrong perceptions of matter Each of us at some time has seen a model of the atom on the teacher’s desk during school days. This was during chemistry lessons... read more →