Potencies and Recommended Dosage
With Streptococcinum-P-T, the homoeopathic remedy that was brought into widespread use by the physician Dr. Andreas Tilch, options for a completely new treatment have opened up for many users.
During the course Streptococcinum – Basic and Experience given by Andreas Tilch together with Gabi Schörk, Andres Tilch explains the background and characteristics of the new C5-triturated Streptococcinum-Tilch potencies.
The strength of classical homoeopathy lies within the individual and about finding the very personal remedy for his very special symptoms according to the law of similars. Here, the individual is seen as a closed system. However, the individual human being is integrated into a collective system with very special patterns that affect the individual. Every living being has to live in a symbiosis with a host organism, complementing each other and practising a mutual give and take so that both get the necessary resources.
This giving and taking is also always at risk, and the common primal fear of all living beings in symbiosis is the question: “Am I a valuable symbiont and do I get my vital resources, or am I a worthless parasite considered a dangerous one? Will I be thrown out of the system or even actively killed, perhaps deprived of my livelihood?” This is the primal stress of all living things that have to live in a symbiosis.
This is the subject of Streptococcinum because the streptococci have a particularly big problem with it. They have the feeling that they are neither welcome nor wanted in this system.
Good I – Bad I – Not I
As far as our consciousness is concerned, we distinguish:
- Our Good I: This is how we want to be, the qualities we are proud of and like to show of ourselves, what makes us attractive in the symbiosis and what we can bring into the symbiosis.
- Our Bad I: We know that this side of us also exists, but we are not proud of it and are ashamed. Therefore we hide it from others.
The largest part of our consciousness, however, is
- Our Not I: “That is not who I am!!!” This is a very deeply split-off part of ourselves that we hide from ourselves. We can only recognise this part when we see what upsets us most in others, especially in symbiotic partners with whom we live closely. Everything that we hide from ourselves is like an explosive device in our subconscious that wants to play along. It also belongs to us and is ultimately a resource for survival, for strength and quite valuable to us. But we dismiss it as not conducive to life and exclude it. We want nothing to do with these parts. It is frightening for us to see that such a part lives in us, and out of fear that we could blow up the system if we authorize this part to act, we split it off. We might still somehow manage with the Bad I part if we suppress it and make an effort to get better, but the Not I part is a huge problem for us. We give very little space to the Bad I parts in us, but we give no space at all to the Not I parts because we are afraid of them in our subconscious. This makes it very narrow and tight for these parts in us. They are squeezed and stuck in our mental basement, and so we keep an enemy in our basement.
If we now take Streptococcinum, then the parts that have been split off as unacceptable are set in motion. If we use another remedy, such as Pulsatilla, we also go into resonance with parts from the Not I area, but the deepest, most unpleasant and most pressurising shadows, we reach with Streptococcinum the most deeply locked away deprived children, Streptococci are not wanted by anyone, no one wants to live in symbiosis with them, everyone wants to kick them out, whether with antibiotics or natural means, but in the end, they should be gone. Everyone agrees on that. This part of us that we do not want to live in symbiosis with is what emerges in us after the administration of Streptococcinum. Not just individually in individual people, we experience that this is our collective, common operating system. Each of us has these caged, tightly squeezed deprived parts that we do not want to acknowledge.
Streptococcinum takes away our fear of these split-off parts in the long run and then we come into contact with them. Sometimes what then comes up is very welcome, but sometimes it is not. This can easily be misinterpreted by classical homoeopaths as a ‘clinical test. Being trained as homoeopaths, we know that a certain remedy can cure certain symptoms because it can also produce the symptoms in question.
So there is the idea that we can develop Streptococcinum poisoning symptoms and that it will harm us if we continue with it. But as has been shown after treating more than 1500 patients, the opposite is true with the new C5-triturated Strept-Tilch. In combination with transformative life experiences induced by StrepTilch, the continued intake of suitable potencies (C5 trituration) turns completely unacceptable shadow sides into redeemed qualities during the course of a development process.
In the beginning, Andreas Tilch worked with the untriturated potencies of the manufacturer Helios Pharmacy, England, as he had learnt them from Jayesh Shah. According to Samuel Hahneman, the first three potencies should normally be prepared from hand triturations with milk sugar, and only from the fourth centesimal potency onwards should they be further potentised in liquid form with a water-alcohol mixture. Andreas Tilch had assumed this also being the case with the Streptococcinum by Helios that he used. Many of his patients were also very satisfied with these old potencies, but there were also some people in his practice who after a while of regular treatment were no longer so satisfied and said, “Somehow, I do not like taking the remedy at all any longer.” It just did not work as efficiently after a while, and the physical complaints did not improve so well as he had expected.
This was the reason why Andreas Tilch contacted John Morgan, the head of Helios Pharmacy, at the beginning of 2021 and asked him to prepare the Streptococcinum again from the same starting substance, a culture of sterilised lyophilised streptococci: This time from a C5 lactose trituration and with liquid further potentisation only from the C6 potency. From his many years of collaboration with the Freiburg doctor Jürgen Becker, who had developed the so-called ‘C4 homoeopathy’ together with the pharmacist Withold Ehrler, Andreas Tilch knew that the number of initial trituration stages has a great influence on the depth of action of homoeopathic remedies and that C5trituration is very important for remedies with great collective significance. During a telephone conversation with John Morgan, Andreas Tilch had learnt that the ‘old’ Streptococcinum had not been triturated at all, but had been potentised directly from the starting substance in liquid form. Many pharmaceutical companies deviate from Hahneman’s strict manufacturing instructions for some remedies and, for the sake of simplicity, sometimes produce homoeopathic potencies without laborious initial manual trituration – and this was also the case with the ‘old’ Streptococcinum from Helios.
John Morgan agreed, procured the same starting substance once again and produced the new C5-dispensed potencies by hand in the potencies C 10, C 40, C 220, 1.3 M (= C 1,300), 7.78 M (= C 7,780) and 46,66 M (= C 46,660) requested by Andreas Tilch (calculated according to a formula from C4 homoeopathy). John Morgan gave the new remedy the name STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES (TILCH C5) – abbreviated to STREP-P-Tilch or STREP-PT.
With this ‘new’ remedy, which bears the name of Andreas Tilch, many people who previously did not make any progress with the untriturated remedy, now get along wonderfully with STREP-P-Tilch, the new streptococcus from C5trituration. The effect of the remedy is much more intense thanks to the C5trituration, works much deeper into the body cells and has a much more grounding and stabilising effect than the old, untriturated version of the remedy, while at the same time maintaining a strong opening of consciousness towards higher, heavenly perspectives thanks to the liquid potentisation.
In the meantime, Andreas Tilch has treated more than 1,500 people with Streptococcinum from C5trituration and can say that he can see quite wonderful and lasting effects in 90 % – 95 % of his patients.
There are now also pharmacies in Germany where you can get the remedy in the original Helios quality, namely
at the Brahms Apotheke in Regensburg (www.brahms-apotheke.de),
the Altstadt Apotheke in Amberg (www.altstadtapotheke-amberg.de),
the Engel Apotheke in Freiburg (www.engel-apotheke-freiburg.de) and
the Apotheke Zum weißen Engel – Homeocur in Retz/Austria (www.homeocur.com).
Potencies and their characteristics
C 10 Andreas Tilch describes this potency as a very down-to-earth potency that is close to the body. When taking C10, many people get very clear feedback from their bodies about what is needed now. Some, for example, feel a leaden tiredness and want nothing but sleep. They can only 100% give in to this need for sleep. C10 can also be important in the case of an acute illness. One takes it and feels very precisely that one needs this or that, should drink or eat something, or maybe needs fresh air or a sick note. One feels very precisely what is good for one and what is less helpful. C10 also has the full effect of the Streptococcinum healing potential. A lady patient with post-traumatic stress disorder had immediate improvement after taking Streptococcinum.
C 40 is the potency with which he normally begins his treatments. The narrowness becomes less and you get more widening. From this widening one can better perceive the signals of the body, and one also has more courage to follow them. One feels that a break is needed, similar to when taking C10, only a little clearer and a little more concise. Many say they become calmer, more serene, more relaxed and increasingly positive. It is also very suitable for collective applications. If the whole family takes it, then the feeling of being connected inside and with the family just becomes greater and in an easy way without – mental processes that are too challenging. One can say that C40 is simply a relatively simple feel-good remedy, a remedy with which many people feel quite well.
C 220 is a potency at which one experiences the beginning of a rebellion. It is a kind of ‘pubertal potency’ where an adolescent mood can arise and dissonance can develop in the family. Particularly well-adjusted children then allow themselves to be contradictory, to set themselves apart, which sometimes does not meet with so much understanding from others. This can shake up the family. Physical symptoms can also emerge, e.g. a sinus infection or any illnesses from the past can come up again. Like all Streptococcinum potencies, C 220 also clearly has a trauma-relieving effect. In the case of unpleasant emotional and physical turbulence, he then moves on relatively quickly to the 1.3 M potency.
1.3 M potency which many people take for a long time. In terms of effect, one has to distinguish:
- People who have more of a yin consciousness, the tender ones, the loving ones, the fine ones, who feel the world out there is more threatening than heavy and exhausting, have more of a need for protection. For people, who are more hesitant and reserved it is more likely that they directly perceive an increased I-confidence with the M 1.3. They feel better, braver, and increasingly energetic. They feel a lot of CLARITY and simply have more courage to make decisions for their lives themselves:
It may be that others will not like this now for a while. Before their partner may have said, “No, you should not have an e-bike”. But if she does not scold or complain now (that would be C 220), but goes and buys the e-bike, no matter what he says about it, then it may not be so easy for him to deal with it.
- In turn, a strong yang armour tends to become more permeable, and more accessible, and a TANGIBILITY develops there.
7.78 M taking this potency, the courage to change becomes even greater. It is not just ‘I am going to buy an e-bike’, but ‘I am going to change jobs’, ‘ I am going to change where I live’, and possibly even ‘I allow myself not only to rebel and buy the e-bike but also to feel that it is better neither to find a good solution nor to find a harmony where I have to suppress my true intentions.’
Also, when I go into dissonance and endure dissonance or even risk a state where it is not clear whether it will continue together, provides a kind of positive independence in the sense of ‘I am always more lifted in this Big I. I am in this network feeling and not the Little I who depends on the other to compensate for his/her sense of lack. Whereas what I need is provided for on another level. I do not need this one partner or this job by hook or by crook, or this place of residence where I do not feel comfortable at all.’
Then there develops an increasing heart connection and network consciousness together with the consciousness also for the ancestors and for collective energy patterns of the ancestors, meaning for things for which one suddenly opens up to feel: Oh yes, with my grandpa, my father, my mother or grandma, I always had a very bad relationship, but now I see everything in a different light, from a different perspective. I see that he/she had the same disturbance in his/her heart as I also had. I see it now from a greater expanse. I can see him/her more lenient and the horizon is widening ever more.
In the long run, 7.78 M potency is quite a wonderful potency. It is wonderful when you reach this potency, then you can enjoy it very much and stay with it for a very long time. Many practitioners favour administering this 7.78 M potency.
At 46.66 M you get an even wider perspective and your network awareness expands even more. The trust that we are well taken care of at all times, grows, and also that everything happening is guided by a higher intelligence. Stress patterns stored in us dissolve evermore. We develop a bigger trust in life and feel this loving guidance more and more in the context of very deep spiritual connectedness experiences. If someone then receives a craniosacral treatment or an osteopathic treatment during such a phase, this can then lead to experiences of true bliss.
However, to get there, older ancestral traumas are called into consciousness, which want to be felt and where it is possible to come into contact with the pain of our great-grandfather. Weep about what he had to experience in the war. In such a deeply intimate contact it can be that he simultaneously becomes something like our guide on earth and a very stable connection and an even greater clarity develops, which gives us the courage to dare to make very radical changes in our life situation. In a job that we may have been doing for 30 years, we will then demand a salary increase and if it does not happen, we will look for another job.
Healed Streptococcinum means ‘life is an ocean of possibilities’. Trusting that everything is taken care of on a higher level, I may want something, I may vividly imagine it and discuss it with the sources I am now connected to, and I will experience a life of abundance. That is what people experience, but it is a journey to get there. It is not a matter of simply taking some globules and then waiting for everything to go according to a plan. It is also a matter of going through the traumas of the ancestors as well as feeling one’s way through the old traumas that are still deep in one’s tissues once again with a lot of love. Then we come to this point where life holds all doors open for us. In this respect, the 46.66 M is not a potency to start with, but a step to take, worthwhile, for later.
During the question & answer module on the Streptococcinum Basic and Experience Course with Gabi Schörk, Andreas Tilch was repeatedly asked how to take Streptococcinum. Therefore, after his experiences with the many people who have been greatly helped by this remedy, he has briefly compiled the following intake schedule:
Possible intake of the regimen Streptococcinum
Compensated condition/collective treatment:
Proven start with C 40 (or with C 10 if you want to be very careful) daily intake for 2 – 4 weeks, a few globules daily (e.g. 5; 1 – 10), pure, let melt in the mouth, 15 minutes interval of meals/teeth brushing.
If you feel good about it: either continue like this or reduce the intake to 2 times/week or 1 time/week.
Continue with this for weeks or months.
Increase in potency:
If one feels the call for it, is looking forward to it or is curious: Change to C 220, daily for 2 – 4 weeks, continue as described above.
If emotional turbulence persists: Increase to 1.3 M relatively soon.
After 1 – 4 – 8 – 12 weeks increase to 1.3 M. One can often stay at this potency for a long time, for months or a year or longer.
If bored or the feeling persists that desires remain unfulfilled: Increase to 7.78 M.
If bored or the feeling persists that desires remain unfulfilled: Increase to 46.66 M.
Intermittent acute conditions:
Continue the same potency, but more frequently during the day, if necessary increase the potency. If no improvement: Increase potency by one or two levels. In addition, listen to the body’s signals, to the collective treatment of the caregiver(s), the bonding experience, and be unconditionally lifted to safety. Consult a GP if necessary.
After overcoming a crisis:
Stay at a higher potency if you have a good feeling about it.
Or when there is an acute crisis, physical or emotional.
Take it when there is the fear of an impending transition, a major surgery, a specific event, an exam, a birth or the cut of the umbilical cord:
Proven start with higher potencies: 1.3 M or 7.78 M – depending on the intensity; as the remedy is quickly ‘burnt up’ in acute major crises, he also gives it several times a day and recommends also treating the caregiver.
Dr. Tilch has never given the 46.66 M as the first remedy in a crisis – however, who knows what the future holds?
You do not have to follow this pattern exactly. Everyone has to feel or find out for themselves what is right for them and trust their intuition. The remedy is generally soft and docile, and if something comes up violently, then it helps to simply listen to the body’s signals, slow down, get help, call in sick and go into calm mode, be good and loving with your I. Then things will also resolve themselves again. As unpleasant as a reaction can be experienced in individual cases, in all patients it has always been through stages of root work that have led to a helpful life experience or initiated a healing process.
Of course, it is important in all situations, both acute and compensated conditions, to also treat the caregivers, if possible. If, for example, the child is stressed before a change of school, he or she is afraid and has stomach pains, then not only the child should be treated, but also include the mother or father in the treatment. Preferably also grandma and grandpa and all those who are in a “pay attention” position and eagerly await the upcoming event.
It is not advisable to stop halfway and say: “I will not take this anymore. Unpleasant things have come up and it is not for me.” That would mean missing out on the best (like the fairy tale of the genie in the bottle).
……to be continued
This article was compiled by the Paracelsus “Health & Healing” team in cooperation with Dr. Andreas Tilch.
Excerpts taken with kind permission from the book “From Primal Fear to Connectedness“ (Von der Urangst zur Verbundenheit” by Dr Andreas Tilch, Similimum Verlag 2023, the Streptococcinum “Basic- and experimential course“ (Basis- und Erfahrungskurs”) by the „Lucky Tots“ (Glücksknirpsen) and the online congress “Spring awakening” (Frühlingserwachen) by Doris and Mathias Berner.
Dr. med. Andreas Tilch
Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin – Homöopathie –
Dreisamstr. 13
D-79098 Freiburg
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