2. The Mineral Substances of Life
2.1.1 How did Schuessler find the mineral substances which are significant for human beings?
Schuessler himself wrote in the first edition of his “Abgekürzte Heilweise”2: “The basis of my research was histology3 ,the chemistry referring to it, the inorganic components of the tissues, and the physiological effects or functions of these components.“
“… The domains of the inorganic function minerals were discovered by myself on the parallel paths of theory and practice.“4
Based on his research, he compiled those twelve inorganic substances which are contained in the “animal organism“ (this is how Schuessler formulated it). Later, he omitted the twelfth salt because he replaced it by numbers 9 and 11.
He determined the following mineral substances. They are listed in the sequence known to us today:
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 4 Kalium chloratum, No. 5 Kalium phosphoricum, No. 6 Kalium sulfuricum, No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum, No. 8 Natrium chloratum, No. 9 Natrium phosphoricum, No. 10 Natrium sulfuricum, No. 11 Silicea, and No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum.
With regard to this, Joachim Broy wrote the following in his book (“Die Biochemie nach Dr. Schuessler“5): “Schuessler was careful in the choice of his function minerals. He wished to avoid doubtful or badly tested remedies that entered into his sequence. After all, he had created his healing method exactly for this reason.
When examinations became known that questioned this requirement for his Calc.sulf. remedy, he removed it immediately from his sequence. After this, the sequence only contained eleven remedies. As a replacement, Schuessler suggested the combination of Natr. phos. and Silicea. Nevertheless, important indications were lost due to this reduction.”
The way in which Dr. Schuessler deals with this problem can be read in the 25th edition of “Abgekürzte Therapie6“, the last edition revised by himself:
“In Moleschott’s ‘Physiologie der Nahrungsmittel’, sulphate of lime is listed as a nutrient. The work in question appeared in 1859. Since then, many a conception has been subject to correction.
In Bunge’s textbook of the physiological and pathological chemistry, which appeared in 1887, sulphate of lime is only found in bile analyses, namely in two analyses, and not in the other two.
In his textbook, Bunge said about sulphur:
‘Mainly in the form or protein, it reaches into the animal body, and from there, from the breaking down and oxidation of the protein it emerges for the most part as sulphuric acid. In this form, bound to alkalis, it leaves the animal body in order to start its cycle afresh.’
Sulphuric acid is bound to potassium and sodium, and thus not to earths: calcium and magnesia.
Sulphate of lime has been successfully applied in case of some diseases (suppurations processes, affections of skin and mucous membranes), but – as can be seen from the above – it does not enter into the constant composition of the organism and, therefore, has to disappear from the biochemical scene.
Instead, phosphoricum and Silicea come into question.
In the meantime, research has taken giant steps forward. Due to more refined analysis methods it became possible to discover even further substances that belong to the constant stock of the human body. It is necessary to trust in the fact that Dr. Schuessler would have integrated these new findings into his spectrum in an ingenious manner and would have expediently integrated them into the system developed by him.
Number 12 was taken back into the sequence by some followers, whereas others finally neglected it.
Schuessler himself was quite open-minded towards changes in his healing method, a fact he also confessed in writing, “Biochemistry is still not perfect, but it is perfectible and will become perfect as time goes by.
If physicians who have acquired thorough knowledge in the fields of physiological chemistry and pathological anatomy, wish to help me in the further extension of my work, their contributions would be very welcome to me.“
During the course of more than hundred years which have passed since D. Schuessler’ s death, a series of further mineral substances were found in the human body that are not only temporarily existing in the composition, but which are constant. They extend the stock of twelve of Dr. Schuessler’s applied mineral substances to a total of twenty seven, where recently Adler Pharma have endeavoured to expand the sequence of mineral substances to further necessary trace elements that are found in the organism. Presumably, there will be six further extension remedies.
However, mainly the original twelve, resp. eleven biochemical remedies according to Dr. Schuessler are used.
They represent the basic remedies of biochemistry according to Dr. Schuessler.
2.1.2 The Preparation of the Mineral Substances by Dr. Schuessler
Due to homeopathy and the Arndt-Schulz Rule, Dr. Schuessler knew how significant the preparation of mineral substances was. Furthermore, due to the quite modern cell research of his days, he recognized that only individual ions are able to enter into the cell. This way, he was able to fall back on the knowledge and on the skills which he had acquired as a doctor of homeopathy.
The mineral substances are potentialized because they are individually, separately, available in the carrier substance, lactose. This way, they can immediately enter into the stock of the individual cells.
Three mineral substances are particularly strongly potentialized because they are not easily taken up by the body – in D12: Number 1, Calcium fluoratum; Number 3, Ferrum phosphoricum; and Number 11, Silicea. The other mineral substances are not so highly potentialized because the sixth decimal trituration is sufficient. In particular cases, other potencies might prove to be useful. For this, however, special professional knowledge is necessary.
“On average, I make use of the sixth decimal trituration in my practice. I administer Ferrum phosphoricum, Silicea and fluorite in the twelveth trituration. In acute cases, in an interval of one or two hours (in chronic cases three to four times daily) I administer a pea-sized quantity of the trituration, either dry or dissolved in a teaspoon of water.“7
Evading into other potencies cannot be recommended. It is better to take more of the tablets in the higher potency because they can be taken up much better by the organism. The mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler should explicitly be demanded as such, and always in the dilution recommended by Dr. Schuessler.
With regard to the potency, Dr. Schuessler gives clear hints in the 25th edition of his “Abgekürzte Therapie”8:
“All substances not soluble in water (Ferrum phosphoricum, Calcarea fluorica, and Silicea) have to be brought at least to the sixth level of the decimal dilution scale; those substances soluble in water could also enter the newly mentioned epithelial cells in lower dilutions.“
For Dr. Schuessler, the use of different potencies was a matter of course; he was after all a trained homeopath. He did not necessarily commit himself to definite potencies, however, he states minimum potencies for the three insoluble mineral substances. In fact, there is quite a liberal choice in the selection of the potentiation as far as Dr. Schuessler is concerned as it is also formulated by Dr. Schneider in his book. The possibility of choice of potentiations described in the following citation, however, is in our opinion reserved to a trained specialist, in this case a trained homeopath.
For all those who have not acquired any special knowledge in this special field, it is recommended to maintain those potencies which were generally recommended by Dr. Schuessler. This point of view is also shared by Kurt Hickethier, as the following citation will show.
Dr. Schneider (like Dr.Schuessler in his “Abgekürzte Therapie”9)- deals with the potentialization of mineral substances in his already cited book (“Biochemischer Hausarzt“) in the following way:
“The biochemical function minerals have therefore not been selected according to the principle of similarities as in homeopathic remedies in the furthest sense, but are chemically pure salts, which are homogenous with regard to the mineral substances of the cells of the body; they effect these physiologically-chemically and are able to directly balance out the disturbances of the molecules of the cells by replacing what the cells have lost during the illness. This way, they help the natural coveting of the body for healing in a suitable manner. Their molecular movements sympathise with those of the similar elements of the diseased cells, and the latter attract the salts and thus renew their structure. This way, the diseased cells are getting healthy and are now able to master the disease. (energetic control).
Thus, for example, in the case of rachitis the bone cells lack the ability to form new bones. The bones remain weak and feeble. If one administers phosphate of lime that is lacking in the cells, these are now put into a position to form healthy and firm bone in the normal manner.
The total amount of salts in the body is low, as the following example shows.
1 g of blood cell contains the following salts:
0,000 998g Iron,
0,000 060g Magnesium phosphate,
0,000 094g Potassium phosphate
0,000 132g Potassium
0,000 633g Sodium phosphate
0,002 343g Potassium phosphate
0,003 079g Potassium chloride
These are dilution levels that are equal to the third, fourth, and fifth decimal dilution. This is the reason why we – deviating from Dr.Schuessler – recommend (with the exception of the sixth) also the lower dilutions.“
In the case of Dr. Schneider, a very independent point of view is shown, also with regard to the dilutions, a point of view which he on his own initiative is able to represent well. He also describes the effect of the Calcium phosphoricum molecules, which enable the bone-forming cells to build up their calcium coat again and thus to form a firm bone. However, not everyone who uses mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler has such qualified knowledge about the coherences and is relying on simple specifications.
…to be continued
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